Fendt claims that the Southside Organizing Committee Board has not given him any reason why he was terminated, according to a mass e-mail sent by Fendt to friends of SOC.
By H. Nelson Goodson
December 16, 2014
Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, Steve Fendt, the former executive director of the Southside Organizing Committee (SOC) send out a mass e-mail dated December 15, to friends of SOC claiming that the SOC Board had given him "no reason" for why he was terminated from the position on November 15. In the mass mailing, Fendt acknowledges his accomplishments and recognized most of the Southside community members that worked with SOC in certain issues and accredited the non-profit organization's success to his leadership and support from the community.
Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) first broke the story in November when Fendt was dismissed from SOC. On Tuesday, when HNNUSA contacted Fendt, he stated, "The separation was not mutual. They offered me 8 weeks severance in exchange for my silence on why I was let go --they have no good reason-- I felt they owed the community an explanation if not from the both of us, then I would provide one. Through my lawyer, I offered a counter proposal which included coming up with a joint statement that we could share with the community, a mutual non-disparagement clause, and a more reasonable severance package given my 22 years of high performing service to the organization. They did not respond to my counter offer." Fendt had been the executive director of SOC, since October 1991.
When contacted by HNNUSA in November, Attorney Jason Cleereman, the President of the SOC Board would only confirmed that Fendt, the executive director for SOC was no longer with the non-profit organization. Fendt's last day with SOC was on November 15, according to Cleereman.
Cleereman said, that Fendt and the SOC Board decided to part ways and wouldn't elaborate further. The SOC Board is now trying to replace Fendt.
The SOC Board has indicated it will not publicly discuss Fendt's termination, since Fendt has hired an attorney and has not authorized the SOC Board to release any reason why they decided to terminate him. SOC does not discuss internal personnel matters in public, according to their employment policy to hire or terminate employees.
To date, Fendt is still listed in the SOC website as the executive director.
SOC is a neighborhood based organization dedicated to the development and sustain ability of Milwaukee's Near South Side Neighborhoods. We focus on projects that support community stake holders and create safe and livable neighborhoods, according to the SOC website.
HNNUSA has included the following e-mail that was send out by Fendt to friends of SOC.
December 15, 2014
Dear Friend of SOC: (para español, vea a bajo)
As you are someone whose relationship I have valued over the years, I wanted to let you know that my employment with the Southside Organizing Committee (SOC) was terminated by the SOC Board of Directors on a 5-0 vote on November 15, 2015. The SOC Board --Jason Cleereman, Graciela Hernandez, Marina Borges, Carmen Cabrera and Zonya Lopez -- gave no reason for its action. As a publicly funded entity, SOC board meetings are open to the public.
In my 22 years at SOC I have always acted in what I felt were the best interests of the organization and the 88,000 people of the Near South Side. My decisions were based upon the facts available and the multitude of voices I heard throughout my time and space in the community. One of the first lessons of community organizing is that all decisions serve an interest. While I respect the Board's right to make this choice to terminate my employment, I am saddened as I think it serves neither the organization nor the community.
Please know that I have enjoyed working with you and for you over these last 22 years. We had a great partnership, and together we accomplished a lot for the community. I leave SOC proud of all the work we have done and am especially proud of this past year's accomplishments, including
● Connecting over 200 Energy Assistance eligible households to this annual program of which they were previously unaware
● Connecting over 100 residents to programs that helped maintain and improve housing conditions for Near South Side families
● Getting $2 million in new funding set aside in the City's 2015 budget for homeowners struggling to maintain their homes, a critical need for which we had consistently and demonstratively advocated
● Drawing attention to a proposed counter-effective, fee and inspection program aimed at affordable housing providers on certain blocks of the Near South Side
● Delivering over 8,000 letters to the candidates for governor this fall in support of a driver's license program for the thousands of immigrant laborers and caregivers who are concentrated on the Near South Side
● Gathering over 500 Near South Side residents, including Near South Side elected representatives and the mayor to advocate for State help on the issue of driver's licenses, home maintenance and public safety; and perhaps most significantly,
● Establishing SOC as a leading, local, mediating voice in the national conversation on immigration as an organization that acts on the common interests of the community where the highest concentration of the State's immigrants reside.
