Friday, September 27, 2024

58-year-old Dimitri A. Kamolov, A St. Francis High School Resource Officer Charged With Hiding Cellphone To Secretly Record Female Student Changing Clothes

Kamolov, a St. Francis Police Officer is facing termination from the department after he was criminally charged in Milwaukee County with multiple felonies in connection with setting up a cellphone in a room at the St. Francis High School in order to secretly video record a female student while she was changing.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

October 27, 2024

St. Francis, Wisconsin - On Friday, Dimitri A. Kamolov, 58, made his initial appearance at a Milwaukee County court where he was charged with two felony counts for invade privacy-use of surveillance device - (victim under 18 years old) and attempt capture of intimate representation - (victim - under 18 years old).

If convicted, Kamolov is facing up to 3 years and 6 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for invade privacy, and up to 6 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for attempt capture of intimate representation. A $5,000 cash bail, was set for Kamolov.

According to the criminal complaint, on September 4th, a female student at St. Francis High School noticed a concealed cellphone that was recording inside a room where she was changing. She reported the cellphone to the principal, which was later recovered by a agent from the Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI).

The St. Francis Police Department received a call from the school when the cellphone was found raising allegations of inappropriate behavior by School Resource Officer (SRO) Kamolov who worked part time at the school. Kamolov was immediately placed on unpaid administrative leave and is now facing termination.

The DCI investigation recovered a cellphone video showing him placing the cellphone in the room. Kamolov had also emailed or texted multiple videos to himself, according to the DCI.

Kamolov had given the female student a t-shirt from Brazil to try on. When she went into a room, she unzip a hoodie and tried the t-shirt while wearing a tank top. When she removed her shorts that's when she noticed the hidden cellphone and then contacted the principal.

On Tuesday, September 24, Kamolov was taken into custody by the DCI pending criminal charges.

Kamolov has served with the St. Francis Police Department for 32 years and 4 of those years, he served part time at the high school.

The DCI hasn't released any information or confirmed, whether Kamolov had secretly cellphone video recorded other students in private school room settings in the last 4 years.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Milwaukee County DA's Office Letter Reveals Juveniles Involved In Southside Elderly Aggrevated Assault/Battery Cases Won't Be Facing Criminal Charges For Assaulting One Of The Victims

A letter from the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office posted in social media by the stepson of one of the elderly victims brutally attacked on September 11 in the Southside of Milwaukee indicated that in one of the victim cases, the juvenile suspects (Bradley Tech students) involved in the felony aggravated assault of an elderly won't be facing criminal charges.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 19, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Felipe Martínez Jr., posted a copy of the letter from the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office dated September 12th sent to Jesse M. Andino, one of the elderly victims indicating that the juveniles involved in his assault won't be criminally charged. 

The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office unsigned letter to Andino says that in the juvenile case 24MJ001809/03342924, "The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office at the Juvenile Justice Center has reviewed police reports and other evidence in the case in which you were listed as the victim. Based upon that review, Assistant District Attorney Anthony Moore has concluded that no charges will be issued in this matter."

Martinez Jr. also indicated in his social media post that the juveniles were charged for the brutal beating of his stepfather Freddie Vega, but won't face charges for the assault of his uncle Andino, who is Vega's brother.

The 5 juveniles who have been arrested ages, two 14, two 15 and one 16 years old will be criminally charged for the felony aggravated assault of Vega, but according to the DA's letter, they won't be facing criminal charges for assaulting Andino,  who suffered minor injuries and most likely won't be charged in the third unidentified elderly victim case, who also suffered minor injuries during the brutal attack on September 11 at an alleyway located at the 700 block of S. 1st Street,  that was caught on cellphone videos that went viral in social media. The three elderly victims, Freddie Vega, 63, Jesse M. Andino, 62, and a 53-year-old unidentified victim.

The three victims were at a gray painted building doing some remodeling work inside when a group of students from Bradley Technology and Trade School had gathered in the alley to see several female students fight. Some of the female students were allegedly on top of a vehicle belonging to one of the elderly victims, they were twerking (a sexually suggestive dance style) and the the victims came out of the building and told them to get off the vehicle and stop what they were doing. Then, multiple male students aggressively assaulted the three victims. 

In the cellphones videos, Vega was seen being brutally attacked, punched and kicked by multiple juveniles. Vega suffered multiple broken ribs, a broken nose and collarbone, he also suffered a six inch cut that was stitched up in his left side of the face, according to family members. (Cellphone videos of brutal attack posted in the following article link:

Both Andino and a third victim suffered minor injuries.

Editors note:

The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office exposed the double justice system that is practiced in Milwaukee County under District Attorney John T. Chisholm, which one justice system is for Whites and the other justice system is for people of color.

