Thursday, October 27, 2011

Federal Lawsuit To Be File Against The Wisconsin State Legislature On Latino Redistricting Cuts

Attorney Peter Earle

Voces de la Frontera and plaintiffs seeking to boost Hispanic voting age citizens in the 8th Assembly District by 52 percent.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 27, 2011

Milwaukee - On Thursday, Attorney Peter G. Earle confirmed that he plans to file a federal lawsuit against the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board. The lawsuit claims, that the Wisconsin Republican controlled legislature passed a redistricting map which deprives the Hispanic community in Milwaukee's South side of an effective voting majority in the 8th Assembly District.
The Republican controlled state legislature and Governor Scott Walker (R) approved a redistricting map that cuts 8 percent of Latino voting age citizens in the 8th Assembly District. The plaintiffs include Voces de la Frontera, a non-profit organization, workers right and an immigrant rights advocate, two members of the Mexican-American community and two members from the Puerto Rican community as well. They are Ramiro Vega, Olga Vega, Jose Perez and Erica Ramirez, according to Attorney Earle.
The defendants named in the lawsuit includes members of the Government Accountability Board, Gerald Nichol, Thomas Cane, Thomas Barland, Timothy Vocke and Kevin Kennedy.
The plaintiffs claim, that the Republican controlled legislature passed a statewide redistricting plan, which cuts about 8 percent of Hispanic voting age citizens (HVAC) from the current 48 percent of HVAC in the Milwaukee South side district reducing it to a mere 40 percent. The plaintiffs will seek for the federal court to increase the HVAC in the 8th District to 52 percent, making a Latino majority district in 2012. They will also seek an injunction and to consolidate their lawsuit along with several other federal cases already filed by Democrats concerning redistricting.

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