Saturday, August 31, 2019

Several Latino Carmen South Students And A Parent Not Allowed By Security To Enter Milwaukee Public Schools Administration Building To Seek Appointment With Administrator

Milwaukee Public Schools security prohibited access to several Latino Carmen students and a parent into the administrative building.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

August 31, 2019

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) security denied access to several Latino Carmen students and a parent from entering the MPS Administration building to seek an appointment with an administrator to hear their concerns and eviction attempt from Room 11 at the Walker Complex building. According to video obtained by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), several students along with a parent went to seek an appointment with an administrator when MPS security told them that they had to leave the building because "no one is coming to talk to you". Apparently, the MPS administrators including Eduardo Galvan, the MPS Regional Superintendent and MPS Board member Tony Baez had been avoiding to meet with the students and parents concerning Room 11 and an eviction attempt by MPS employees who changed the door locks of Room 11 on Wednesday while student were still using the room, according to students and parents.
Every MPS student of color and parent should be welcomed at the MPS Administration building, since the student parents do actually pay taxes including property taxes. The Carmen students were not disruptive nor were they disrespectful to security, but security lacked the courtesy and respect to the students and parent.
More than 100 Carmen South students held a peaceful protest and rally on Friday in front of the MPS Administration building at the 5200 block of W. Vliet St. in the City of Milwaukee.
The students wanted to meet with any MPS administrator that would meet with them concerning the eviction of Room 11, but no one in the administration showed interest and ignored the students.
Students have certain rights and one of those rights is to hold MPS administrators accountable for their actions, since their parents pay taxes and the salaries of the MPS administrators and MPS Board members.

Related article: Carmen South Students Protest At Milwaukee Public Schools Administration Building Over Eviction From Walker Complex Room 11 Space

Update: On Saturday, August 31, 2019, MPS employees cleared Room 11 at the Walker Complex building in the Southside of Milwaukee. The room was being used by Carmen South High School students until last Wednesday when MPS employees changed the locks during class as students watched.

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