Thursday, January 30, 2025

Four Mexican-Norteño Venue Groups Being Canceled By Latinos For Allegedly Supporting Trump, They Are Grupo Frontera, Banda MS, Fuerza Regida And Edición Especial

The following four Regional Norteño Mexican music venue groups, Grupo Frontera, Banda MS, Fuerza Regida and Edición Especial have been canceled by the public fan audience (none MAGAs) for their alleged support for the 34-count convicted felon Trump.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 30, 2025

Edinberg, Texas - Thousands of none MAGAs have begun to cancel four Regional Norteño Mexican music groups, Grupo Frontera, Banda MS, Fuerza Regida and Edición Especial for allegedly supporting 34-count convicted felon Donald J. Trump, 78, according social media posts going viral by users in the internet. The Grupo Frontera was first outed by Sara Jasmine who says that Grupo Frontera members has posted videos and posts supporting Trump including grandparents dancing to Trump's YMCA campaign song. After the group was outed and social media users began to call for the cancelation of Grupo Frontera in the U.S. and Mexico, they began to delete all social media posts related to Trump.

After Grupo Frontera was outed for allegedly supporting Trump and associated with Latinos for Trump, other social media posts surfaced allegedly outing three other groups, Banda MS, Fuerza Regida and Edición Especial for also supporting Trump. 

These Mexican Regional and Norteño music venue groups do make a living by performing at outdoor festival concerts, flea markets, recordings and indoor dances around the U.S. and Mexico, but they failed to realize that some of their own fan base are not Trump MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again) supporters and don't support Trump's MAGA U.S. Immigration and Customs (USICE) mass deportations, family separations and immigration enforcement mass arrests of the undocumented tax paying workers in the country.

It seems the call to cancel and boycott these groups will linger on, and most likely other groups will face the same canceled wave, if they self-expose themselves as Trump supporters.

Unrelated to Trump and politics, Yahritza y Su Esencia are also being canceled by their fans after Yahritza in an interview said she didn't like the noise in Mexico and the rest of the members of the group said they didn't like the food in Mexico, but liked chicken in the U.S..

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

VDLF And Allies Stage Protest Against Self-exposed MAGA Principal Fritz Blandón From Allen-Field Elementary School In The Predominately Latino Southside Community, Most Residents Are Democrats

Blandón, a self-exposed Trump MAGA in social media came under fire by Voces de la Frontera, allies, public elected officials and members of the non-Latino and Hispanic community in the Southside of Milwaukee for suspending a 2nd grade teacher for informing the parents of Latino students where legal services were available to them. Blandón interpret that legal services info as a political message, how ironic.

By H. NelsonGoodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A. 

January 29, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, a large crowd gathered at Allen-Field Elementary School at the 700 block of W. Lapham Ave. to protest against Fritz Blandón, a self-exposed Trump MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again) supporter who happens to be the principal at Allen-Field.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) first broke the story that Blandón had self-exposed himself as being a Trump MAGA supporter in social media (Facebook). MAGAs are allegedly well known for continuously lying, their anti-immigrant stand, hate and racist rhetoric towards people of color and are considered facist-communists, according to a national trend consensus.

Allen-Field Elementary School is part of the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) in the City of Milwaukee where a majority of voters are Democrats and pay taxes including property taxes that are used to pay the salaries of teachers, including the MPS administration staff and Superintendent.

Apparently, Blandón seemed to care less, if he exposed himself as a Trump supporter while working, earning a salary and making a living from a majority Democrat voting City, which is ironic because water and oil don't mixed.

Blandón came under fire after he suspended Alondra García, a 2nd grade teacher at Allen-Field Elementary School, for sending out information to student parents about legal services available to them. Blandón claimed it was a political message.

Video: Alondra García's statement at protest

The Milwaukee Teacher's Education Association released a Safe Haven toolkit at the following link:

MPS released the attached statement regarding today's concerns of national developments,  where the Trump MAGA U.S. Department of Homeland Security confirmed that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can enter churches and schools to detain the undocumented.

Mexicans are not asylum seekers, Fritz Blandón doesn't know the difference. He shares MAGA White Nationalist fake propaganda.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

La Cueva's Restaurant & Tavern License Denied Renewal By Milwaukee Common Council Licenses Committee, Restaurant Ran As A Nightclub, And Sold Bottle Service

La Cueva Restaurant & Tavern owner Antonio Layton accused of not being transparent by Alderwoman Zamarripa, the Chairperson of the Licenses Committee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 28, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Tuesday, the Milwaukee Common Council Licenses Committee voted unanimously not to renew La Cueva Restaurant & Tavern license citing multiple prior incidents involving fights, shootings, a stabbing, a minor being served inside, a bartender serving patrons that didn't have a license to bartend, selling illegal tabacco and liquor bottle setups without a license, having contaminated liquor, hiring felons on paper as bouncers and the list goes on..., according to over an hour of testimony by police, and neighbors opposing a renewal of the City Tavern Class B license.

La Cueva was approved a Class B Tavern license in 2024, which farmented malt beverages (beer) should be sold, it didn't have a Class A license to sell intoxicating liquor at the premises.

Markos López, the owner of the building at 2537 W. National Ave. filed an eviction notice against La Cueva, which Attorney Vincent Bobot who represents Layton says, that they are challenging the eviction. Testimony from the building owner indicated that La Cueva still owes money for the water bill and that La Cueva was a month behind the rent, but is up to date in rent payment.

López says, that La Cueva attempted to rent their kitchen to a food truck operation, which would be in violation of the rental lease.

Police testified that on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 12:44 a.m. they went to investigate complaints of parking congestion, and when police first parked to investigate, they saw several groups of patrons (15 individuals each group) leaving La Cueva Restaurant & Tavern before police entered the establishment and did a head count of 96 patrons inside. A police officer told the Committee, if they would have entered La Cueva 5 minutes earlier, they would have found an over capacity tavern.

Police Officer Anton Powell also testified that on December 31, 2024, New Year's Eve, they went to La Cueva Restaurant and found an over capacity at the tavern, which capacity was 99, but several counts by police confirmed an over capacity and shut down the tavern, one count done inside registered 162 patrons and second one done while patrons were exiting resulted with more 182 patrons.

