Thursday, September 5, 2024

31-year-old Anthony G. Sims Found Not Guilty By Milwaukee County Jury Of Repeated Sexual Assault Of The Same Child When She Was Only 8 And He Was 17

The 8-year-old child victim now 22 says that a Milwaukee County jury failed her from getting justice, of the man, then 17 who repeatedly raped her as a child between 2009 to 2010.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, a Milwaukee County jury in Judge Jeffrey A. Wagner's court room found Anthony G. Sims, 31, aka, "Buku" not guilty of repeated sexual assault of the same child. According to Gabriela Rodriguez, 22, she posted in her personal Facebook account that last Tuesday was her worst day in her life during her two hour testimony recounting the repeated sexual assault she endured between 2009 to 2010 when she was only 8. Her alleged rapist, Sims was 17 at the time when he allegedly committed repeated sexual assault of a child, Rodriguez posted in social media.

The jury reached a verdict of not guilty on Wednesday due to a "lack of evidence", Rodriguez posted. 

Rodriguez's full Facebook post link:

On 9/03/24 I had to sit Infront of a jury for almost 2 hours answering questions and re-living the worst year of my life. Sobbing on the stand I had to tell them DETAIL by DETAIL of how this person raped me almost everyday in 2009 through 2010 as I explained he was shaking his head talking shit to himself the whole time!. I was ONLY 8 years old , he was 17 damn near an adult. His name is Anthony Sims and some of you on the Southside may know him as "Buku". (PIC IN COMMENTS) I sobbed on the stand as I had to point him out to the jury as he looks at me and smirks. Later on after my mom and his brother took the stand a police interview was shown. In the interview he said he NEVER knew of me and that he didn't even know what the officer was talking about, But as he decided to take the stand later on he was caught in MULTIPLE lies. He stated he did know us and never played with the girl (me) because he didn't want and I quote "something like this to happen". The state asked "so you never played with the girl because you didn't want her to accuse you of sexual assault  AN 8 YEAR OLD GIRL, who doesn't even know what sex is" and of course he had no reply. The state continues to ask him "so Gabriela's tears are fake?" He says "I don't know". They ask "so she's making this up?" he says "i don't know" The next day on 09/04/24 As we waited for a verdict the time finally came I prayed for good news but in the end the jury decided he was not guilty due to "lack of evidence" the whole courtroom said this was bullshit. This broke me. Anthony we both know what you did to me & God will punish you. Just because THEY decided you weren't guilty doesn't mean you didn't do it & I'm not the only person you did this to! & I DONT WANT SYMPATHY FROM ANYONE. I just wanted to tell my truth here since the court absolutely FAILED little 8 year old me, she didn't deserve this. 
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Sims was taken into custody on February 2, 2024 for one felony count of repeated sexual assault of the same child in Rodriguez's case.

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