Most likely, if the Black juveniles had brutally attacked three elderly European-Americans (Whites), the juveniles would be facing three felony counts each for aggravated assault of an elderly and would quickly be waved to adult court. But in thls case, as we can read the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office letter dated September 12th, to Jesse M. Andino, he won't get justice in Milwaukee County.

D.A. Chisholm previously announced that he won't be seeking reelection.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

WI DOJ Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) Confirmed That He Never Received Any Information From His Staff Regarding Julie Valadez Exposing The Waukesha County Family Court Corruption

Kaul says, he didn't know anything about Julie Valadez's divorce case in Waukesha County, which her 4 children were left with the known abusive father.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Tuesday, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) attended a UMOS Leadership Luncheon and Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUS) was able to speak and asked him directly about the Julie Valadez v. Ricardo Valadez divorce case number 2018FA000296 in Waukesha family court. Kaul confirmed to HNNUSA, that he didn't know anything and never received a letter from Julie exposing the blatant Waukesha family court corruption by Judge Michael J. Aprahamian who failed to follow Wisconsin State domestic abuse case laws involving children and spouses. 

In July 2021, Julie wrote a 6-page letter to Attorney General Kaul in Wisconsin detailing her ordeal and exposing the corruption going through the Waukesha County family court system. Kaul confirmed on Tuesday, he never received it and didn't know anything about Julie's allegations. (Article exposing the ordeal that Julie went through at link:

Apparently, Kaul was never informed by anyone or any executive staff member from the WI Department of Justice (WIDOJ) about Julie's dilemma and ordeal she was facing in July of 2021, which exposed one of the most corrupt Waukesha County family court systems in Wisconsin.

Julie has won at least 5 Wisconsin Court of Appeals decisions, that reversed and remanded a solution to apply in Julie's divorce case, especially her right to be a parent and see her children who were allowed to remain with the abusive father. 

Also when Judge Aprahamian was replaced after the Wisconsin State Court of Appeals ruled that he erred in his decisions, the replacement Judge Ralph M. Ramirez kept Judge Aprahamian's decision and also failed to follow the Wisconsin State Court of Appeals decisions in favor of Julie.

Today, Julie remains in Canada as an asylum refugee and continues to fight for her rights to see her 4 children that were illegally taken from her in Waukesha County, and hopes to some day be able to see all her children.

According to Waukesha County Court records, former Chief Judge Jennifer R. Dorow replaced Judge Ramirez after the Wisconsin State Court of Appeals ruled that he also erred in Julie's divorce case and had to recuse himself from the case after failing to follow state laws dealing with domestic abuse of a spouse and failing to protect her children from the abusive father.

Justice for Julie and her children!

Julie Valadez recently posted the following in her Facebook account:

Please know…

I am still alive despite being deemed a high lethality risk I have managed to somehow survive still..

I am still here despite that I was wrongfully ordered jailed 4 times by Waukesha courts who was reversed each time and it is still the case that both Aprahamian and Ramirez were reversed by the appellate court and that neither one followed the WI domestic abuse laws…

I am still here despite that I was subject to an unlawful and reversed order on remand by Ralph Ramirez and Kurt Schuster admitted that the order for his clients custody was null and void yet he aided his client to lie about having custody on remand…

I am still here with an appellate court order that you can't change my stipulated sole custody and primary placement of my children and direct mandate to make me and my children's safety paramount as the law requires is still in exists as published case law despite everyone that is acting like I am dead or like an appellate court order doesn't matter…

I am still here despite all those ignoring reports of continuing abuse and concealment of my children that is still happening….

I am still here despite informing the court I had to flee due to ongoing abuse and concealment of my children and failure to follow the law which I have a right to do and I am still being ignored as well as continued ignoring of Wisconsin laws and the WI appellate order, I may have had to flee but I am still alive…can I be treated as dead when I am alive? Can I be treated as if I don't have any rights secured for me by the law and appellate order?…

I would appreciate acknowledgement I am alive and the mother of my children who are being concealed from me with a court adjudged abuser against the law and against an appellate order 

I would appreciate support for me my kids 🙏🏽 and for support for WI law and WI appellate orders 

For more information follow Julie's Facebook account at link:

Milwaukee Police Called To Prevent Brawl At Mitchell Park Between Females, No Community Activist Showed Up To Deescalate Situation, Despite More Than 1,000 Views On Social Media

Social media anticipated female brawl draws more than 1,000 views during live streaming about Latina females and Black females instigating each other for a brawl at Mitchell Park.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, a group of Latinas including a mother of one of them who apparently was jumped and allegedly beaten up by another group of Black females showed at Mitchell Park around 5:00 p.m. for an anticipated brawl between females. Chantilis Delapaz live streamed a social media video on Facebook (FB) showing her and other women headed to Mitchell Park to confront a group of Black females or female. (Live stream later deleted)

While at Mitchell Park, the Latina females were lived streamed drinking from a tequila bottled at the Mitchell Park parking lot. While Thalia Phelipe lived streamed in social media that she drove by Mitchell Park and showed police at the Mitchell Park, and confessed that she (we) had called police. 

