Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Milwaukee Police Called To Prevent Brawl At Mitchell Park Between Females, No Community Activist Showed Up To Deescalate Situation, Despite More Than 1,000 Views On Social Media

Social media anticipated female brawl draws more than 1,000 views during live streaming about Latina females and Black females instigating each other for a brawl at Mitchell Park.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, a group of Latinas including a mother of one of them who apparently was jumped and allegedly beaten up by another group of Black females showed at Mitchell Park around 5:00 p.m. for an anticipated brawl between females. Chantilis Delapaz live streamed a social media video on Facebook (FB) showing her and other women headed to Mitchell Park to confront a group of Black females or female. (Live stream later deleted)

While at Mitchell Park, the Latina females were lived streamed drinking from a tequila bottled at the Mitchell Park parking lot. While Thalia Phelipe lived streamed in social media that she drove by Mitchell Park and showed police at the Mitchell Park, and confessed that she (we) had called police. 

In this incident, more than 1,000 individuals were viewing the live streams connected to the anticipated brawl and no one stepped up at Mitchell Park to deescalate the situation, not even the so called local activists that show up after incidents to capitalize on the situation while mainstream news cameras roll suggesting that they are trying to prevent a racial war between Brown and Black communities, which is certainly a myth, and never the case. 

Even Phelipe shared a FB post from Dior Ari promoting an after party, after the brawl to meet at La Cueva Bar & Restaurant, labeled "entertainment post". 

La Cueva management on social media confirmed, that the bar and restaurant is also open on Mondays. But, La Cueva Milwaukee social media page didn't show any scheduled after party promotion for monday night related to Dior Ari's FB post. 

Why can't people of color just get along, without always trying to fight each other for popularity and who gets the most views and likes in social media, despite social media followers that just laugh at you for the provided entertainment. Not that anyone is getting rich from it.

Today's national politics have also fueled such divisions among people of color with anti-immigrant rhetoric and hate to divide our communities. 

Apparently, Phelipe did what she had to do to deescalate the situation by calling police and preventing the brawl from materializing at Mitchell Park. 

It seems that these women don't realize that they are actually degrading themselves in front of hundreds of FB followers who most don't even care about them. Women, don't degrade yourself (block those who don't respect you in social media, and move on) and you need to set the example for other women too, don't video record your intoxication vibes in public, especially at a Milwaukee County park, because it comes back to haunt you later.

Women of color, be nice and show that today's American culture and politics that promote hate and division among people of color will not define the people of color in our communities.

Be nice people, learn to live with each other's tolerance to resolve disagreements and misunderstandings by not engaging in physical harm that can lead to severe consequences, which can lead to separations of families due to long prison terms that could have been avoided.

Be nice out there, and for the local so called activists, where were you to deescalate this incident?

Oops, the social media live steaming doesn't attract them, only the mainstream news media cameras do.

¡Que triste! How unfortunate!

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