Tuesday, January 14, 2025

U.S. ICE Proposed Local Facility For Processing, Hold And Deportation In The 9th Aldermanic District In The Northside Of Milwaukee

Milwaukee residents in 9th Aldermanic District and surrounding areas will hold a public protest against the Department of Homeland Security proposed plan to house on the district a U.S. ICE facility to process, hold and deport undocumented immigrants.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 14, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - In a press release by Alderwoman Larresa Taylor from the 9th Aldermanic District, she confirmed that she doesn't support a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (U.S.ICE) facility to process, hold and deport undocumented immigrants.

The U.S. ICE proposed facility in Milwaukee is being processed under the President Joe Biden (D) administration in preparation to facilitate the proposed mass deportations that 34-count convicted felon Donald J. Trump (R-MAGA) has promised to implement once he is sworned-in as U.S. President on January 20, 2025 in Washington,  D.C..

The DHS estimates the U.S. total of 11M of undocumented immigrants as of 2022. An estimated 70,000 undocumented immigrants live in Wisconsin, about 47,000 of whom are employed, according to the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.

In Wisconsin, undocumented workers contribute more than $198M in combined taxes to the state annually, accordingto the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).

Wisconsin and Mexico have a $6B combined annual trade agreement, but the Republican/MAGA controlled legislature has failed to allow undocumented workers from Mexico to apply or obtain driver licenses or permits as a safety driving measure.

In March 2006, former Wisconsin Governor James Doyle (D) signed the Real ID law in Wisconsin, which anyone living in the state would have to prove their legal residency and must have a social security to apply for a driver's license in the state.

ICE is known to be the most corrupt federal agency that has committed murder of undocumented immigrants, forced coercion to sign deportation documents, have violated the rights of undocumented to due process, and other illegal acts, which have not been held accountable by the U.S. Congress. (http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2017/10/us-ice-and-border-customs-agents-lack.html)

A public protest against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (U.S. DHS) proposed U.S. ICE facility in Milwaukee will take place on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 in front of the alleged building targeted by U.S. ICE and the U.S. DHS at 11925 W. Lake Park Dr., at 1:00 p.m., according to Alderwoman Taylor.

Alderwoman Taylor released the following statement, "There is a very alarming development that has come to my attention, and it is only fair and right to make the residents of District 9 and the entire city aware as I, with the support of my colleagues, begin to collect information and look for answers of what can be done about it."
"We in District 9 have received a request, through a third party, to support a federal agency as it plans to move into our district. That agency is ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) under the Department of Homeland Security. They have requested that we support modifications to a building in our district located at 11925 W. Lake Park Dr. Those modifications include adding a sally port and a chain link fence with privacy slats. A sally port, in respect to customs, will be used to transport prisoners to and from the facility.
"I want District 9, and the rest of the city, to know that we do not support the Department of Homeland Security in their decision to move into our district, and we definitely do not support any such modifications to any building in our district (as a location to house prisoners!).
"Understand that we did not have representation when the Department of Corrections practically forced the location of a 32-bed youth detention facility on us, but this time, we have a voice. There will be a press conference held TOMORROW (Wednesday, January 15) at 1 p.m. outside of the facility at 11925 West Lake Park Dr.
"We invite representatives from all organizations that will be impacted by this to attend the news conference. Milwaukee's 9th Aldermanic District will no longer be Wisconsin's dumping ground for detention facilities."

The estimated cost to the U.S. government to deport 1M of undocumented immigrants annually is $88B, and in a decade would cost an estimated nearly $1T, according to a press release by Milwaukee County Supervisor Juan Miguel Martinez,  who also opposes the relocation of the U.S. ICE facility to the 9th Aldermanic District in Milwaukee.

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