In this incident, more than 1,000 individuals were viewing the live streams connected to the anticipated brawl and no one stepped up at Mitchell Park to deescalate the situation, not even the so called local activists that show up after incidents to capitalize on the situation while mainstream news cameras roll suggesting that they are trying to prevent a racial war between Brown and Black communities, which is certainly a myth, and never the case. 

Even Phelipe shared a FB post from Dior Ari promoting an after party, after the brawl to meet at La Cueva Bar & Restaurant, labeled "entertainment post". 

La Cueva management on social media confirmed, that the bar and restaurant is also open on Mondays. But, La Cueva Milwaukee social media page didn't show any scheduled after party promotion for monday night related to Dior Ari's FB post. 

Why can't people of color just get along, without always trying to fight each other for popularity and who gets the most views and likes in social media, despite social media followers that just laugh at you for the provided entertainment. Not that anyone is getting rich from it.

Today's national politics have also fueled such divisions among people of color with anti-immigrant rhetoric and hate to divide our communities. 

Apparently, Phelipe did what she had to do to deescalate the situation by calling police and preventing the brawl from materializing at Mitchell Park. 

It seems that these women don't realize that they are actually degrading themselves in front of hundreds of FB followers who most don't even care about them. Women, don't degrade yourself (block those who don't respect you in social media, and move on) and you need to set the example for other women too, don't video record your intoxication vibes in public, especially at a Milwaukee County park, because it comes back to haunt you later.

Women of color, be nice and show that today's American culture and politics that promote hate and division among people of color will not define the people of color in our communities.

Be nice people, learn to live with each other's tolerance to resolve disagreements and misunderstandings by not engaging in physical harm that can lead to severe consequences, which can lead to separations of families due to long prison terms that could have been avoided.

Be nice out there, and for the local so called activists, where were you to deescalate this incident?

Oops, the social media live steaming doesn't attract them, only the mainstream news media cameras do.

¡Que triste! How unfortunate!

Monday, September 16, 2024

¡VIVA MEXICO! Flag Should Never Be Placed On The Ground, According To Flag Etiquette


By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 16, 2024

MIlwaukee, Wisconsin - The Mexican Independence Day, September 16th, is celebrated today in México, including the U.S.A. and around the World!

Flag should never be placed on the ground, according to the flag etiquette, "The flag should be flown aloft and free, not carried flat or horizontally. It should not touch the ground or anything else beneath it," according to the VFW.

Same etiquette practiced for the Mexico's flag.

Photo shared by the César E. Chávez Business Improvement District Facebook page in Milwaukee on September 16, 2024, the photo was shared by Líderes por la Salud.


La bandera nunca debe colocarse en el suelo, según la etiqueta de la bandera: "La bandera debe ondear en alto y libremente, no debe llevarse plana u horizontalmente. No debe tocar el suelo ni nada que esté debajo de ella", según la VFW.

La misma etiqueta se practica para la bandera de México.

Foto compartida por la página de Facebook del Distrito de Mejoramiento Comercial César E. Chávez en Milwaukee el 16 de septiembre de 2024, lo foto fue compartida por Líderes por la Salud.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

No Major Weekend Incidents Reported By Police During The September 16th México Independence Celebrations In The Southside Of Milwaukee

Milwaukee police reported no major incidents during the three-day weekend celebrations of the September 16th, México Independence Day festivities in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 15, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Sunday, two major festivals took place to celebrate the Mexican Independence Day festivities. The 50th Annual United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS) Parade and Festival at the UMOS grounds on S. Chase Ave. drew large crowds for the one-day festival.

Also this year, the one-day Nuestra Herencia 2024 on S. César E. Chávez Drive took place and drew hundreds of attendees between W. Greenfield Ave. and W. Mineral Street in the Southside of Milwaukee. The event was sponsored by the César E. Chávez Drive BID 38, Urban Youth Coalition and Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative.

Both the UMOS Mexican Independence Parade and Festival at S. Chase Ave., and Nuestra Herencia at S. Chávez Drive began before noon to 8:00 p.m., and no major incidents were reported by Milwaukee police.

El Conquistador issue dated September 5-11, 2024 announced the one-day on September 15th, VIVA MEXICO & Centro America event from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Mitchell Park sponsored by El Conquistador Latino Newspaper, Brown Berets of Wisconsin, In My City 305 and El Rey was canceled.  

The San Alberto three-day church festival took place over the weekend at the 1900 block of W. Becher Street in Milwaukee.

The Gran Festival sponsored by Candy's La Chiquita was held at Reiski Park, S. 24 Street and W. Lapham Blvd on Saturday, September 14th.

