Friday, May 10, 2024

41-year-old Milwaukee Police Officer Marco A. López Pleaded Guilty To Felony Misconduct In Office-Fraud In The Death Of An Inmate In Custody, Gets 24 Months Probation

López pleaded guilty to one felony count of misconduct in office and fraud and three other charges reduced to misdemeanor counts in a plead agreement with prosecutors.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 10, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Friday, Marco A. López, 41, a Milwaukee Police Officer under full suspension in a plea agreement resolution with the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office (MCDAO) pleaded guilty to one felony count for misconduct in office and three other felony counts were reduced to misdemeanors, according to Milwaukee County court records. 

Officer López sentences were stayed and López received 24 months of probation. According to court records, "Court held Sentencing Open and ordered matter set for a review hearing. Upon successful completion of Probation in Counts 4, 5, 6 court will order case Dismissed."

In addition, López was prohibited from seeking employment with Milwaukee Police Department, as a felon, he prohibited from having a firearm, and must do 100 hours of community service.

López was previously  charged with one felony count for misconduct/office-fraud/record/statement (making false record entries) in connection with the in-custody death of Keishon D. Thomas, 20, at Milwaukee Police Department District Station 5 in 2022.

According to the criminal complaint, Officer López was to check Keishon and other individuals (inmates) in custody at the District Station 5 every 15 minutes during his shift. Video surveillance footage from inside the station showed that López did not check on the inmates including Keishon at least 10 times who were in custody.

Officer López was found to have falsely logged 10 times in the cell block booking sheet that he in fact checked on the inmates that were locked up, when in fact video surveillance footage inside the police station showed he did not.

Another Milwaukee Police Officer Donald W. Krueger, 50, pleaded no contest in March 2024 and was convicted for one felony count of misconduct in office and fraud in connection with the February 2022 death of Thomas while in custody. Former Milwaukee Police Officer Krueger retired before the felony conviction.

Krueger's sentencing under a plea agreement with the MCDAO, he was fined $5,000 and will serve no prison time, according to court records.

According to the criminal complaint, Krueger neglected Keishon, who was confined at the Milwaukee Police District 5 Station. He neglected Keishon by failing to garner him medical attention, despite seeing Keishon dry heave multiple times, being informed Keishon had recently ingested multiple controlled substances, noting Keishon's profuse sweating, and stating he was going to call an ambulance, which Krueger never did. Keishon ultimately died in custody at the district station.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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