A social media (Facebook) video was shown to Committee members where a huge brawl took place in front of La Cueva in June 2024, which staff nor security called police. Police later were able to acquire outdoor video surveillance footage from the adjacent El Toro Taquería restaurant. Ald. Zamarripa introduced a Facebook video showing the same brawl between several women.

Alderperson Zamarripa from the 8th Aldermanic District where La Cueva is located asked Layton, if the tavern was offering bottle service, he admitted that champagne bottles were offered on New Year's Eve, but had stopped months earlier.

Ald. Zamarripa accused Layton of not running a full service restaurant, but rather running a nightclub, and not well run, which several social media videos inside the premises were shown to Committee members to support her allegation.

Ald. Zamarripa also placed on the record that several days ago, Kurtis Peterson, the alleged manager (co-owner) of La Cueva posted on his personal Facebook account a post saying "Guest bottle girls," which La Cueva doesn't have a license to offer. During the testimony, Layton admitted that Peterson and him live at the same address in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

Ald. Zamarripa claimed that she moved not to new La Cueva's license because Layton had been ingenious and untruthful to her and members of the Committee.

Attorney Vicent Bobot who represented Layton told the Committee that he was unaware that liquor bottles were being sold inside La Cueva.

The Licenses Committee unanimously agreed with Ald. Zamarripa for non-renewal due to the preponderance of the evidence, police report, residents testimony and the applicants own testimony that demonstrates the operations resulted that La Cueva was not run as a full service restaurant, but run as a nightclub and not run well, and it was a threat to health, safety and the welfare of the public citing excess battery, assaults and other incidents at the premises.

The Licenses Committee non-renewal of La Cueva's license goes before the full Milwaukee Common Council on February 11, 2025.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Waukegan And South Chicago Residents Captured Feds Conducting Raid Sweeps Without Judicial Warrants, 1 Taken Into Custody In Waukegan After Woman Opened Door In Illinois

Multiple federal agents wearing body armor and heavily armed conducted door knock raid sweeps in the City of Waukegan, Mundelein, North Chicago and South Chicago without any judicial federal warrants signed by a judge, local residents reported in social media on Sunday

BY H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 26, 2025

Waukegan, Illinois - On Sunday, multiple federal agents allegedly from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (U.S.ICE), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Marshals Service (U.S.MS) and etc. wearing body armor saying police/federal/ICE agent and heavily armed in unmarked vehicles with tinted windows conducted a door knock raid sweep at various locations in Waukegan, Mundelein,  North Chicago, and South Chicago in Illinois. Numerous neighbors and residents were able to take photos and videos of unmarked vehicles including several with out of state license plates from Iowa, federal government plates and etc., according to Facebooks posts by Margaret Carrasco and Leslie Pérez Sánchez from Waukegan Roselee Ayala and Tom Ramos from South Chicago.

Carrasco reported at least 30 feds near a catholic church preparing for a massive raid operation allegedly targeting those attending the Sunday's church service.

Ramos reported USICE agents at E. 99 Street and S. Commercial Ave. in South Chicago.

So far, 1 unidentified man was taken into custody because his wife opened the door when feds knocked at the door, but they didn't have a valid judicial federal warrant signed by a federal judge to arrest anyone, the wife says.

No federal agency has announced or confirmed any mass raids taking place in the Waukegan and the Chicago metro-area on Sunday.

USICE under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (USDHS) is known to be one of the most corrupt immigration law enforcement agencies in the federal government. (

According to a fed source, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), U.S. Marshals Service, Federal Bureau of Prison, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have been operating as a immigration enforcement task force under a directive by Trump.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Fritz Blandón's Personal Facebook Adorned With Trump Photos, He Happens To Be The Principal Of Allen Field Elementary School, Which Has A Large Latino Student Enrollment In The Southside Of Milwaukee

Blandón had openly displayed photos of Trump since 2023 in his personal Facebook account, whicha is raising concerns among members of the Latino community amidst current incidents reported in several states about U.S. ICE attempting to enter the Hamline Elementary School in Chicago, Illinois (later determined to be U.S. Secret Service agents, which were denied entry) and ICE agents going to the wrong house in Brentwood, Long Island, New York looking for undocumented children.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 25, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - A circulating social media (Facebook) post by Brayan MB makes reference to Firtz Blandón's personal Facebook account showing photos of Trump most likely indicating that Blandón is a Trump supporter. Brayan MB wrote in his post, "Well well well, Principal to a huge Latino population at Allen Field Im sure he will protect his kids when ICE comes a knocking."

Blandón has the right to post what he desires in his personal Facebook account, but amidst of Trump's mass deportation agenda, he might have to endure public criticism for posting photos of Presidential candidate Trump since 2023 and additional concerns from the parents of Latino students attending the elementary school.

34-count convicted felon Donald J. Trump, 78, was elected the 47th President of the U.S. in November 2024.

Blandón was tagged in Brayan MB's FB post, so he must be aware that his FB account was tagged and shared. Blandón's FB account is still active.

So far, the Milwaukee Public Schools District and local immigrant groups including Voces de la Frontera and Forward Latino including local immigrant rights activists and local public elected officials haven't commented on Blandón's personal FB posts or that they currently had any concerns about Blandón posting Trump's photos in his personal FB account and also being the principal at Allen Field Elementary School.

According to Change dot org publication, All MPS schools are supposed to be covered by the Safe Haven program to do all possible to protect students and families from ICE raids but implementation of an already insufficient program has been very weak!

The Change dot org post claims that, "Principal principal Blandon at Allen-Field School has gone beyond placing an unjustified statement in Ms. Garcia’s file, towards a 1 day unpaid suspension scheduled for 1/29, charging that she sent a “political” message." 

Alondra Garcia apparently sent out information from the school to students families about legal services available to them, especially if they are potentially facing deportation, which school administrators should have done in the first place. Blandón who is a openly Trump supporter believed that Garcia sent out a political message. Link:

On January 27, 2025, 2nd grade teacher at Allen-Field Elementary School posted the following letter to the Milwaukee Public Schools superintendent.


