Wednesday, January 29, 2025

VDLF And Allies Stage Protest Against Self-exposed MAGA Principal Fritz Blandón From Allen-Field Elementary School In The Predominately Latino Southside Community, Most Residents Are Democrats

Blandón, a self-exposed Trump MAGA in social media came under fire by Voces de la Frontera, allies, public elected officials and members of the non-Latino and Hispanic community in the Southside of Milwaukee for suspending a 2nd grade teacher for informing the parents of Latino students where legal services were available to them. Blandón interpret that legal services info as a political message, how ironic.

By H. NelsonGoodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A. 

January 29, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, a large crowd gathered at Allen-Field Elementary School at the 700 block of W. Lapham Ave. to protest against Fritz Blandón, a self-exposed Trump MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again) supporter who happens to be the principal at Allen-Field.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) first broke the story that Blandón had self-exposed himself as being a Trump MAGA supporter in social media (Facebook). MAGAs are allegedly well known for continuously lying, their anti-immigrant stand, hate and racist rhetoric towards people of color and are considered facist-communists, according to a national trend consensus.

Allen-Field Elementary School is part of the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) in the City of Milwaukee where a majority of voters are Democrats and pay taxes including property taxes that are used to pay the salaries of teachers, including the MPS administration staff and Superintendent.

Apparently, Blandón seemed to care less, if he exposed himself as a Trump supporter while working, earning a salary and making a living from a majority Democrat voting City, which is ironic because water and oil don't mixed.

Blandón came under fire after he suspended Alondra García, a 2nd grade teacher at Allen-Field Elementary School, for sending out information to student parents about legal services available to them. Blandón claimed it was a political message.

Video: Alondra García's statement at protest

The Milwaukee Teacher's Education Association released a Safe Haven toolkit at the following link:

MPS released the attached statement regarding today's concerns of national developments,  where the Trump MAGA U.S. Department of Homeland Security confirmed that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can enter churches and schools to detain the undocumented.

Mexicans are not asylum seekers, Fritz Blandón doesn't know the difference. He shares MAGA White Nationalist fake propaganda.

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