With the help of SOC staff over the last two years, I leave SOC on firm financial footing with unrestricted revenue and assets over $15,000; commitments of $274,090 in 2015 grant funding; as a finalist for a substantial, multi-year national community organizing award slated for June 2015; and with a strong outreach and translation revenue generating service. It is my hope that the organization will continue to be a voice for the people. Please do all you can to continue to ensure that the people are heard!
Over my 22 years at SOC I had a lot of help from other committed staff and volunteers who helped build the organization and establish credibility within the community. More than any other SOC staff person, Freddy Garnica really connected SOC to the growing Latino community on the Near South Side and helped SOC stay true to its indigenous roots as the neighborhood changed from 75% Anglo to 75% Latino over the past generation. This year's staff of Misael Hernandez, Clarissa Morales and Patricia Ruiz performed exceptionally under extreme pressure. Louisa Diliberti, Jesus Hernandez, Jr., Phoua Vang, Paulina DeHaan, Jocasta Zamarripa, Barbara McKillop, Nazareth Ornelas, Amy Senneke, Cesar Roman, Ann Singh, Alicia Gonzalez, Marty Tirado, Jackie Ziegler, Martha Kampmann, and Michael Kost were all the right people at the right time for SOC to get to where it is today. Equally responsible for SOC's successes were some of the board members who complemented SOC staff efforts with their hard work and gumption, their passion for the cause, and the pragmatic leadership they exhibited during their tenure including the late Jose Gutierrez, SOC's first Chairman; Betty Grinker, Alice Lisota, Roberto Castillo, Charles Engle, Tom and Evelyn Sheehan, Earl Komassa, Jack Drobnik, Ceil Puskarich, Mavis Mathea, Denise and Vivian Zellmer, Darlene Rakowski, Bob Donovan, Pat Prudlow, Pastor Jim Getka, Dominga Cordero, Lupe Ball, Eileen Owens, Jose Lopez, Tim Ballering, Joel Martinez, Roger Kristicevic, David Turner, Karen Deiro, Dagoberto Ibarra, Jack Szymborski, Kathy Treacy, Julie Smith, Joe Perez, Tony Garnica, Erich Straub, Frank Villa, Elaine Handeland, Gloria Gonzalez, Ernesto Nava, Christine Shaughnessy, Marta Alamo, Mike Johnson, Jose (M&G) Lopez, Linda Zinke, Rev. Madeline Fuentez and dozens of other friends and supporters.
Lastly, I want you to know I am grateful for all the professional and life affirming relationships I have made with all of you --local pastors, local school principals and parent coordinators, community development agency staff, funders, dedicated public employees and most especially, the hard working, common sensical, independent-thinking and family-loving people of the Near South Side. It was a challenging job, but I found it easy to work for you! I wish you all the very best!
Steve Fendt
Querido Amigo de SOC:
Como tu eres alguien de quien su amistad he apreciado atravez de los años, quiero dejarte saber que mi empleo con el Southside Organizing Committee (SOC) ha sido terminado por la Mesa Directiva de SOC en una votación de 5-0 en Noviembre 15, 2014. La Mesa Directiva de SOC --Jason Cleereman, Graciela Hernandez, Marina Borges, Carmen Cabrera y Zonya Lopez-- no dió ninguna razon sobre dicho acto. Como una organización pública, las reuniones de la Mesa Directiva deben ser abiertas al público.
En mis 22 años en SOC, siempre actué en lo que pensé fue para el mejor interés de la organización y las 88,000 personas en el Lado Sur. Mis decisiones estuvieron basadas en hechos disponibles y las voces de las multitudes que yo escuché atravez de mi tiempo y espacio en la comunidad. Una primera lección de organizar la comunidad es que todo sirve un interés. Me entristece mucho la decisión de la Mesa Directiva de SOC de terminar mi empleo porque no le sirve ni a la organización ni a la comunidad.
Por favor sepan que yo disfrutaba trabajar con ustedes y para ustedes. Hemos tenido una sociedad en estos 22 años y juntos realizamos mucho por la comunidad. Yo dejo SOC orgulloso por el trabajo que hemos hecho y especialmente orgulloso por los logros de este año pasado incluyendo...