Hispanic Heritage Month Fest 2024 took place at the Deer District Plaza in downtown Milwaukee on Friday, September 13th, which was sponsored by the Hispanic Collaborative in Milwaukee.

It was a festive three-day weekend in the Southside of Milwaukee, which also included the annual impromptu flag waving and vehicle cruising throughout the Milwaukee Southside.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Missing 3-year-old Elijah Vue Confirmed Deceased, The Two Rivers Police Department Reported In Manitowoc County

3-year-old Vue's skeleton remains were found last week at a remote private property about 3 miles from where he was first reported missing, the Town of Two Rivers Police Department reported.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 13, 2024

Town of Two Rivers, Wisconsin - On Friday, the Two Rivers Police Department confirmed that the child's skeleton remains found at a remote private property last weekend belong to 3-year-old Elijah Vue, as was previously reported by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) when anonymous sources made the preliminary information available to media.

It was previously reported that law enforcement investigators on September 7, 2024 located a skull, skeleton remains and a diaper at a remote area, an adjacent private property near the 140 acre of the Girl Scout Camp Manitou.

A local deer hunter in the woods (private property) came upon the skeleton remains and notified law enforcement, Manitowoc County Sheriff Dan Hartwig reported.

Vue's skeleton remains were identified through DNA forensic tests by the Wisconsin State Crime Lab.

Elijah's mother Katrina B. Baur, 31, was charged on February 26, 2024 with one felony count for chronic neglect of a child, including party to a crime, and two misdemeanor counts for resisting or obstructing an officer and one misdemeanor count for neglecting a child.

Her boyfriend Jesse Vang, 34, was also charged on February 26, 2024 with one felony count for chronic neglect of a child, including party to a crime.

Both Baur and Vang remained silent and would not disclosed where Elijah's body was concealed or located.

Baur and Vang will be facing homicide charges, according to police.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

29-year-old Jayson Rivera-Montalvo Charged With 2nd-degree Reckless Homicide For The Murder Of Natalie Ramos-Rodriguez, 39, In The Southside Of Milwaukee

Rivera-Montalvo has been criminally charged for the homicide of Natalie Ramos-Rodriguez in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 12, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Jayson Rivera-Montalvo, 29, was charged with one felony count of 1st-degree reckless homicide and use of a dangerous weapon in connection with the September 9, 2024 homicide of Natalie Ramos-Rodriguez, 39, in the Southside of Milwaukee. 

If convicted, Rivera-Montalvo is facing up to 25 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines, or both. He is also facing an additional 5 years in prison for use of a dangerous weapon.

On Monday, Milwaukee police responded around 10:40 p.m. to a shooting at the 700 block of S. 24 Street and found Ramos-Rodriguez with a critical gunshot wound in the bedroom. Life-saving measures were applied by first responders, but Ramos-Rodriguez succumbed to her injuries at the scene.

The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office pronounced Ramos-Rodriguez deceased at 10:50 p.m. on Monday.

Rivera-Montalvo was taken into custody in connection with Ramos-Rodriguez's homicide.

Ramos-Rodriguez is survived by four children.

City Of Milwaukee Licenses Committee Anonymously Approved Class B Tavern And Public Entertainment License For Felipe Martínez Jr. To Open The New "Lounge Live" At 705 S. 1st Street

The Milwaukee Common Council Licenses Committee anonymously approved a new Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment license for Live Lounge at 705 S. 1st Street.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 12, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Tuesday, the City of Milwaukee Common Council Licenses Committee anonymously approved a new Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment license for Felipe Martínez Jr. from Live On 1st, LLC to open the Live Lounge at 705 S. 1st Street.

Martínez Jr. formerly operated the Walkers Lounge MKE at 627 S. 5th Street, which is now permanently closed after the Licenses Committee voted not to renew the tavern license after several patrons were shot during an altercation between patrons inside the Lounge on January 1, 2023. The shooting victims survived. The Licenses Committee on January 24, 2023 voted for nonrenewal of the Walkers Lounge MKE tavern license. Also Milwaukee police on January 3, 2023 submitted and filed a noticed Nuisance of Premises for the address, according to the Licenses Committee hearing.

Martínez appealed the decision, but it was upheld by the court.

Martínez during his testimony on Tuesday told the Licenses Committee members that he plans to remodel the inside of the building at 705 S. 1st Street and will access to the McDonald's parking lot and also have a parking lot with surveillance cameras across the street, planning to have at least 5 unarmed security guards inside and at least three security guards outside once Live Lounge opens and depending on the occupancy, which could add additional security and staff. A tentative plan is to have at least two armed security guards outside and have 6 Valet parking employees as well. (Video of hearing at Licenses Committee link:

On Wednesday, Martínez's father and another man who were at the 705 S. 1st Street building doing some remodeling of the building were brutally assaulted and beaten by multiple Black male students from Bradley Tech after some female Black students were twerking on top of a vehicle. The students were told by Martínez's father and the other man to get off the vehicle, then the male students attacked both elderly men.

