Chambers is charged with four felony counts for 2nd-degree murder and additional counts for injuring 47 other people when she plowed with her vehicle into a crowd of spectators including children watching the Oklahoma State University Homecoming Parade on Saturday.
By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
October 26, 2015
Stillwater, Oklahoma - On Monday, the Stillwater Police Department filed four 2nd-degree murder charges against A dacia Avert Chambers, 25, of Stillwater in connection with last Saturday's incident when she plowed her vehicle into a crowd of spectators including children watching the Oklahoma State University Homecoming Parade. Chamber's is facing 10 years of each count for 2nd-degree murder, if convicted. Chambers is suspected of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Three victims died at the scene and a 2-year-old child died later at a local hospital, according to police.
Police also reported that 47 other people were injured including 8 who were flown by Flight for Life to local hospitals. Police are waiting for test results to determine, if Chambers was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the deadly crash.
The victims' names, ages, location and conditions are listed below. (Courtesy of the Stillwater Police Department on Oklahoma)
Victim, Name, Age, Hometown/Current Location and Condition
● Juvenile, 2, Stillwater, OK, Deceased
● Prabhakar, Nakita, 23, Edmond, OK, Deceased
● Stone, Bonnie Jean, 65, Stillwater, OK, Deceased
● Stone, Marvin Lyle, 65, Stillwater, OK, Deceased
● Bates, Sherry, 40, OU Medical - OKC, Critical
● Murphy, Kelly, 4, St Johns - Tulsa, Critical
● Rodriguez, Diana, 37, St Johns - Tulsa, Critical
● Schmitz, Leo, 60, OU Medical - OKC, Critical
● Turner, Mary Annette, 61, OU Medical - OKC, Critical
● Juvenile, 6, OU Childrens - OKC, Fair
● Juvenile, 7, OU Childrens - OKC, Fair
● Juvenile, 6, OU Medical - OKC, Fair
● Juvenile, 6, OU Medical - OKC, Fair
● Harrison, Kelly, 27, Mercy Hospital - OKC, Good
● Juvenile, 1, OU Medical - OKC, Good
● Juvenile ,12, Stillwater Medical Center, Good
● Harrison, Kimberly, 30, Stillwater Medical Center, Good
● Rodriquez, Diana, 37, Stillwater Medical Center, Good
● Zeng, Dexia, 35, Stillwater Medical Center, Good
● Atwell, Kayleigh, 20, St Johns - Tulsa, Stable
● Edwards,Steven, 55, St Francis - Tulsa, Stable
● Juvenile, 10, Treated and released
●Abai, Clement, 36, Treated and released
● Atwell, Deborah, 55, Treated and released
● Juvenile, 7, Treated and released
● Juvenile, 13, Treated and released
● Bolden, Chayton, 19, Treated and released
● Cardinal, Mary Lynn, 48, Treated and released
● Carter, Kailey Beth, 19, Treated and released
● Chintalapati, Bhardwaj, 26, Treated and released
● Edwards, Teresa Gay, 55, Treated and released
● Freeman, Carrie● 47, Treated and released
● Juvenile, 3, Treated and released
● Gray, Amanda, 24, Treated and released
● Hulbert, Adonis, 19, Treated and released
● Johnson, Taylor Lea, 18, Treated and released
● Johnson, Jenifer, 43, Treated and released
● Lind, Zhigang, 38, Treated and released
● Juvenile, 6, Treated and released
● Reynolds, Amanda, 31, Treated and released
● Schmitz, Sharon, 66, Treated and released
● Smith, Anna, 19, Treated and released
● Stanley, Kim, 58, Treated and released
● Strauch, Nicolette, 20, Treated and released
● Strawn, Katie, 46, Treated and released
● Thames, Pamela, 59, Treated and released
● Vanhooykonk, Bryan, 34, Treated and released
● Whyte, Lynn Sue, 60, Treated and released
● Witten, Kevin, 52, Treated and released
● Wu, Tao, 34, Treated and released
● Wu, Yu Ming, 62, Treated and released