Thursday, September 5, 2024

Disgruntled Former Latino MAGAs Continue To Created Fake And False Websites Including Social Media Page To Boost H. Nelson Goodson's Character Who Is Laughing And Enjoying The Fame

Goodson, a Civil Rights and Immigrant Rights advocate says, the former Trump Latino MAGAs in Wisconsin continue to spent money to make him famous by creating fake and false websites and a social media page in an attempt to attack his character, but he confirmed that it's hilarious that these known political nutcases are making him famous and will continue to expose them as just some disgruntled slimy and lying former Latino MAGAs who suffer from some mental deficiency.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
September 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Thursday, H. Nelson Goodson, a well known Civil Rights and Immigrant Rights advocate from Milwaukee who is also a reporter/journalist for the last 40 years told Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that several known loco (nutcases) former Trump Latino MAGAs (Make Amerikkka Great Again) decided in 2019 to create multiple Latino MAGA fake and false websites including a social media page as an attempt to attack Goodson's character, but Goodson says, that he has enjoyed the MAGA flattery and today just laughs about it. 

Many have asked Goodson, why hasn't he sued the Latino MAGAs for defamation and for engaging in lies including writing false articles about him? Goodson in response says, well, to begin with, most of these Latino MAGAs are deeply in debt, broke and can't squeeze any juice from a dry lemon, plus I do enjoy exposing them for who they really are, which is no good, having no moral values, some have even lost their jobs, have criminal backgrounds, are widely known as pathological liars and are despicable losers....and Goodson said, that he is actually "LMFAO" too! In addition, Goodson says, it doesn't bother me that these Latino MAGAs engage in lies towards my personal character, because in the long run, they are making me famous among their ranks and allows me to also expose their rotten deeds towards our Latino community.

The created Latino MAGA websites and social media page by the alleged known MAGAs Dawn Maldonado, aka, Damaris Pérez and Mario Herrera, the former Hispanic Outreach Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin decided in 2019 to create the fake and false websites in an attempt to attack Goodson's character simply because he was successful in stopping their Latino MAGA infiltration into the Latino community and exposed their Latino MAGA movement against the community that allegedly wanted to destroy the growing Latino and undocumented immigrant economy.

Most of these Latino MAGAs in Milwaukee including Wisconsin do depend on the undocumented immigrant economy and population to make a livelihood and survive, but they do continue to support Trump's campaign in 2024 calling for mass deportations.

Undocumented immigrants in Wisconsin contribute more than $90M in combined taxes to the State of Wisconsin. Also, the Mexican government has a $6B trade agreement with Wisconsin per year, and yet, the State Republican controlled legislature has failed to provide driver licenses to the undocumented worker as a road safety measure. Several neighboring states, Illinois and Minnesota allow for undocumented drivers to apply for driver licenses.

Goodson told HNNUSA, that in 2000, Dawn Maldonado, aka, Damaris Perez, also known as "La Convicta" was criminally convicted after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts each for theft of up to $1,000 and for false representation, according to Wisconsin state court criminal records in Racine County.

Maldonado operates the Bylyngo LLC Translating and Interpreting service, which depends on Latino clientele for business and population that Trump was attempting to target for deportation. She offers translation services in State County courts. (Article:

Goodson also learned that Maldonado is the main individual behind the many false and fake articles that have no byline in her alleged Latino MAGA associated fake websites and has falsely accused Goodson of many incidents, which are untrue. Maldonado seems to get her lying character from the pathological liar, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump who on his first term in office made over 30,000 untruths and lies while in office, confirmed by the mainstream media.

Anyone with good common sense can quickly figure out that the fake and false articles in Maldonado's Latino MAGA website are false and untrue, simply by researching Goodson, and none of the articles posted by Maldonado have a byline or any credible source.

The Republican Party of Wisconsin and the Trump campaign are very aware that Maldonado's fake Latino MAGA associated websites exist. 

Maldonado is also associated with WisGOP Hispanic Community Center that opened on August 3, 2024 at the 1300 block of W. Greenfield Ave. in the Southside in an attempt to infiltrate the Latino community with no success.

The Milwaukee Southside Latino community voting age population generally votes for Democrats in the City of Milwaukee including in Milwaukee County and in 2020, Goodson is credited for stopping the Latino MAGA movement in Milwaukee and Wisconsin that resulted in the defeat of Trump (R) in Wisconsin by Joe Biden (D) who is president today, also Wisconsin Latinos were instrumental in the defeat of former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R), who was defeated by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) in November 2018.

Goodson told HNNUSA, that he learned that Herrera apparently moved to Tennessee last year, residing near Nashville. Herrera visited Milwaukee during Mexican Fiesta 2024 weekend, which Herrera volunteers at the Republican run beer booth located at the El Rey/Rosen Automotive main stage.

Goodson confirmed that Maldonado is just unhappy that he exposed her character as a pathological liar as well, just like Trump himself, and she hasn't learned from her prior criminal conviction that making false representations have consequences.

The Republican Party is now known as the political party of convicted felons. Trump was convicted of 34 felony convictions in New York and has been federally Indicted in connection with the January 6, 2021 insurrection attempt in Washington, D.C..

Goodson ends the interview with HNNUSA by saying, what a bunch of sore losers, referring to the failed Latino MAGA movement in Milwaukee in 2020, especially Wisconsin!

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