Multiple Lynde and Harry Bradley Technology and Trade School (Bradley Tech) students have been taken into police custody. (Article link:

Multiple Black Male Students From Bradley Tech School Taken Into Custody By Milwaukee Police After Assaulting Two Latino Elderly Men By McDonald's 707 S. 1st Street

Upper video courtesy of Ladaysha Ladaysha 

Lower video courtesy of Dre Lock-hart

Two Latino senior citizens were brutally assaulted by McDonald's Restaurant on S. 1st Street by multiple Black male students from the Lynde & Harry Bradley Technology & Trade School in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 12, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Milwaukee police responded around 3:58 p.m. to a call for a subject with a weapon and  battery/fight/assault at 707 S. 1st Street. When police arrived at the scene, they located two Latino senior (elderly) citizens with injuries of being assaulted and battered (beaten) by a mob of Black students from the Lynde & Harry Bradley Technology & Trade School (Bradley Tech).

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.) learned that the two Latinos were physically attacked by multiple Black teen (acting like hoodlums) from Bradley Tech after they confronted a group of males and female students, which several Black female students were allegedly twerking on top of the man's vehicle and he told them to get off and stop it, according to social media comments.

Then some of the Black male students responded by beating both men that resulted with facial injuries to one of them that was hospitalized for treatment.

A Facebook (FB) video shared by Ladaysha Ladaysha showed the Black male students brutally assaulting the two Latinos. The Latinos didn't even defended themselves other then trying to flee from them, but were ganged up and brutally beaten.

Assaulting and beating an elderly citizen is a felony in the Wisconsin. (Whoever intentionally causes bodily harm to an elderly person is guilty of a Class H felony, Wisconsin State Statue 940 - 198.)

Felipe Martínez Jr., the owner of Walkers Lounge MKE (closed/City license nonrenewal), owner/barber at Flip N Styles and owner of Live Lounge at 705 S. 1st (City Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment license approved on September 10, 2024) posted on the Ladaysha Ladaysha FB post and his personal FB account that one of the elderly men that was brutally beaten was his father. Also, Martínez posted several videos of the aftermath and a photo of his stepfather, named Freddie in the hospital showing the injuries he suffered in his FB account. FB link:

The elderly victims were at the building location at 705 S. 1st Street doing remodeling work for the new Live Lounge building and were attacked by Bradley Tech students in the alley between the building and McDonald's Restaurant.

A family member identified Freddie Vega, 63, Jesse Andino, 62, and a 53-year-old man as the victims who were injured from the assault by Bradley Tech Black students. Vega was hospitalized and is Andino's uncle.

Vega suffered multiple broken ribs, a broken nose and collarbone, he also suffered a six inch cut that was stitched up in his left side of the face, according to family members.

Police arrested two 14-year-old suspects and a 15-year-old suspect.

Milwaukee police are continuing their investigation and more arrests are expected. Apparently, the principal at Bradley Tech was able to identify some of the Black male students involved in the brutal attack, according to sources.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

39-year-old Natalie Ramos-Rodriguez Fatally Shot In The Southside Of Milwaukee

Ramos-Rodriguez was fatally shot in the Southside of Milwaukee and a 29-year-old suspect has been arrested in connection with her homicide.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 10, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, Milwaukee police responded around 10:40 p.m. to a shooting at the 700 block of S. 24 Street and found Natalie Ramos-Rodriguez, 39, from Arroyo, Puerto Rico with a critical gunshot wound in the bedroom. Life-saving measures were applied by first responders, but Ramos-Rodriguez succumbed to her injuries at the scene.

The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office pronounced Ramos-Rodriguez deceased at 10:50 p.m. on Monday.

29-year-old Jayson Rivera-Montalvo was taken into custody in connection with Ramos-Rodriguez's homicide. Homicide charges are pending against Rivera-Montalvo.

Ramos-Rodriguez is survived by four children.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Child's Skeleton Remains Located Near The Girl Scout Camp Manitou In Two Rivers In Wisconsin Believed To Be Missing 3-year-old Elijah Vue

Two Rivers Police Department, Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office and the Manitowoc County Coroner's Office are investigating, if child's skeleton remains belong to missing 3-year-old Elijah Vue who disappeared in February 20, 2024 in Two Rivers, Wisconsin.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 8, 2024

Two Rivers, Wisconsin - Law enforcement investigators from the Two Rivers Police Department, the Manitowoc County Coroner's Office and Sheriff's Office are working to determine, if the child's skeleton remains found on Saturday at the adjacent property next to the Girl Scout Camp Manitou at the 6600 block of Manitou Dr. in Two Rivers.

Law enforcement investigators on Saturday located a skull, skeleton remains and a diaper at a remote area, an adjacent private property next to the 140 acre Camp Manitou.

