Sunday, September 4, 2022

Epoxy Man Flooring Booth Shut Down At St. Martins Fair 2022 By City Of Franklin Officials And Police For Alleged Prior Felony Convictions

The Epoxy Man Flooring booth at the St. Martins Fair on Sunday was shut down by City of Franklin officials and Fair police for allegedly having prior felony convictions.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

September 4, 2022

Franklin, Wisconsin - On Sunday, City of Franklin officials (council members) and police shutdown the Epoxy Man Flooring booth at St. Martins Fair on allegations that Dusten W. Johnson had a 24-page criminal rap sheet and falsified information on the permit application. According to a Facebook (FB) video posted by Margarita Moralez (FB: Margarita Yvette), she told the City of Franklin officials who came to the Epoxy Man Flooring booth at the fair that she helped filled the permit application and that Johnson signed it, since they are both venturing in the business together. Moralez did include the only felony conviction in the application that Johnson previously was convicted off and is no longer on paper (supervision).

One of the City of Franklin officials alleged that Johnson had falsified the permit application by not including all of his prior felony convictions. Moralez confirmed to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) on Sunday that Johnson only has one felony conviction on record and not a 24-page rap sheet as alleged by the City of Franklin official.

Moralez says that the individual who signed the approval of Johnson's permit to be allowed to participate as a vendor at St. Martins Fair misspelled his name as Dustin Johnson instead of actual name Dusten Johnson.

Moralez and Johnson were forced to shutdown the Epoxy Man Flooring booth on Sunday.

The City of Franklin officials took their permit and didn't returned it to Johnson for his record. Johnson paid $90 for the vendor permit and had to use his driver's license for identification when applying for the permit on Friday.

The individual talking to Moralez in the video allegedly told her that the City of Franklin doesn't allow for felons to promote their businesses. The female individual says, "that I know so, the city code also says that no felons can obtain them (permits), okay." (Video transcript: minute 1:30 - 1:32)

In Wisconsin, felons who complete their conviction sentences can operate businesses legally and cannot be discriminated upon.

In this case, Moralez called it a racist and discrimination act by the City of Franklin officials including the council members and police involved for Sunday's incident.

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