Thursday, May 27, 2021

Annie's Campground Website In Shawano County Wisconsin Posted That It Reserves The Right To Refuse Service To BLM Terrorists

Owner of campground in Shawano County confirmed in 2020 that no facemasks are allowed in the campground buildings during COVID-19 pandemic and Memorial Day weekend. It's website today also has a notice posted that it reserves the right to refuse service to Black Lives Matters (BLM) and Antifa.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 27, 2021

Gresham, Wisconsin - Apparently, Ann (Annie) Retzlaff, 52, confirmed during a WAOW News9 report that facemasks won't be allowed at the Annie's Campground buildings, W125505 Roosevelt Rd. in Gresham located in Shawano County. Retzlaff said in May 2020 that once people go into the building to register, they need to remove facemasks as a safety and identity measure,  but campers can wear in the outdoor campground.

Retzlaff stated to News9 in 2020, "Masks are not allowed in my building. We want to do a positive facial recognition." She expected more than 1,200 campers over the Memorial Day weekend.

Also today, the campground website has a notice ( that reads, "We reserve the right to refuse service: No commies, thieves, illegal substances, antifa, blm or other terrorists. Safety is our #1 goal."

Those who visit the campground website on the internet will notice the paragraph about safety and would certainly interpret that Blacks are being targeted,  profiled and will be refused service, or even if they wear any BLM clothing which might definitely be grounds for service refusal, according to Retzlaff's posting on the camp's website.

Most of those opposing BLM in Wisconsin are mainly Trump supporters, White nationalists, supremacists and the MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again/Keep Amerikkka Great) cult followers.

On June, the statewide Facemask use executive order by Governor Tony Evers (D) will expire.

So far, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported that there have been 609,289 COVID-19 positive cases since the pandemic struck Wisconsin and 330 positive cases for Wednesday and 5 deaths from COVID-19 totalling 7,003 deaths in the state.

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