A local deer hunter in the woods (private property) came upon the skeleton remains and notified law enforcement, Manitowoc County Sheriff Dan Hartwig reported.

The Manitowoc County Coroner's Office is conducting a forensic DNA test to identify the skeleton remains and child's skull that was found, and to determined, if it is conclusive with missing 3-year-old Elijah's DNA.

Elijah's mother Katrina B. Baur, 31, was charged on February 26, 2024 with one felony count for chronic neglect of a child, including party to a crime, and two misdemeanor counts for resisting or obstructing an officer and one misdemeanor count for neglecting a child.

Her boyfriend Jesse Vang, 34, was also charged on February 26, 2024 with one felony count for chronic neglect of a child, including party to a crime.

Both Baur and Vang remained silent and would not disclosed where Elijah's body was concealed or located.

If the DNA test results of the child's skeleton remains located at an adjacent private property near Camp Manitou on Saturday conclude positive for Elijah's DNA, Baur and Vang will be facing homicide charges.

Friday, September 6, 2024

WisDEMS Latino Coalition Southside Office Opens At The 1000 Of W. National Ave., Grand Opening Scheduled For September 16th

The Democratic Party of Wisconsin Latino Coalition to hold a Grand Opening of their Southside Office on W. National Ave..

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 6, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Thursday, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (WisDems) Latino Coalition announced that a Grand Opening of their Southside office is scheduled for September 16th at the 1000 block of W. National Ave. from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., according to a WisDems mass mailing. The WisDems Latino Coalition Office has been operating since early September.

The WisDems Latino Coalition Southside office will be used to help elect Democrats in Wisconsin up and down the ballot ticket in November 2024.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

36-year-old Michael Angel Espinoza Trial Scheduled For October 2024, Charged With 1st-degree Sexual Assault Of A Person Under 13 In Milwaukee

Espinoza is facing trial in October 2024 for several felony counts that includes 1st-degree sexual assault of person under 13, including persistent repeater, and a sex registry violation.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - According to Milwaukee County court records, Michael Angel Espinoza, 36, is scheduled for trial in October 2024 for two felony counts, one felony count for 1st-degree child sexual assault-sexual contact or sexual intercourse with person under 13 including modifier persistent repeater, and one felony count for sex registry violation. Espinoza was criminally charged in June 29, 2023, according to Milwaukee County court records.

If convicted, Espinoza is facing up to 60 years in prison for 1st-degree sexual assault and in addition, to 6 years in prison for persistent repeater. Also, Espinoza is facing 6 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for sex registry violation.

According to the criminal complaint, Espinoza allegedly sexually assaulted his 12-year-old female cousin and had allegedly admitted to police that he sexually assaulted her.

Espinoza was convicted in February 2013 for two felony counts for 2nd-degree sexual assault of a child and was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but his sentenced was stayed and served probation for 5 years.

31-year-old Anthony G. Sims Found Not Guilty By Milwaukee County Jury Of Repeated Sexual Assault Of The Same Child When She Was Only 8 And He Was 17

The 8-year-old child victim now 22 says that a Milwaukee County jury failed her from getting justice, of the man, then 17 who repeatedly raped her as a child between 2009 to 2010.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, a Milwaukee County jury in Judge Jeffrey A. Wagner's court room found Anthony G. Sims, 31, aka, "Buku" not guilty of repeated sexual assault of the same child. According to Gabriela Rodriguez, 22, she posted in her personal Facebook account that last Tuesday was her worst day in her life during her two hour testimony recounting the repeated sexual assault she endured between 2009 to 2010 when she was only 8. Her alleged rapist, Sims was 17 at the time when he allegedly committed repeated sexual assault of a child, Rodriguez posted in social media.

The jury reached a verdict of not guilty on Wednesday due to a "lack of evidence", Rodriguez posted. 

Rodriguez's full Facebook post link:

On 9/03/24 I had to sit Infront of a jury for almost 2 hours answering questions and re-living the worst year of my life. Sobbing on the stand I had to tell them DETAIL by DETAIL of how this person raped me almost everyday in 2009 through 2010 as I explained he was shaking his head talking shit to himself the whole time!. I was ONLY 8 years old , he was 17 damn near an adult. His name is Anthony Sims and some of you on the Southside may know him as "Buku". (PIC IN COMMENTS) I sobbed on the stand as I had to point him out to the jury as he looks at me and smirks. Later on after my mom and his brother took the stand a police interview was shown. In the interview he said he NEVER knew of me and that he didn't even know what the officer was talking about, But as he decided to take the stand later on he was caught in MULTIPLE lies. He stated he did know us and never played with the girl (me) because he didn't want and I quote "something like this to happen". The state asked "so you never played with the girl because you didn't want her to accuse you of sexual assault  AN 8 YEAR OLD GIRL, who doesn't even know what sex is" and of course he had no reply. The state continues to ask him "so Gabriela's tears are fake?" He says "I don't know". They ask "so she's making this up?" he says "i don't know" The next day on 09/04/24 As we waited for a verdict the time finally came I prayed for good news but in the end the jury decided he was not guilty due to "lack of evidence" the whole courtroom said this was bullshit. This broke me. Anthony we both know what you did to me & God will punish you. Just because THEY decided you weren't guilty doesn't mean you didn't do it & I'm not the only person you did this to! & I DONT WANT SYMPATHY FROM ANYONE. I just wanted to tell my truth here since the court absolutely FAILED little 8 year old me, she didn't deserve this. 
Please share.

