Monday, June 3, 2024

Homeless Individual Sleeps In Sidewalk Near The Wicket Hop Restaurant Outdoor Seating Section In The Affluent Third Ward Business Corridor In Milwaukee's Southside

Hundreds of well off individuals walked by the homeless individual sleeping in the sidewalk near a popular restaurant in the Third Ward neighborhood and business corridor in the Southside of Milwaukee. It seems like the homeless have become mere ghosts, and are invisible to the well off (and wealthy) population that has learned to ignore the homeless plight in their backyards. A sad state of affairs in today's society!

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

June 3, 2024

Milwaukee,  Wisconsin- On Sunday, June 2, 2024, a homeless individual slept at the 300 block of N. Broadway just steps from a corner popular restaurant, The Wicket Hop across from the Milwaukee Public Market at the historic Third Ward neighborhood and business corridor in the City of Milwaukee.

Hundreds of homeless individuals and drug addicted users have been noticed in all the neighborhoods in the City and busy business corridors, including downtown Milwaukee in the last 5 years.

The City of Milwaukee Common Council including Mayor Cavalier Johnson have yet to implement a strategic development plan that would provide affordable homes for the needy, low income and the homeless in the City.

Hundreds of City owned vacant homes have not been a priority to be remodeled by Common Council, which the properties have become useless for homeless individuals to occupy in order to keep them from the harsh winter and heat elements that can cause health hazards for these homeless population.

Also, along the stretch from S. 21 to S. 27 Streets along W. National Ave., on any given day or night, about 20 homeless individuals that include White, Black, Latino and other people of color can be seen roaming the streets.

Another area, just last Saturday afternoon, at the 2300 block of S. 27 Street, at least 6 White homeless individuals 4 men and 2 women including an elderly woman could seen taking refuge from the rain and sleeping by two entrances of a building North of the Volovanes Delicias restaurant and near a Milwaukee County Transit bus stop shelter at W. Lincoln Ave. and S. 27. One elderly man was stretched out and sleeping on the bus shelter bench.

Unfortunate scenes of the homeless plight that have been described are becoming very common throughout the City with no credible action taken by the Milwaukee Common Council and Mayor Johnson to provide any humane relief for the Milwaukee homeless population. Homeless individuals are not exempt from paying sale taxes when purchasing items, clothing, beverages and food to consume.

The Wisconsin GOP controlled legislature and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) have yet to commit any humane relief to handle the homeless plight in the State of Wisconsin.

Also, neither U.S. President Joe Biden (D) who is running for reelection,  and convicted felon Donald J. Trump (R/MAGA) who is running for President have not made it a priority campaign issue to provide any relief for the homeless population in the country.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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