Monday, May 20, 2024

WI: In History, Marching For Welfare Rights In 1970

History in Wisconsin, Latinos today continue to be stakeholders in making Wisconsin and the City of Milwaukee a better place to live, work, educate and raise family.

Photo of Marla O. Anderson, Ernesto Chacon, movement organizer and leader, and Margie Escobedo marching for Welfare Rights in 1970 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Migrants moving to Wisconsin had to wait more than 6-months to get public assistance by Milwaukee County.

Photo was published in page 132 in the second edition 1991 of 500 Años Del Pueblo Chicano, 500 Years Of Chicano History In Pictures by Southwest Organizing Project Edited by Elizabeth Martínez.

Anderson passed away in 1984 and Escobedo passed away in 2020 in Milwaukee.

Posted on May 20, 2024 by H. Nelson Goodson, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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