Sims was taken into custody on February 2, 2024 for one felony count of repeated sexual assault of the same child in Rodriguez's case.

Disgruntled Former Latino MAGAs Continue To Created Fake And False Websites Including Social Media Page To Boost H. Nelson Goodson's Character Who Is Laughing And Enjoying The Fame

Goodson, a Civil Rights and Immigrant Rights advocate says, the former Trump Latino MAGAs in Wisconsin continue to spent money to make him famous by creating fake and false websites and a social media page in an attempt to attack his character, but he confirmed that it's hilarious that these known political nutcases are making him famous and will continue to expose them as just some disgruntled slimy and lying former Latino MAGAs who suffer from some mental deficiency.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
September 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Thursday, H. Nelson Goodson, a well known Civil Rights and Immigrant Rights advocate from Milwaukee who is also a reporter/journalist for the last 40 years told Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that several known loco (nutcases) former Trump Latino MAGAs (Make Amerikkka Great Again) decided in 2019 to create multiple Latino MAGA fake and false websites including a social media page as an attempt to attack Goodson's character, but Goodson says, that he has enjoyed the MAGA flattery and today just laughs about it. 

Many have asked Goodson, why hasn't he sued the Latino MAGAs for defamation and for engaging in lies including writing false articles about him? Goodson in response says, well, to begin with, most of these Latino MAGAs are deeply in debt, broke and can't squeeze any juice from a dry lemon, plus I do enjoy exposing them for who they really are, which is no good, having no moral values, some have even lost their jobs, have criminal backgrounds, are widely known as pathological liars and are despicable losers....and Goodson said, that he is actually "LMFAO" too! In addition, Goodson says, it doesn't bother me that these Latino MAGAs engage in lies towards my personal character, because in the long run, they are making me famous among their ranks and allows me to also expose their rotten deeds towards our Latino community.

The created Latino MAGA websites and social media page by the alleged known MAGAs Dawn Maldonado, aka, Damaris Pérez and Mario Herrera, the former Hispanic Outreach Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin decided in 2019 to create the fake and false websites in an attempt to attack Goodson's character simply because he was successful in stopping their Latino MAGA infiltration into the Latino community and exposed their Latino MAGA movement against the community that allegedly wanted to destroy the growing Latino and undocumented immigrant economy.

Most of these Latino MAGAs in Milwaukee including Wisconsin do depend on the undocumented immigrant economy and population to make a livelihood and survive, but they do continue to support Trump's campaign in 2024 calling for mass deportations.

Undocumented immigrants in Wisconsin contribute more than $90M in combined taxes to the State of Wisconsin. Also, the Mexican government has a $6B trade agreement with Wisconsin per year, and yet, the State Republican controlled legislature has failed to provide driver licenses to the undocumented worker as a road safety measure. Several neighboring states, Illinois and Minnesota allow for undocumented drivers to apply for driver licenses.

Goodson told HNNUSA, that in 2000, Dawn Maldonado, aka, Damaris Perez, also known as "La Convicta" was criminally convicted after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts each for theft of up to $1,000 and for false representation, according to Wisconsin state court criminal records in Racine County.

Maldonado operates the Bylyngo LLC Translating and Interpreting service, which depends on Latino clientele for business and population that Trump was attempting to target for deportation. She offers translation services in State County courts. (Article:

Goodson also learned that Maldonado is the main individual behind the many false and fake articles that have no byline in her alleged Latino MAGA associated fake websites and has falsely accused Goodson of many incidents, which are untrue. Maldonado seems to get her lying character from the pathological liar, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump who on his first term in office made over 30,000 untruths and lies while in office, confirmed by the mainstream media.

Anyone with good common sense can quickly figure out that the fake and false articles in Maldonado's Latino MAGA website are false and untrue, simply by researching Goodson, and none of the articles posted by Maldonado have a byline or any credible source.

The Republican Party of Wisconsin and the Trump campaign are very aware that Maldonado's fake Latino MAGA associated websites exist. 

Maldonado is also associated with WisGOP Hispanic Community Center that opened on August 3, 2024 at the 1300 block of W. Greenfield Ave. in the Southside in an attempt to infiltrate the Latino community with no success.