Sent to Superintendent, Board Members and MTEA leadership THIS morning

Good morning everyone,

I have some very concerning information to share with you all in regard to principal, Fritz Blandón, at Allen-Field Elementary. His comments and behavior towards implementing the Safe Haven Resolution protocol are problematic. The most recent incident occurred during our monthly Building Committee meeting on January 23rd. The Safe Haven Resolution was an agenda item, and I brought up my concern that if a federal ICE agent were to come to our school, we are to follow protocol as given by the district which is to direct ICE to student services and NOT share any information regarding any student. Principal Blandón went onto say, "well if a federal ICE agent comes to the school with a signed warrant from a judge looking for someone, I can't stop. I won't put myself in front of them, that is federal government, and I can't do anything about it." There were several other teachers that were present during the meeting who can testify and give their own input to these comments. What he said is a problem. How are our students supposed to feel safe in a school environment that is said to be a Safe Haven for all, when the school leader will not follow protocol? We were all shocked to have heard this from him. I went on to ask then, "well if a parent is coming to you for printed copies of the resources found in the Safe Haven Resolution page on MPS, will you print it out for them since you said you are the point of contact for the Safe Haven Resolution" and Blandón went on to say, “yes, but I'll charge them 25 cents per page." I was confused to why, so I asked, "where does it say it is 25 cents per page?" and he said, "it is District policy". I didn't know how to respond and left it at that. He is putting up barriers for OUR families from receiving the services and resources they need. I could tell he was adamant to even want to do the bare minimum of communications with staff in regard to the Safe Haven Resolution protocol slides that were shared with all principals during the Principal Institute. I heard through other colleagues at different schools that their principal shared the protocol slides with their staff as part of their PD and asked him why we haven't received the memo. He deflected by saying that "principals receive many things at the principal institute and I do not share everything because not everything is relevant to staff and families". Who says that especially with the scary reality of how fearful our families feel in regard to ICE showing up at schools where it was once deemed "sensitive" locations and no longer is. I myself fear for my own safety as I am an immigrant with a temporary protection. I do NOT feel comfortable nor safe working under leadership that says these very concerning and outright harmful comments to the community he serves and is supposed to protect from ICE. I beg you to do something about the situation AND him. Thank you.

In solidarity,


Friday, January 24, 2025

Trump's Mass Deportations Of Essential Workers Will Only Create Major Economic Crisis, Feds In Partnership With States Should Issue Regulated Work Visas To Existing Workers And Prevent Nationwide Economic Disaster

The Trump administration has authorized for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, military, U.S. Marshals Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officers to conduct massive raids with the intent to deport essential (undocumented) workers throughout the nation, without any intent to replace those jobs that the traditional American labor force doesn't want to do.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 24, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - The State of Wisconsin is facing an economic crisis today, which other states throughout the nation will also endure and share in the next two years, if a proposed solution to the labor crisis being created isn't implemented to save Wisconsin from the upcoming labor economic crisis, which is expected to disrupt our food chain supplies and etc..

Most Americans, especially Wisconsinites have been blindsided by the usual hate, divisive, racist, and anti-immigrant rhetoric by Donald J. Trump, 78, the current 47th President of the U.S. who has launched a massive mass deportation operation in the nation as promised in his political campaign involving the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Marshals Service, military and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (USICE). Most of those targeted for mass deportation will be essential (undocumented) workers who do jobs that a majority to U.S. workers don't want to do. Which means, these undocumented essential workers caught in the wave of mass deportation operations are considered collateral arrests. 

Today, the Trump administration and the Wisconsin GOP controlled legislature including Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) haven't proposed any credible option or solution to replace those essential (undocumented) workers that might be caught in the wave of mass deportations.

Who are these essential workers, they are the construction workers, landscaping workers, those that work in the agriculture and food production, dairy farms, taking care of the elderly, caregivers, restaurants workers, critical retail workers and ect..

In Wisconsin, according to Wisconsin State Representative Sylvia Ortiz-Velez (D-Milw), there is a 45,000 workers shortage and the void continues to grow, and with the proposed mass deportation of essential undocumented workers in the next several years, it will definitely lead to an unprecedented Wisconsin labor and food economic crisis.

The option and proposed solution to avoid a Wisconsin labor economic crisis in the next two years, Wisconsin should form a partnership with the immigration feds, U.S. Department of Labor and the Trump administration, so that the state can be allowed to provide and regulate approved visas to the undocumented essential workers that register through businesses, dairy farms, industry, restaurants and ect. to do work or existing work.

A federal/state partnership operated visa workers program in Wisconsin for the essential undocumented workers would be the appropriate option in this case to prevent a Wisconsin labor and food economic crisis.

Other states could also form partnerships with the feds where needed to avoid a nationwide labor and food economic crisis.

The Bracero program sponsored by the U.S. government between 1942 - 1962 imported Mexican farm and railroad workers into the U.S. for labor, but today, more than 13M undocumented labor workers who are considered essential workers are already in the country and can be allowed to stay and continue to do the essential jobs once provided with a visa to work and continue to be contributing taxpayers and stakeholders in Wisconsin and the U.S.A..

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

63-year-old Dorothy McGrath, Former Production Manager At Milwaukee PBS-MATC Passed Away

McGrath worked at Milwaukee PBS-MATC as production manager for more than 5 years, while working 5 years at the technical college she was the only female Asian-American employed as a veteran department production manager at Milwaukee PBS. She exposed a practiced work environment discrimination of lower pay salaries for women, low Social Security and retirement pension compared to male counterparts and had filed a fact finding response to a bad work performance review she received from the MATC VP and General Manager of PBS.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 22, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Patricia Gómez, the Director/Production/Host at Milwaukee PBS, announced the passing of Dorothy McGrath, 63, the former Production Manager at Milwaukee PBS. Gómez in a mass mailing wrote, Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Last night, I received the heartbreaking news that Dorothy McGrath had passed away. Dorothy was the Production Manager at Milwaukee PBS as part of Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) for over seven years. She was also a proud Asian American Veteran.

Like many others—both women and minorities, as well as non-minorities—Dorothy faced retaliation and discrimination in the workplace - MATC-MPBS. She was often overlooked in her role, and her salary was lower than that of white male colleagues hired after her despite having more experience and a heavier workload. Like many of us, she was subjected to fact-finding meetings as part of retaliation. Two years ago, amidst harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, Dorothy made the difficult decision to leave Milwaukee PBS when she was offered a position with Alaska Public Media.

Dorothy was an incredibly skilled and hardworking manager.  She mentored many of us—whether we were her direct reports or simply anyone who sought her guidance.

