Tuesday, September 17, 2024

WI DOJ Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) Confirmed That He Never Received Any Information From His Staff Regarding Julie Valadez Exposing The Waukesha County Family Court Corruption

Kaul says, he didn't know anything about Julie Valadez's divorce case in Waukesha County, which her 4 children were left with the known abusive father.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Tuesday, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) attended a UMOS Leadership Luncheon and Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUS) was able to speak and asked him directly about the Julie Valadez v. Ricardo Valadez divorce case number 2018FA000296 in Waukesha family court. Kaul confirmed to HNNUSA, that he didn't know anything and never received a letter from Julie exposing the blatant Waukesha family court corruption by Judge Michael J. Aprahamian who failed to follow Wisconsin State domestic abuse case laws involving children and spouses. 

In July 2021, Julie wrote a 6-page letter to Attorney General Kaul in Wisconsin detailing her ordeal and exposing the corruption going through the Waukesha County family court system. Kaul confirmed on Tuesday, he never received it and didn't know anything about Julie's allegations. (Article exposing the ordeal that Julie went through at link: http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2021/08/temporary-stay-granted-in-finding-of.html)

Apparently, Kaul was never informed by anyone or any executive staff member from the WI Department of Justice (WIDOJ) about Julie's dilemma and ordeal she was facing in July of 2021, which exposed one of the most corrupt Waukesha County family court systems in Wisconsin.

Julie has won at least 5 Wisconsin Court of Appeals decisions, that reversed and remanded a solution to apply in Julie's divorce case, especially her right to be a parent and see her children who were allowed to remain with the abusive father. 

Also when Judge Aprahamian was replaced after the Wisconsin State Court of Appeals ruled that he erred in his decisions, the replacement Judge Ralph M. Ramirez kept Judge Aprahamian's decision and also failed to follow the Wisconsin State Court of Appeals decisions in favor of Julie.

Today, Julie remains in Canada as an asylum refugee and continues to fight for her rights to see her 4 children that were illegally taken from her in Waukesha County, and hopes to some day be able to see all her children.

According to Waukesha County Court records, former Chief Judge Jennifer R. Dorow replaced Judge Ramirez after the Wisconsin State Court of Appeals ruled that he also erred in Julie's divorce case and had to recuse himself from the case after failing to follow state laws dealing with domestic abuse of a spouse and failing to protect her children from the abusive father.

Justice for Julie and her children!

Julie Valadez recently posted the following in her Facebook account:

Please know…

I am still alive despite being deemed a high lethality risk I have managed to somehow survive still..

I am still here despite that I was wrongfully ordered jailed 4 times by Waukesha courts who was reversed each time and it is still the case that both Aprahamian and Ramirez were reversed by the appellate court and that neither one followed the WI domestic abuse laws…

I am still here despite that I was subject to an unlawful and reversed order on remand by Ralph Ramirez and Kurt Schuster admitted that the order for his clients custody was null and void yet he aided his client to lie about having custody on remand…

I am still here with an appellate court order that you can't change my stipulated sole custody and primary placement of my children and direct mandate to make me and my children's safety paramount as the law requires is still in exists as published case law despite everyone that is acting like I am dead or like an appellate court order doesn't matter…

I am still here despite all those ignoring reports of continuing abuse and concealment of my children that is still happening….

I am still here despite informing the court I had to flee due to ongoing abuse and concealment of my children and failure to follow the law which I have a right to do and I am still being ignored as well as continued ignoring of Wisconsin laws and the WI appellate order, I may have had to flee but I am still alive…can I be treated as dead when I am alive? Can I be treated as if I don't have any rights secured for me by the law and appellate order?…

I would appreciate acknowledgement I am alive and the mother of my children who are being concealed from me with a court adjudged abuser against the law and against an appellate order 

I would appreciate support for me my kids 🙏🏽 and for support for WI law and WI appellate orders 

For more information follow Julie's Facebook account at link: https://www.facebook.com/share/3Mcy2spSTdGw7BjG/?mibextid=qi2Omg

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