Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Class Action Lawsuit Against HACM Announced By Common Ground Org And College Court Residents From The Housing Authority Of The City Of Milwaukee Over Pest Control Infestation Negligence And Other Issues

Residents from the College Court development and Common Ground org announced a class action lawsuit against the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM).

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

August 28, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) learned that 5 College Court development residents filed a court complaint against the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) for negligence to resolve pest control bed bug infestation in Milwaukee.

Common Ground organization and Attorney Micheal Cerjak representing 5 HACM tenants (Plaintiffs) Stacy Ream, Sandra Eagle, Charlene Bell, Ricky Wright and Carmella Holloway at College Court development in Milwaukee announced Wednesday a class action lawsuit against HACM including Willie Hines, the Secretary-Executive Director of HACM. (Milwaukee County court case number 2024CV006939)

According to Attorney Cerjak, the class action lawsuit is not seeking monetary compensation for anyone, other then for HACM to fix the pest control problem, since HACM is the landlord. The class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of the College Court development residents only, but Kevin Solomon, the Associate Organizer from Common Ground says, if other HACM developments need to be included, then they will pursue action, if HACM doesn't fix the pest control bed bug infestation problem and other issues at all of the developments HACM manages.

HACM development residents have called on City of Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson to replace Hines, but Johnson has not listened and refuses to remove Hines from the helm of the HACM. 

Also, the Milwaukee Common Council has failed to push for Hines removal including most of the HACM Board who serve as a rubber stamp for Hines.

The HACM Board of Commissioners approved Mayor Johnson's appointment of Hines on March 10, 2022 to the HACM, as secretary-executive director. Hines was a former Chair of the HACM Board (1998-2014).

Hines will allegedly stay until March 2025 to retire, so he can get a taxpayer pension of $137,000 per year.

HACM employees are also covered by the City of Milwaukee retirement pensions.

In early August 2024, Common Ground, a advocacy non-profit organization and HACM residents in a open letter to Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson wrote, Mr. Mayor, your friend and campaign contributor has mismanaged HACM for the last 25 years. Hines has been at the helm of HACM since 1997—as Board Chair, the #2 staff, and now the #1! From the beginning, federal officials warned that he "does not seem to possess the requisite qualifications." Under his watch:

• Federal officials found $3 million of missing money and our social security cards piled in hallways, resulting in a forensic audit.

• HACM was forced to outsource its largest program, Section 8 rent assistance—the program he was responsible for as Associate Director 2015-2022.

• Federal officials gave HACM a score of zero out of 25 for "Financial Management." 

• Properties have enormous crime rates with thousands of police calls. 

• We residents have suffered emotionally and physically for years.

Despite these problems, the HACM Board has never conducted a Performance Review of Hines' work. In fact, his incompetence has been rewarded. He has gotten promotions, received raises, and is now paid $252,000/year. Why is that?

Class Action lawsuit (PDF) at link:

TMJ4 News live video of HACM class action lawsuit announcement at College Court development link:

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