I had a heavy heart when I saw her leave the station MPBS. She would have stayed if she had been treated with the respect she deserved, but unfortunately, she was forced to find another place to grow. While it was painful to see her go, we found comfort in knowing she had been offered a position as Chief Operating Officer and VP of Administration.

Sadly, Dorothy's experience reflects the unlawful mistreatment that many of us have faced at MATC. Most employees are afraid to file official complaints because they have families to support and fear losing their jobs. MATC has implemented initiatives to improve the toxic environment of racism and gender discrimination within the organization, but these efforts are often nothing more than a façade. Incompetent managers are consistently hired, and a cycle of micromanagement persists, with little focus on improving the quality of services we provide—internally and externally.

Instead of working together to achieve our true mission—serving our communities, offering hope to those facing poverty through education, creating opportunities for economic mobility, and preparing professionals who will drive prosperity for all—we continue to move in never-ending circles, without achieving the goals we were meant to.

I will continue to raise my voice, even if the MATC administration wants me to remain silent. I will advocate for all, just as Dorothy taught me.  Dorothy, I admire you and will honor you by standing up against injustice and working to uphold the DEI standards. 

So long, my friend. My dear Dorothy.

Attached is a document written by Dorothy, in which she expresses her concerns including how lower-paid women of color receive less in Social Security and pensions when they retire- see attachment.

MAGA Gestapo Style USDOJ To Initiate Federal Investigations Against Activists, Public Officials, States, Local Governments And Political Rivals That Impede USICE Immigration Enforcement

U.S. Department of Justice is now being weaponized by Trump to investigate political rivals engaged in impeding U.S.ICE immigration enforcement in their states and municipalities.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 22, 2025

Washington, D.C. - On Wednesday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) has learned  from the Associated Press (AP) that acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove in a 3-page memo directed to federal prosecutors (Justice Department's civil division) in the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) to identify and investigate state and local laws obstructing immigration enforcement including Trump's political rivals that impede U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (USICE) raids in their states and municipalities. Once identified, the USDOJ will then challenge those suspected of impeding and obstructing USICE immigration enforcement in federal court.

In other words, the 34-count convicted felon Donald J. Trump (R-MAGA), 78, seems to be weaponizing the USDOJ to target all immigrant rights organizations and public elected officials in Blue controlled states, counties and local governments who are immigrant friendly and impede USICE operations to detain undocumented immigrants.

The MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again) USDOJ is expected to create Red Files against those immigrant rights activists, non-profit civil rights organizations,  immigrant rights organizations, religious faith coalitions that are immigrant friendly, and public elected officials who exercise their rights to oppose illegal USICE practices that have been exposed in previous years and not held accountable by the U.S. Congress. 

Such similar investigative systemic tactics were used by Adolf Hitler by weaponizing the Nazi Gestapo to identify, detain, and fill death camps with prosecuted Jewish faith civilians in order to exterminate them. More than 20M Jewish faith civilians were exterminated in Nazi operated concentration camps in Germany as the final solution.

USICE under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (USDHS) is known to be one of the most corrupt immigration law enforcement agencies in the federal government. (

Also, the USDHS has recently confirmed that Trump authorized USICE agents to enter religious churches, courthouses and schools to detain undocumented immigrants and their children.

Editor's note: State, County and local municipalities including local and state law enforcement departments do reserve the right not assist USICE on immigration enforcement raids, if USICE agents don't have a valid federal warrant signed by a federal judge to assist in a custody warrant execution and enforcement.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

17-year-old Jeremiah N. Taylor And 18-year-old Quintarez D. Morris Charged With The Double Homicide Of Exziel Rivera, 15, And Nayah Vásquez, 18, On Christmas Day 2024 In The Southside Of Milwaukee

Taylor remains on the run and Morris is in custody,  according to Milwaukee police.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 21, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Tuesday, both Jeremiah N. Taylor, 17, and Quintarez Deveon Morris, 18, were each charged with two felony counts of 1st-degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon and party to a crime for the Christmas Day 2024, double drive-by homicides of Exziel Rivera, 15, and Nayah Vásquez, 18, at the 1100 block of S. 37 Street in the Southside of Milwaukee.

If convicted on all counts, Taylor and Morris are facing up to 60 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines, or both for each count of 1st-degree reckless homicide.

Taylor remains on the run and on Tuesday, a double homicide warrant was issued for his arrest.

On early January 2025, Morris was charged with one felony count for harboring/aiding/a felon in connection with the Christmas Day double homicide 2024.

If convicted, Morris is facing up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for harboring a felon.

Morris was driving the sedan when Taylor leaned out the passenger's window and fatally shot both Rivera and Vásquez in a drive-by on December 25, 2024, according to the criminal complaint.

Monday, January 20, 2025

34-count Convicted Felon, 78-year-old Donald J. Trump Sworned-in As The 47th U.S. President

Trump says, he will sign numerous Executive Orders to end U.S. government censorship of Free Speech (allegedly allow for his lies to be considered the truth), end gender identity to only male and female, eliminate ethnic identity on public and private applications for jobs and etc., rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Amerikkka, take back the Panama Canal and etc..., and Make Amerikkka Great Again (MAGA).

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 20, 2025

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, 34-count convicted felon, Donald J. Trump (R-MAGA), 78, was sworned-in as the 47th U.S. President of the U.S. and says that he will sign numerous Executive Orders to end U.S. government censorship of Free Speech (allegedly allow for his lies to be considered the truth), end gender identity to only male and female, eliminate ethnic identity on the federal government, rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Amerikkka, take back the Panama Canal, end the Green New Deal and etc...

Trump says that America's decline is ending now and the Golden age alleged corruption is beginning, the people have spoken.

Trump also wants to end birthright to daughters and sons of undocumented parents in the U.S., and will launch mass deportations of undocumented immigrants by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Trump will sign policies to end Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the federal government. "This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. We will forge a society that is colorblind, and merit-based. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female," Trump said.

The alleged Trump criminal organization reign at the White House begins in 2025.