The Milwaukee Southside Latino community voting age population generally votes for Democrats in the City of Milwaukee including in Milwaukee County and in 2020, Goodson is credited for stopping the Latino MAGA movement in Milwaukee and Wisconsin that resulted in the defeat of Trump (R) in Wisconsin by Joe Biden (D) who is president today, also Wisconsin Latinos were instrumental in the defeat of former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R), who was defeated by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) in November 2018.

Goodson told HNNUSA, that he learned that Herrera apparently moved to Tennessee last year, residing near Nashville. Herrera visited Milwaukee during Mexican Fiesta 2024 weekend, which Herrera volunteers at the Republican run beer booth located at the El Rey/Rosen Automotive main stage.

Goodson confirmed that Maldonado is just unhappy that he exposed her character as a pathological liar as well, just like Trump himself, and she hasn't learned from her prior criminal conviction that making false representations have consequences.

The Republican Party is now known as the political party of convicted felons. Trump was convicted of 34 felony convictions in New York and has been federally Indicted in connection with the January 6, 2021 insurrection attempt in Washington, D.C..

Goodson ends the interview with HNNUSA by saying, what a bunch of sore losers, referring to the failed Latino MAGA movement in Milwaukee in 2020, especially Wisconsin!

Monday, September 2, 2024

41-year-old Jesse E. Fonseca, Owner Of Sabor Tropical Restaurant And Fiesta Latina 2024 Charged With Felony Stalking And Intimidate Victim/Domestic Abuse In Waukesha County, Facing Trial In December

Fonseca will stand trial in December for multiple felony and misdemeanor charges for stalking domestic abuse and intimidate victim, according to Waukesha County Court records.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 2, 2024

Waukesha, Wisconsin - According to Waukesha County Court records, Jesse E. Fonseca, 41, of Milwaukee is scheduled to stand trial in December for multiple felony and misdemeanor charges related to felony stalking and domestic abuse including intimidation of a victim in a domestic abuse case involving a 31-year-old woman from Waukesha. The identity of the female victim was sealed by the Waukesha County District Attorney's Office.

Fonseca is the owner of Sabor Tropical Restaurant and Rum Bar in the Southside of Milwaukee, including Fiesta Latina MKE 2024 and Taste of Latin Milwaukee.

Fonseca was criminally charged on December 22, 2022 with three felony counts for stalking/domestic abuse, intimidate victim/domestic abuse crime and attempt bribery of witness including party to a crime. He was also charged with three misdemeanor counts for computer message-threaten/obscenity including domestic abuse, criminal trespass to dwelling including domestic abuse, and disorderly conduct including domestic abuse.

If convicted, Fonseca is facing up to 3 years and 5 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for stalking; is facing up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for intimidate a victim, and up to 6 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for attempt bribery. In addition to each felony, facing up to 2 years in prison for each felony count modifier for domestic abuse.

Fonseca is also facing up to 9 months in jail and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for criminal dwelling traspass, and up to 90 days in jail and up to $1,000 in fines, or both for disorderly conduct and computer message-threaten, and an additional of 90 days in jail for each domestic abuse modifier for each count of misdemeanor.

Fonseca remains free on $1,000 cash bond, according to Waukesha County Court records.

On August 26, 2004, Fonseca pled guilty/no contest to one felony count for battery to injunction petitioner and was sentenced to 3 years probation, according to Milwaukee County court records.

3,452 Attend 1st Annual Fiesta Latina 2024 At Veterans Park, According To Organizer Jesse Fonseca From Sabor Tropical Restaurant In Milwaukee

Fonseca, the sponsor and organizer of the 1st Annual Fiesta Latina 2024 released the attendance total at 3,452 for this year's Fiesta at Veterans Park in Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 2, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, Jesse Fonseca, 41, the owner and CEO of Fiesta Latina MKE and Sabor Tropical Restaurant and Rum Bar on his Facebook account claimed that at least 3,452 festivalgoers attended this year's 1st Annual Fiesta Latina 2024 at Veterans Park in Milwaukee on Labor Day weekend.

Fiesta Latina 2024 provided a variety of music venue in several stages that included Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Reggaeton, Cumbia, Corridos, Samba, Banda, and Norteño, according to the Fiesta Latina 2024 schedule of performers at the lakefront one-day event.

Some of the popular performers during the 10 hour Fiesta were Frankie Negrón (Salsa), Adverzo from Dallas, Mariah Angeliq and Dannylux. Others that also performed included Klan 414, Banda San Miguel, J. Torres, Grupo Xplosion, Banda Luna Blanca, Banda Cerro Azul from Chicago and etc..

The Fiesta had 20 vendors including Puerto Rican and Mexican food trucks participating as well.

This year's Fiesta Latina 2024 entry fee was $10 in advance and $20 at the gate.

Fonseca is looking forward in organizing the 2nd Annual Fiesta Latina in 2025.