Sunday, August 11, 2024

WISGOP Opened Hispanic Community Center Campaign Office At The 1300 Block Of W. Greenfield Ave. In Milwaukee To Reelect Trump, The Convicted Felon

Latino MAGAs in Milwaukee including Wisconsin seemed to have faded away after their MAGA campaign to reelect Trump failed in November 2020. They're trying to resurge once again in 2024.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

August 11, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On August 3, 2024, the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) opened a WISGOP Hispanic (MAGA) Community Center in the Southside of Milwaukee at the 1300 block of W. Greenfield Ave., which most likely become the latest Latino Trump MAGA cult campaign office in an attempt to infiltrate the predominately Democrat voting Latino population.

Anyone that supports and votes for Trump is considered a MAGA today.

In a press release date August 5th, the RPW reported that it hosted the grand opening of its Hispanic Outreach Office with RPW Chairman Brian Schimming, State Representative Jessie Rodriguez, and Chairman of the Republican Party of Milwaukee County Hilario Deleon in the Southside of Milwaukee. (

Latinos in Milwaukee including throughout the state were instrumental in electing U.S. President Joe Biden (D) in November 2020 and electing Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) in November 2018.

The Trump MAGA (Make Amerikkka Great Again) cult political agenda for the 2024 campaign period advocates mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, which many families have two or more legal U.S. born voting age children that will not support or vote for a political party that wants to deport their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and relatives.

The RPW and the Trump 2024 campaign don't favor Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a path to citizenship for more than 13M immigrants or driver licenses for the undocumented in Wisconsin as a road safety measure.

Trump also attempted to eliminate DACA during his first term as president.

Today, the Republican Party is no longer considered the Republican Party of Lincoln, according to many conservative Republicans that have left the Party and are expected to vote for the presumptive Democrat Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris (D) in November 2024.

On July 4, 2024, Manuel "Manny" Pérez, the former Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development who was Republican under the former Governor Scott Walker (R) administration and in 2024 changed his political party affiliation to Independent told radio host Earl Ingram during the Earl Ingram Radio 1510 AM Show that this presidential election is to prevent, "Trump from getting in power, that's the single most important objective in this election. Trump has already gained immunity, so you can only imagine what he is going to do, if he gets elected, in other words, he is going to do whatever he wants and he is going to name it an official act. As a result, I really encourage all moderates, independents, former Republicans and Democrats to unite...the Republican Party is no longer, the Party of Lincoln, but a religious cult."

Also many conservative Republicans will not support or vote to reelect former U.S. President Donald J. Trump who was convicted of 34 felony convictions in New York. Trump is also awaiting multiple pending criminal felony cases in several states.

On 2020, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) was instrumental in stopping the Latino MAGA movement in Milwaukee including Wisconsin, simply because the Latino MAGAs weren't organized and didn't have a unified platform to support the Latino population in the state including the U.S.A..

The 2019 Latino MAGA cult movement in the Milwaukee area and statewide was allegedly led by Mario Herrera, former Hispanic Outreach Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin who now lives Tennessee. Herrera resigned from the Republican Party of Wisconsin shortly after the failed re-election campaign of former Governor Scott Walker (R) in 2018.

In August 2019, a Latino MAGA's fake Facebook page hispanicnewsnetworkUSA dot com was created by Dawn Maldonado Pérez, 53, and Mario Herrera, 35, to mimic HNNUSA by engaging and promoting Nazi propaganda including symbols of hate in Wisconsin connected to the Trump Campaign Donation site. (

Maldonado Pérez, alias, Damaris Pérez, is the founder and operator of Bylyngo Translating and Interpreting LLC in Milwaukee, which continues to depend on the same clientele for business that Trump was attempting to deport in his first term, with his rhetoric anti-immigrant policies. Bylyngo Translating and Interpreting LLC provides contract translating services for the Milwaukee County court system. According to Racine County court records in Wisconsin, Pérez was criminally convicted for two misdemeanor counts for theft of up to $1,000/false representation in 2000.

Trump was defeated in the November 2020 Presidential Election by Joe Biden (D).

During the Trump MAGA cult (RNC 2024) National Convention in Milwaukee from July 15-18, the Latino MAGA movement in Milwaukee including Wisconsin was nearly non-existent. Latino MAGAs from Milwaukee County weren't highlighted during the three-day Convention by White Republicans/MAGAs, it only showed the inevitable that Latino MAGAs within the Republican Party in Wisconsin won't be instrumental in winning Wisconsin for Trump in November 2024.

Today, Trump continues to advocate for mass deportations of hard working undocumented immigrants that do pay state and federal taxes, in his campaign route, which most likely turn away the Latino vote. 

In January 2024, Patricia "Pati" Concha, 56, the former executive director of the Republican National Committee (RNC) Hispanic Community Center, 1300 block of W. Lincoln Av. (HCC, opened in 2021) in the Southside of Milwaukee (HCC, no longer in operation, closed after the midterm-elections in 2022) was taken into custody for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant issued on August 8, 2019 for failing to appear in court to face one misdemeanor count of operating a vehicle while revoked (revoked due to alcohol/control substance/refusal),  according to court records. (

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