Trump's policies in 2025

• Declare emergency at the border + issue proclamation closing the border
• Designate cartels as foreign terrorist organizations
• Remain in Mexico, Catch and Release will be reinstated 
• Military will be directed to construct new phase of border wall
• Terminate Biden orders on energy drilling restrictions
• Return federal workers to in-person work
• Pause all offshore wind leases
• End DEI hiring practices in the federal government, merit only
• Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
• Order every agency to remove all federal actions increasing costs for Americans via deregulation
• Suspend security clearances for the 51 officials who lied about the Hunter Biden 2020 laptop story
• Establish a DOGE "hiring freeze"

Also, Trump on Monday, pardon more than 1,500 MAGA cult insurrectionists including Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio who was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison for his involvement on the January 6, 2021 insurrection to stop the Electoral College vote that declared Joe Biden (D) the newly elected 46th President.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

MAGA Cult Follower, 58-year-old Preston Pichett Charged For Threatening Mass Shooting Of Illegal Immigrants On Trump's Inauguration Day 2025

Pichett was taken into custody and charged for threatening to commit mass murder of illegal immigrants on Trump's inauguration day 2025.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 19, 2025

Indianapolis, Indiana - The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) received information from the TikTok internal security that Preston Pichett, 58, had posted a threat to commit a mass shooting of illegal immigrants on Donald J. Trump's Inauguration Day, on January 20, 2025. The post on Pichett's TicTok indicated that he was going to fatally shoot as many illegal immigrants in one day to exercise his 2nd amendment right to do so.

Pichett is a known MAGA cult follower and a Trump loyal supporter.

The FBI contacted the Indianapolis Metro Police Department who then tracked Pichett's IP computer to his address and arrested him on January 16, 2025 for intimidation to commit terrorist acts, a tier 5 felony in Indiana, which is not protected Free Speech in the state.

Police confiscated two long rifles from his home.

According to police, Pichett has a history of mental illness and had threaten to shoot up staff members of the Marion County District Attorney's Office as they walked to their vehicle in 2023.

In 2024, Pichett threatened to shoot a company in Florida. In both cases, Pichett was never charged.

The Marion County District Attorney's Office is reviewing the criminal complaint by the Indianapolis police to decide whether to file criminal charges against Pichett.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Milwaukee Police Search For Armed Robber Who Walked Into The Mexico Travel Agency (Tornado Bus Line) On S. Chávez Drive And Took An Undetermined Amount Of Cash

Police are looking for a male armed robber who walked into La Agencia De Viajes Mexico (Tornado Bus Line) at the 1000 block of S. Chávez Drive and stole cash in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 18, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Saturday, a male masked armed robber walked into La Agencia De Viajes Mexico (Tornado Bus Line) at the 1000 block of S. César E. Chávez Drive in the Southside of Milwaukee and stole an undetermined amount of cash, according to Milwaukee police. The armed suspect scouted the travel agency for at least 45 minutes, and then went into the agency, and quickly exited the business at 5:51 p.m. and walked North, according to a nearby outdoor video surveillance camera footage released to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) by a local business. (Video:

Police have not released any details, if anyone was injured during the armed robbery.

The armed robber is suspected to be a light complexion Latino, according to a preliminary investigation report.

Police are currently reviewing video surveillance camera footage from nearby business in an attempt to identity the suspect.

So far, no arrest, has been made, according to police.

Mass Arrests Of Undocumented Immigrants By Trump's MAGA ICE Target Milwaukee, Chicago, New York and Miami

Nearly 300 U.S. ICE agents to converge in Chicago including Waukegan in Illinois, two days after Trump gets sworned-in in D.C., according to an ICE source.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 18. 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - After 34-count convicted felon Donald J. Trump, 78, (R-MAGA) gets sworned-in for a second term as U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, Trump's U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (U.S. ICE) will deploy more than 300 ICE agents and other MAGA law enforcement entities to Chicago and Waukegan on Tuesday to carry out massive raids of undocumented immigrants. Both, Chicago and Waukegan have the largest Latino (Mexican descent) populations in Illinois.

The next Blue (Democrat) controlled Cities and non-Blue municipalities targeted by Trump's ICE will be Milwaukee in Wisconsin, New York City, Miami in Florida, Laredo and San Antonio in Texas, and Los Angeles and San Francisco in California including additional known sanctuary Cities controlled by democrats.

Currently, under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, the Kenosha County Sheriff's Office in Wisconsin has a $6M contract with ICE to hold undocumented detainees.

Trump plans to expand 287g, allowing law  enforcement agencies like County sheriff departments opting into the 287g program to check the immigration status of county inmates and report undocumented immigrants to ICE for pickup.

In Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission prohibited by policy for the Milwaukee Police Department not to assist ICE on arrests, unless ICE had a valid federal warrant signed by a federal judge to detain an undocumented immigrant and police would then assist ICE, if requested by ICE to do so.

The Milwaukee Police Association (MPA-union) is infiltrated by MAGAs and the endorsed Trump in 2020 and the MPA also endorsed and supported the 34-count convicted felon in 2024.

The Trump administration is expected to setup contracted private prisons and ICE encampment centers to hold thousands of undocumented immigrants (essential undocumented workers) targeted for deportation, while countless immigrant right groups, public elected officials and activists vowed to resist and push back Trump's MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again) ICE enforcement to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants.

The ACLU, National LULAC and other non-profit organizations nationwide friendly to immigrants vowed to take legal action against Trump's MAGA ICE elicit acts to circumvent federal and states laws protecting immigrants to due process and right to challenge deportation proceedings.

As Trump begins his presidency in 2025, several policies are expected to impact Latino communities. Mass deportations could lead to family separations and labor shortages in industries reliant on Latino workers. Plans to end birthright citizenship may affect many families by revoking citizenship for U.S.-born children of undocumented parents. Proposed cuts to social programs such as Head Start could reduce educational opportunities for Latino children. Healthcare access may also be restricted if policies allowing DACA recipients to receive medical care are reversed. Additionally, trade tariffs on countries like Mexico could harm the U.S. economy, affecting jobs and prices in Latino communities, according to LULAC.

The estimated cost to the U.S. government to deport 1M of undocumented immigrants annually is $88B, and in a decade would cost an estimated nearly $1T, according to Immigrant Rights groups.

Will Melania Trump, who worked and made at least $20,000 while on an Eistien Visa, and then lied that she didn't work to get a permanent resident status, and Elon Musk, who recieved a visa to enter the U.S. for a training course, but he never took the training course and then applied for permanent resident be on the list for deportation as a result of lying?

