Tuesday, March 4, 2025

41-year-old Fernando Bustos Charged For Video Recording Underaged Female Semi-nude Students At Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Locker Room

Bustos is being sought by Milwaukee police on a felony warrant for video recording underage female students in the locker room at the Southside Cristo Rey Jesuit High School.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

March 4, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, Fernando Bustos, 41, of Greenfield was charged with one felony count for invade privacy by use of surveillance device of female students under the age of 18, while they dressed in the locker room at the Cristo Rey Jesuit High School located at the 1800 block of W. National Ave. in the Southside of Milwaukee.

If convicted, Bustos is facing up to 3 years and 6 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both.

Bustos is only being charged with one felony count for video recording multiple females without their consent. The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office should charged Bustos with a felony count for each victim that was video recorded at the locker room.

School administrators became aware of Bustos illegal acts after hundreds of 10-second videos were discovered in a SD card in his office at the school, which was reviewed by staff. The Bustos videos were recorded from May 21, 2024 to February 1, 2025.

Bustos was the school's security coordinator and was collecting his belongings after getting fired for performance issues. He had left a camera with a SD card in his office, according to the administration.

On February 19, the school notified police about Bustos unauthorized video surveillance of female students in their locker room, which one girl was video recorded semi nude.

When police reviewed the videos, it showed Bustos installing a camera in the girl's locker room, which is used by female students from 9th to 12th grade, according to the criminal complaint.

The parents of the students weren't made aware about Bustos criminal activity at the school until the criminal complaint was filed on Monday and a felony warrant was issued for Bustos arrest.

Bustos is a former Greenfield Police Officer who resigned in 2020 after several bottles of liquor worth $120 each went missing and not placed in inventory by Bustos who was one of the officers investigating a theft at a liquor store. Police body video camera footage from other officers at the scene showed Bustos handling the stolen bottles of liquor and placed them in his police squad car.

Bustos also made the Brady List of 191 law enforcement officers in Milwaukee County, which was released by TMJ4 News in conjunction with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the non-profit newsroom called Wisconsin Watch, the officers are listed for none credible, criminal and internal investigation issues.

MKE County Brady List Doesn't Include Alexander C. Ayala's Name For Previously Getting Fired From MPD In 2007, For Not Disclosing His Brother's Illegal Status Who Became A Milwaukee Police Officer Assigned To District 2

The latest Milwaukee County Brady List released by WTJ4 News doesn't include the name of then Milwaukee Police Officer Ayala, who in 2007 was fired from the department for lying about his undocumented brother's illegal status who was also hired as a Milwaukee Police officer using his deceased cousin's name,  who was a U.S. citizen.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

March 4, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Tuesday, the latest Milwaukee County Brady List that includes 191 names of local law enforcement officers with alleged credibility issues was released by TMJ4 News in conjunction with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a non-profit newsroom called Wisconsin Watch, which Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) noticed that the name of then (2007) Milwaukee Police Officer Alexander C. Ayala who today is a Milwaukee police detective and the current president of Milwaukee Police Association was not included in the Brady List. According to TMJ4, the Brady List was released to the them by the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office.

The Brady List does include the name of former Milwaukee Police Officer Jose Morales who's real name is Oscar Ayala-Cornejo, who was illegally in country and used his deceased cousin's name from Chicago, Illinois, a U.S. citizen to become a Milwaukee police officer who was assigned to the Southside Milwaukee Police Station District 2 in 2007.

When Ayala-Cornejo used Jose Morales's name to become a Milwaukee police officer, which at the time, his brother, then Police Officer Alexander C. Ayala also known as Alex knew that Ayala-Cornejo was undocumented, but he didn't say anything at the time to the Milwaukee Police Department administration. A tip to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (USICE) led to the arrest of Officer Morales on May 2007 at the Police District Station 2. 

Ayala-Cornejo was later deported to Guadalajara,  Mexico on December 23, 2007 after accepting a plea agreement to plea guilty, he agreed to be deported, and resigned from the Milwaukee Police Department. A federal judge sentenced Ayala-Cornejo to one year probation at the time.

Alexander was fired on September 2007 for lying about his brother's identity by the Milwaukee Police Department, and reinstated on December 2007, with a 10-day suspension without pay, according to police reports.

The question remains today, why didn't Alexander C. Ayala's name appear in the latest Brady List? 

Ayala was also the Vice-President of the Milwaukee Police Association, before becoming president of the police union.

Ayala was selected as UMOS Man of the Year in 2023 and also his family, UMOS Family of the Year 2023.

Ayala is currently a Board member of the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc. who sponsors the three-day Mexican Fiesta at the Summerfest grounds in late August.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Jennifer Wayd, Secured Full-time Librarian Position After Applying 60 Times In 13 Years For A Promotional Opportunity At MATC

After 13 years of applying 60 times for a promotional opportunity, the Milwaukee Area Technical College finally promoted Wayd to a full-time Librarian position.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

March 3, 2025

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Sunday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) learned that Jennifer Wayd that has worked at the Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) in the Library Department for more than 13 years and had applied at least 60 times during her career for a promotional opportunity, but had been skipped or denied a full-time position,  has finally secured a full-time position as a Librarian at MATC. Congrats!

