Sunday, January 12, 2020

Candidate For Milwaukee County Executive Theodore A. Lipscomb Sr. Files Complaint With Election Commission Claiming Three Candidates Had Same Nomination Papers Circulators

Three candidates for Milwaukee County Executive apparently had same nomination papers circulators, according to Milwaukee County Election Commission complaint filed by Lipscomb Sr.,  candidate for Milwaukee County Executive.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 12, 2020

Milwaukee, Wisconsin- On Friday, Candidate Milwaukee County Executive Theodore A. Lipscomb Sr. (current Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors Chairman) filed a complaint with the Milwaukee County Election Commission claiming same circulators actually circulated nomination signature papers for County executive candidates David Crowley, Jim Sullivan (complaint) and Bryan Kennedy (complaint) which state law only validates nomination signatures for candidate with the earliest date circulated.
According to Lipscomb's complaints, he alleged that nomination papers circulators Alisha Pettis, Lesa Trotter and Dominique Thomas circulated nomination papers for Crowley and then for Kennedy. Also Lipscomb alleged that Alisha Pettis, Lesa Trotter, Keith Pettis and Dominique Thomas circulated nomination papers for Crowley and then for Sullivan violating state election laws for certifying nomination papers.
According to Wisconsin State Statues 12.13 (3)(a) for elections and nomination papers, a circulator could face state charges for falsifying and certifying nomination papers to support a candidate when in fact, it is found that the circulator also circulated nomination papers for another candidate for the same office or position.
At least two of the three candidates facing nomination papers challenge by Lipscomb might not have enough certified nomination signatures to get on the Spring Election ballot 2020.
The Milwaukee County Election Commission is reviewing Lipscomb's complaints and has scheduled a hearing at the Milwaukee County Courthouse room 201-B at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday to decide whether the candidates in question will remain on the ballot.

Milwaukee County Election Commission Hearing Agenda (1/14/2020) link: Includes Theo Lipscomb's complaints and responses from Jim Sullivan and Bryan Kennedy

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