ICE is known to be the most corrupt federal agency that has committed murder of undocumented immigrants, forced coercion to sign deportation documents, have violated the rights of undocumented to due process, and other illegal acts, which have not been held accountable by the U.S. Congress. (

Forward Latino in Franklin, Wisconsin released the following toolkid for mix-status families and those who want to be prepared, if affected by the Trump ICE mass deportation raids in the state.

Friday, January 17, 2025

34-year-old Luis Genaro Pérez-García Sentenced In Double Hit-and-run Vehicular Homicide Of Two Nicaraguan Brothers, Ausberto, 41, And Michael Gutiérrez, 39, Gets 28 Years In Prison

Pérez-García pled guilty to two felony counts in the hit-and-run vehicular homicides of the Gutiérrez brothers in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 17, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Friday, Luis Genaro Pérez-García, 34, was sentenced to 28 years in prison, must serve 18 years of confinement and 10 years of extended supervision for the May 2024 hit-and-run vehicular homicides of two Nicaraguan brothers. Pérez-García in a plea agreement with  prosecutors pled guilty to two felony counts for hit-and-run involving deaths,  and must be served consecutive (separately) sentences, for early Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th) double vehicular homicides of Ausberto Gutiérrez, 41, aka, "Beto Ausberton" and Michael "Maycol" Gutiérrez, 39, originally from Nicaragua at the 1900 block of W. Lincoln Ave. in the Southside of Milwaukee.

Under the plea agreement, several felony counts were dismissed, but read on the record.

Pérez-García was ordered to pay $6,500 restitution to an individual and $7,700 to a second individual, according to Milwaukee County court records.

According to the criminal complaint, Pérez-García was driving a vehicle heading Eastbound on W. Lincoln Ave., and struck both the Gutiérrez brothers who were standing by a parked vehicle on the driver's side facing the street, several other people were also inside the parked vehicle, which was also struck. Pérez-García did not stop and fled the scene.

Police investigating the hit-and-run deaths recovered nearby video surveillance camera footage in the area showing a White SUV heading Eastbound on W. Lincoln Ave. with damage to the front passenger's side of the SUV and a broken left headlight.

Milwaukee police later located a White Chevrolet Traverse SUV at S. 5th Street and W. Arthur Ave., and took Pérez-García into custody.

Apparently, the Gutiérrez brothers had just arrived at their destination (residence) with a woman who gave them a ride and they were saying goodbye to her and giving her some money for the ride, when Pérez-García fatally struck both of them and fled the scene.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Former Fiesta Latina MKE Organizer, 41-year-old Jesse E. Fonseca Pleads Guilty To Felony Stalking And Misdemeanor Count To Intimidate A Witness In Waukesha County

Fonseca pleaded guilty to one count felony stalking, and a misdemeanor count to intimidate a witness in Waukesha County.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 16, 2025

Waukesha, Wisconsin - On Thursday, Jesse E. Fonseca, 41, in a plea agreement with Waukesha County prosecutors pleaded guilty to one felony count for stalking and one misdemeanor count to intimidate a witness, and under the plead agreement, 4 other counts, one felony and three misdemeanor counts were dismissed, but read on the record.

A sentencing hearing was set for April 14, 2025. Fonseca is facing up to 3 years and 6 months in prison for felony stalking and up to $10,000 in fines, or both, and up to 9 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for one misdemeanor count to intimidate a witness.

Fonseca, on Friday, confirmed to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that he has sold the Sabor Tropical Restaurant and Rum Bar in the Southside of Milwaukee, including Fiesta Latina MKE.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

90-year-old Félix Mantilla, Baseball Milwaukee Braves Legend Passed Away

Mantilla was an iconic Milwaukee Braves baseball legend and lived in Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 15, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On January 10, 2025, Félix Mantilla, 90, originally from Isabella, Puerto passed away in Milwaukee. Mantilla was well known for his baseball accomplishment. According to Mantilla's obituary, he was a pioneering figure in both Puerto Rican and Major League Baseball, passed away on January 10, 2025, at the age of 90. Known for his stellar career during the Golden Age of baseball in the United States and Puerto Rico and his deep commitment to nurturing the next generation of baseball talent, Mantilla's impact on the sport was felt far beyond the diamond.

Born on July 29, 1934, in Isabela, Puerto Rico to Juan Mantilla Vendrell and Natividad Lamela de Mantilla, Mantilla's early years in baseball were shaped by his time in the Puerto Rican Winter League, where he played professionally for the Caguas Criollos and the San Juan Senadores. He helped lead the Caguas team to multiple Puerto Rican League championships and one Caribbean League World Series Championship. Team success for Mantilla in Puerto Rico also included a World Amateur Baseball Championship in 1951. On an individual level, Mantilla played on multiple All Star teams, for over 50 years he held the record for most home runs in a single game with 3 and was inducted into the Puerto Rico Sports Hall of Fame, the Caguas Criollos Hall of Fame, and the Sports Hall of Fame in his hometown of Isabela. Moreover, his hometown erected a baseball stadium that is named in his honor.

Puerto Rican baseball definitely laid the foundation for a Major League Baseball career that spanned 11 seasons, including stints with the Milwaukee Braves, New York Mets, Boston Red Sox, Houston Astros and Chicago Cubs. A versatile infielder and outfielder, Mantilla was known for his steady bat, surprising power, exceptional quickness, great defense, and leadership. While in Milwaukee, Mantilla won two National League Championships and one World Series Championship. On an individual level Mantilla's best seasons were with the Boston Red Sox where he had a 30 home run season as a second baseman in 1964 and was selected an All-Star game starter in 1965. 

While his accomplishments on the field were many, Mantilla's legacy is rooted in his tireless dedication to youth baseball in Milwaukee and Isabela, Puerto Rico. Following his retirement from playing in 1968, he channeled his passion for the game into mentoring and developing young athletes. His passion was shared by a number of Latino leaders in Milwaukee, and together they created the Félix Mantilla Little League in 1972, working to provide children in the community with the opportunity to play baseball and learn important life lessons through the sport.

The Félix Mantilla Little League became a cornerstone of Milwaukee's youth baseball scene, offering coaching, training, and academic development initiatives to underprivileged children. Mantilla dedicated countless hours to the league helping young players refine their skills while teaching them the values of teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and academic focus. His commitment to developing young talent was not about creating future Major League stars, but  about providing a safe and supportive space for children to grow and excel in baseball and academics. In 2017 Cardinal Stritch University recognized Mantilla's commitment to youth baseball and academics by awarding him an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.