In December 2024, Wayd was among other MATC employees who addressed the MATC Board of Trustees during a meeting that had requested for an independent investigation of unaddressed concerns impacting Blacks and Latino employees. (Article link: http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2024/12/african-american-network-requested-for.html)

During her testimony to the MATC Board of Trustees, Wayd told the Board that she had worked at MATC for 13 years and had applied at least 60 times for promotional opportunities at MATC during her career at the technical college, but was unsuccessful in getting promoted claiming ongoing discrimination employment practices at MATC. A few years ago, there were four new positions available in her department, Wayd who has two Master degrees had applied for an available position as an internal candidate and was well qualified, but MATC hired four new individuals from outside the institution with no internal experience for the available positions instead of her, now those very same individuals who were previously hired by MATC were supporting her for a full-time position she had applied for. She also claimed that she has a current manager with a vendetta against her and at the time of her testimony to the Board in December, she didn't believe that she would get an opportunity to get promoted.

However, that has changed and Wayd secured a full-time Librarian position.

HNNUSA also reported in October 2024, the alleged ongoing discriminatory, harassment, hostile work environment and retribution practices that MATC employees experience for exposing the ongoing plight that Black and Latino employees endure at MATC for filing complaints and who have gone before the Board to testify about their own personal employment experience. (Article link: http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2024/10/matc-advertised-bilingual-courses-but.html)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

U.S. House MAGAs Passed Budget Plan Framework That Will Destroy Medicaid (Cuts $880B in Heathcare), Cuts SNAP (Foodstamps) By $230B And Adds $100B To Pentagon Spending

Controversial U.S. House MAGA budget plan framework with instructions passed to destroy Medicaid as we know it, and cuts taxes for the rich.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanics News Network U.S.A.

February 26, 2025

Washington, D.C. - The U.S. House on Tuesday voted 217, mostly Republicans (MAGAs) - 215, a majority of Dems and 1 Republican (U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) voted "No" along with Dems in the House. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2mrBCmH/) to approve a budget plan framework resolution with instructions to cut $880B from Medicaid, which will basically limit (drastically destroying Medicaid) the healthcare benefits for low income U.S. citizens, the disabled population and the aging (seniors) taxpayers, the MAGA budget plan also includes $230B cuts to SNAP (food stamps program), in order offset the $1.1T of tax cuts for the upper 1% of the people, that will receive a tax cut of $36,320. In addition, if a person earns $55K per year, the MAGA budget plan will raise their taxes by $1,530, so for the bottom 95% of the people, it raises their taxes and only cuts taxes for the 5% of the top people, which will add $4.5T of tax cuts in the next 10 years, with $2T in spending cuts, which the specific reductions will be determined by the individual House Committee. 

The Republican/MAGA budget plan adds more than $4T debt ceiling to the national debt. The budget framework plan also adds $100B to the Pentagon spending, which Trump had previously pretended to cut Pentagon spending by 8%, which the House bill plan will now head to the U.S. Senate for budget concilidation.

The approval of the House MAGA budget plan framework that basically destroys Medicaid is expected to ignite major protests around the country and will have a major backlash against Trump and the Republican/MAGA U.S. Congress as the House bill plan moves to the federal Senate for concilidation.

House Committees will now have to propose funding cuts from Medicaid, SNAP and etc., according to the proposed framework in the U.S. House budget plan reconciliation for the final bill to move forward and conciliate with the U.S. Senate.

The White low income MAGAs (Make Amerikkka Great Again) and MAGA seniors in the U.S. who voted for the 34-count convicted felon Trump will be the hardest hit with the cuts to Medicaid, healthcare services and SNAP.

In addition, the U.S. House voted as follows, 212 Dems and 1 Republican voted against no tax on tips and overtime, while 217 Republicans voted in favor of no tax on tips, Social Security and overtime.

Editor's note: In case no one has noticed, the White Nationalist Amerikkkan MAGA politics has been fueled (funded) by the oligarchy (1% of the rich) to create today's Facist Theocracy in federal government.

Also, the federal government provides millions of dollars of subsidies to major corporations, which they don't have to pay back, and considered wasteful spending by taxpayers. The majority of MAGA U.S. representatives and federal senators in both legislative chambers have ignored the huge backlash of their constituency about the proposed cuts to Medicaid, SNAP and etc., but they continue to ignore them simply because, if they are voted out or resign, they are easily welcomed to work for the major corporations they provided major tax cuts at the expense of gutting Medicare, SNAP and other federal programs that benefit their constituency. Lastly, these MAGA federal legislators will also benefit from their federal pensions and especially, if they become lobbyists for major corporations after retiring or deciding not to run for reelection.