Saturday, June 7, 2014

Judge Refused To Grant Van Hollen An Emergency Injunction To Stop Same-sex Marriages In Wisconsin

J.B. Van Hollen

U.S. District court judge refused Van Hollen's attempt to immediately issue an injunction to stop same-sex marriages in Wisconsin.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 7, 2014

Madison, WI - On Friday, a U.S. District judge refused to issue an immediate injunction to stop same-sex marriages in Wisconsin. J.B. Van Hollen, (R) the Wisconsin Attorney General attempted to get an injunction after U.S. District Court Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that the 2006 voter referendum, which amended the state constitution to ban same-sex marriages in Wisconsin was unconstitutional clearing the way for weekend same-sex marriages in Wisconsin. Van Hollen hopes that the U.S. Supreme Court will eventually decided the outcome and legality of same-sex marriages. 
On Friday, the Dane County Courthouse in Madison stayed open late and about 60 same-sex couples were married. In Milwaukee, more than 70 same-sex couples were reported married.
The courthouses will open on Saturday to allow more same-sex couples to marry.

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