In addition to his work in Milwaukee, Mantilla remained deeply connected to Puerto Rico, where he continued to influence the development of baseball at the grassroots level. His efforts to improve youth baseball in Puerto Rico were recognized throughout the island, as he served as both a coach and a mentor to young players who admired his career and his dedication to the sport.

Félix Mantilla's legacy lives on in the many players whose lives were changed by his mentorship, and by the Félix Mantilla Little League and the academic programs he supported, which continue to serve as a resource for children passionate about baseball and academics.

Baron Park in Milwaukee is where the Félix Mantilla Little League games take place every Summer, which are sponsored by the Journey House.

30-year-old Beatriz Villegas And 10-year-old Daughter Arrested For Retail Theft Of More Than $1,200 At Gurnee Mills In Illinois, Mother Charged

Gurnee police arrested Villegas and her 10-year-old daughter at Gurnee Mills after they left the Zumiez clothing store with merchandise they didn't purchase.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanics News Network U.S.A.

January 15, 2025

Gurnee, Illinois - On December 10, 2024, Gurnee police around 4:00 p.m. were called to the Gurnee Mills Mall at the 6100 block of W. Grand Ave. after three suspects including a 10-year-old girl were seen by store employees hiding merchandise and leaving without paying for it, at Zumiez, a clothing store at the mall. A Zumiez employee followed the shoplifters along with security mall guards, when police arrived at the scene, they were able to identify Beatriz Villegas, 30, and her 10-year-old daughter, both from Chicago.  Police were able to inspect a Home Goods bag the girl was carrying and a same brand bag Villegas was carrying, police recovered stolen merchandise from Zumiez and 4 other stores in mall totaling approximately $1,210. The third female suspect fled the scene and could not be located by police.

The girl told police that her mother had told her to steal merchandise. Villegas also confessed to police of stealing $800 of the merchandise found in their Home Goods bags.

Villegas was charged with felony retail theft and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and released the same day, according to police.

Lake County State Assistant Attorney Mary Vukovich says, that Villegas and her group stole about $574 from Spencer's, $174 from the Lego store, $419 from the Gamesstop, $35 from VBH Toy Kiosk, and an unknown amount from Crocs and the Zumiez stores, totalling approximately $1,210.

The girl was released to a guardian and the Illinois Department of Children and Family were contacted about the theft crimes. 

Villegas appear in court on January 6, 2025 to face charges and was ordered not to have contact with the stores, and is scheduled for a preliminary status court hearing on February 4, according to court records.

If convicted, Villegas is facing from 2 to 5 years in prison for felony retail theft and up to $25,000 in repayment or restitution.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

U.S. ICE Proposed Local Facility For Processing, Hold And Deportation In The 9th Aldermanic District In The Northside Of Milwaukee

Milwaukee residents in 9th Aldermanic District and surrounding areas will hold a public protest against the Department of Homeland Security proposed plan to house on the district a U.S. ICE facility to process, hold and deport undocumented immigrants.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 14, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - In a press release by Alderwoman Larresa Taylor from the 9th Aldermanic District, she confirmed that she doesn't support a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (U.S.ICE) facility to process, hold and deport undocumented immigrants.

The U.S. ICE proposed facility in Milwaukee is being processed under the President Joe Biden (D) administration in preparation to facilitate the proposed mass deportations that 34-count convicted felon Donald J. Trump (R-MAGA) has promised to implement once he is sworned-in as U.S. President on January 20, 2025 in Washington,  D.C..

The DHS estimates the U.S. total of 11M of undocumented immigrants as of 2022. An estimated 70,000 undocumented immigrants live in Wisconsin, about 47,000 of whom are employed, according to the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.

In Wisconsin, undocumented workers contribute more than $198M in combined taxes to the state annually, accordingto the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).

Wisconsin and Mexico have a $6B combined annual trade agreement, but the Republican/MAGA controlled legislature has failed to allow undocumented workers from Mexico to apply or obtain driver licenses or permits as a safety driving measure.

In March 2006, former Wisconsin Governor James Doyle (D) signed the Real ID law in Wisconsin, which anyone living in the state would have to prove their legal residency and must have a social security to apply for a driver's license in the state.

ICE is known to be the most corrupt federal agency that has committed murder of undocumented immigrants, forced coercion to sign deportation documents, have violated the rights of undocumented to due process, and other illegal acts, which have not been held accountable by the U.S. Congress. (

A public protest against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (U.S. DHS) proposed U.S. ICE facility in Milwaukee will take place on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 in front of the alleged building targeted by U.S. ICE and the U.S. DHS at 11925 W. Lake Park Dr., at 1:00 p.m., according to Alderwoman Taylor.

Alderwoman Taylor released the following statement, "There is a very alarming development that has come to my attention, and it is only fair and right to make the residents of District 9 and the entire city aware as I, with the support of my colleagues, begin to collect information and look for answers of what can be done about it."
"We in District 9 have received a request, through a third party, to support a federal agency as it plans to move into our district. That agency is ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) under the Department of Homeland Security. They have requested that we support modifications to a building in our district located at 11925 W. Lake Park Dr. Those modifications include adding a sally port and a chain link fence with privacy slats. A sally port, in respect to customs, will be used to transport prisoners to and from the facility.
"I want District 9, and the rest of the city, to know that we do not support the Department of Homeland Security in their decision to move into our district, and we definitely do not support any such modifications to any building in our district (as a location to house prisoners!).
"Understand that we did not have representation when the Department of Corrections practically forced the location of a 32-bed youth detention facility on us, but this time, we have a voice. There will be a press conference held TOMORROW (Wednesday, January 15) at 1 p.m. outside of the facility at 11925 West Lake Park Dr.
"We invite representatives from all organizations that will be impacted by this to attend the news conference. Milwaukee's 9th Aldermanic District will no longer be Wisconsin's dumping ground for detention facilities."

The estimated cost to the U.S. government to deport 1M of undocumented immigrants annually is $88B, and in a decade would cost an estimated nearly $1T, according to a press release by Milwaukee County Supervisor Juan Miguel Martinez,  who also opposes the relocation of the U.S. ICE facility to the 9th Aldermanic District in Milwaukee.