● Conectar más de 200 familias elegibles para la Asistencia de Energía a su programa anual sobre el cual no conocían anteriormente
● Conectar más de 100 residentes a programas que les ayudaron a mantener y mejorar las condiciones de las viviendas para las familias del Lado Sur
● Conseguir $2 millones en fondos nuevos en el presupuesto 2015 dela Ciudad colocados a un lado para los dueños que batallan para mantener sus casas por los cuales constantemente demostramos apoyo
● Llamar la atención para un programa propuesto de un pago e una inspección para provedores de casas económicas en ciertas bloques del Lado Sur;
● Entregar más de 8,000 cartas a los candidatos para gobernador en apoyo para un programa para las Licensias de Conducir para los miles de inmigrantes trabajadores y prestadores de servicios que están concentrados en el Lado Sur
● Reunir más de 500 residentes del Lado Sur, incluyendo representantes electos para el Lado Sur y el Alcalde para pedir para más apoyo estatal para las Licensias de Conducir, el mantenimiento de propiedades, y la seguridad pública; y quizás también más significantemente,
● Establecer a SOC como una fuerza local en la conversación nacional sobre inmigracion como una organización que actua puramente en el interés de la comunidad en donde la mayoría de los inmigrantes del estado residen.
Con la ayuda del personal de SOC en los dos últimos años, dejo a SOC con paso firme financieramente, ganancias sin restricciones y activos de más de $15,000; promesas de $274,090 en el 2015; como una finalista para un premio substancial por años multiples con una organización nacional que apoya el organizador comunitario en Junio del 2015; y con una fuerte alcance y ganancias en las traducciónes generando servicios. Es mi esperanza que la organización sigue siendo una voz para la gente. Por favor hagan lo que puedan para que se aseguren de que la gente sea escuchada!!
En más de 22 años en SOC mucha gente empleada y voluntarios quienes ayudaron a fundar la organización y establecer credibilidad entre la comunidad. Más que ninguna otra persona, Fernando Freddy Garnica realmente conectó a SOC con la creciente comunidad Hispana en el Lado Sur y ayudó a SOC estar firme en las raíces hechas en casa, en el cambio de un 75% Anglosajon a un 75% Hispano atravez de la generación pasada. Los actuales empleados Misael Hernandez, Clarissa Morales y Patricia Ruiz hicieron un admirable trabajo bajo mucha presión. Louisa Diliberti, Jesus Hernandez, Jr., Phoua Vang, Paulina DeHaan, Jocasta Zamarripa, Barbara McKillop, Nazareth Ornelas, Amy Senneke, Ann Singh, Cesar Roman, Marty Tirado, Jackie Ziegler, Martha Kampmann, and Michael Kost fueron la gente correcta en el tiempo correcto para que SOC fuera lo que es hoy en día.
Igualmente responsables del éxito de SOC fueron algunos de los miembros anteriores de la Mesa Directiva quienes complementaron el equipo de trabajo con su trabajo duro y listeza, su pasión por la causa y el liderazgo pragmático que demostraron durante su tiempo incluyendo quienes estuvieron y quienes aún están como el primer presidente de la Mesa Directiva, Jose Gutierrez, y Betty Grinker, Alice Lisota, Roberto Castillo, Charles Engle, Tom y Evelyn Sheehan, Earl Komassa, Jack Drobnik, Ceil Puskarich, Mavis Mathea, Denise y Vivian Zellmer, Darlene Rakowski, Bob Donovan, Pat Prudlow, Pastor Jim Getka, Dominga Cordero, Lupe Ball, Jim y Eileen Owens, Jose Lopez, Tim Ballering, Joel Martinez, Roger Kristicevic, David Turner, Karen Deiro, Dagoberto Ibarra, Jack Szymborski, Kathy Treacy, Julie Smith, Joe Perez, Tony Garnica, Erich Straub, Frank Villa, Elaine Handeland, Gloria Gonzalez, Ernesto Nava, Christine Shaughnessy, Marta Alamo, Mike Johnson, Jose (M&G) Lopez, Linda Zinke, Rev. Madeline Fuentez y docenas de otros amigos y seguidores.
Finalmente, quiero que sepan que estoy agradecido por las firmezas profecionales y de vida afianzando amistades que hice con ustedes-- pastores locales, personal escolar, personal de agencias comunitarias, donadores, los empleados públicos y más especialmente la gente del Lado Sur que trabaja duro, con sensitivismo, humildad, pensamientos independientes y gente que ama a la familia. Fue un trabajo de retos, pero lo encontré fácil al trabajar con ustedes! Les deseo a todos ustedes lo mejor!
Steve Fendt