Monday, January 13, 2025

17 Hispanics Murdered In 2024, 13 Males And 4 Females, 134 Total Homicides Reported In Milwaukee

There were 134 homicides in 2024, that included 17 Hispanics, 13 males and 4 females, according to Milwaukee police.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 13, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On 2024, Milwaukee police reported that 134 homicides occurred, which 17 were Hispanics, 13 males and 4 females, according to City homicide stats.

• Nayah Vásquez, 18, killed in a drive-by shooting at the 1100 block of S. 37 Street on Christmas Day, December 25, 2024.

• Xziel Rivera, 15, killed in a drive-by shooting at the 1100 block of S. 37 Street on Christmas Day, December 25, 2024.

• Lillian J. Feliciano, 58, was killed by strangulation at the 2000 block of S. 8th St. on November 23, 2024.

• Xavier Davis, 16, fatally shot at the 2700 block of W. Oklahoma Ave. on November 12, 2024.

• Nelson Manuel López Correa, 15, was fatally shot at the 1600 block of W. Forest Home Ave. on October 28, 2024.

• Natalie Ramos-Rodriguez, 39, was fatally shot at the 700 block of S. 24 Street on September 9, 2024.

• Javier D. Hernández-Gazga, 26, was murdered at the 8600 block of W. Good Hope Rd. on July 28, 2O24.

• Jesús Huerta-Correa, 20, was fatally shot at the 1400 block of S. 24 Street on July 23, 2O24.

• Albert Felipe Maria, 44, was beaten to death with a 2×4 at the 1400 bock of S. 8 Street on July 19, 2024.

• Samuel Sesar Molinar, 50, was fatally shot at the 3100 block North Buffum Street on June 29, 2024.

• Diego Herrera-Mejia, 16, was fatally shot at the 1800 block of W. Manitoba Street on June 15, 2024.

• Isaac Rodriguez, 15, was fatally shot at the 1800 block of W. Manitoba Street on June 15, 2024.

• Jonael A. Zambrano-Cardona, 9, was fatally shot at the 9000 block of N. Swan Rd. on June 13, 2024.

• Isdennyeliz Ortiz, 10, was fatally shot at the 2100 block of W. Orchard Street on May 31, 2024.

• Monroe Weso, 15, was fatally shot at the 1400 block of W. Halsey Ave. on May 18, 2024.

• Alejandro A. Sánchez, 15,  was fatally shot at the 1400 block of W. Halsey Ave. on May 18, 2024.

• Steven Cortez Vance, 30, was fatally shot at the 2600 block of N. 26 Street on May 11, 2024.

Friday, January 10, 2025

19-year-old Emilio A. Arner-Ortiz Charged With 2nd-degree Sexual Assault Of A 13-year-old Boy From Illinois In Milwaukee

19-year-old Arner-Oriz charged with sexual assault of a 13-year-old boy and child enticement, according to Milwaukee police.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 10, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Friday, Emilio A. Arner-Ortiz, 19, was criminally charged with using a computer to facilitate a 13-year-old child (boy) for a sex crime, abduction of a child, child enticement, 2nd-degree sexual assault of child under 16, and intentionally pointing a handgun at Milwaukee police officers.

Arner-Ortiz is facing more than 40 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines, or both for using a computer to  facilitate a sex crime with a child; facing more than 15 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines, or both for abduction of a child; facing more than 25 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines, or both for child enticement; facing more than 40 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines, or both for 2nd-degree sexual assault of a child under 16, and facing more than 6 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for pointing a firearm at a law enforcement officers.

If convicted on all charges, Arner-Ortiz is facing up to 126 years in prison and up to $360,000 in fines, or both.

A $100,000 cash bond was set for Arner-Ortiz.

According to the criminal complaint, Arner-Ortiz allegedly used a computer to chat with a 13-year-old old boy from Illinois for at least three years. He went to Alsip, Illinois on November 7, 2024, between 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., he picked up the boy and then returned to Milwaukee where he engaged in sex with the boy. 

The boy's father on November 7, 2024 noticed around 3:00 a.m. that his son was not at home. His father then checked the boy's laptop and noticed that his son was chatting in the DISCORT app with a person called "Tres", according to police.

The parents filed a missing person report with Illinois police in the Village of Alsip.

Milwaukee police later located the boy at a McDonald's Restaurant on S. 6 Street and W. Oklahoma Ave. in the Southside of Milwaukee.  The boy's mother came to Milwaukee to pick up the boy. The boy told his parents that Arner-Ortiz was his boyfriend, and that he was 16. The mother later discovered that Arner-Ortiz was 19.

When interviewed, the boy told Alsip police in Illinois that he had ran away from home with his 16-year-old boyfriend from Milwaukee, and that he had sex with the boyfriend in Milwaukee.

On December 1, 2024, the mother and boy returned to the Alsip Police Department to report additional information about Arner-Ortiz. The boy told police that he had sex with Arner-Ortiz in Milwaukee and that Arner-Ortiz had let him hold his unloaded handgun. The boy also told police that he placed the unloaded handgun to his head and pulled the trigger.

Milwaukee police on January 6, 2025, went to a residence at the 2500 block of S. 7th Street where Arner-Ortiz was at and when several Milwaukee Police Officers, Nicholas Zaragoza and Miguel Benitez were talking to Arner-Ortiz, he pulled a handgun out, and Officer Benitez, 35, began to struggle with him, then Benitez pulled out his service weapon and shot Arner-Ortiz once in the abdomen. Soon after getting shot, Arner-Ortiz told the officers that (the handgun) "it's unloaded, and suicide by cop." 

Arner-Ortiz suffered a non-life threatening injury and was hospitalized, but was later taken into custody.

Arner-Ortiz and the boy had talked about committing suicide after police in Alsip, Illinois and Milwaukee police in Wisconsin learned of their DISCORD chats and sexual encounter in Milwaukee.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) has learned that Arner-Ortiz is the nephew of Wisconsin State Representative Sylvia Ortiz-Velez (D-Milw). When contacted by HNNUSA, Rep. Ortiz-Velez said, that she wasn't aware that her nephew had been criminally charged on Friday or had been shot by police on January 6. Ortiz-Velez released the following statement, "I have not seen him in over a decade but I will say that it is unfortunate that he chose to make poor choices. I hope that everyone involved receives the mental health treatment needed."