Thursday, October 17, 2024

37-year-old Van "Vaun" L. Mayes Pled Guilty To Federal Charge Of Using Cellphone To Plot Participation In The Sherman Park Riots In 2016

Mayes, a Black community activist in 2018 was criminally indicted by feds (ATF) for plotting to bomb Milwaukee Police District 7 Station and organizing individuals to participate in a riot at Sherman Park in Milwaukee during an unrest after then Milwaukee Police Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown murdered unarmed Sylville Smith in 2016 during a traffic stop. Heaggan-Brown, who is Gay was later fired from the Milwaukee Police Department in connection with another case involving sexual assault (rape) of a male victim, which Heaggan-Brown was criminally convicted.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

October 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Van "Vaun" L. Mayes, 37, entered a guilty plea in a plea agreement with the feds in federal court for criminally using a cellphone to plan (plot) for individuals to participate in a riot. He also waived his right to a jury trial.

Mayes is now facing up to 5 years in a federal prison and up to $250,000 in fines when he is sentenced on January 22, 2025.

According to the affidavit complaint, Mayes and others planned to firebomb the Milwaukee Police Department's District Seven Police Station during the Sherman Park rioting in August 2016. According to the complaint, Mayes and others pursued the plan by manufacturing Molotov cocktails in glass bottles that contained gasoline with a fabric wick inserted into the opening. The firebombing of the District Station ultimately did not occur.

In 2018, the feds indicted Mayes with attempted arson, possession of a firearm by a felon, and possession of a destructive device in relation to a crime of violence, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 844(i), 922(g), and 924(c)(1)(B)(ii). 

In 2005, Mayes was convicted for one felony count of operating a vehicle without the owners consent after he pleaded guilty/no contest. Mayes was sentenced to 3 years probation in the case, according to Milwaukee County court records.

Mayes is well known in Milwaukee for his Black community activisim and a community organizer for social and racial justice.

Mayes posted the following statement in his Facebook account on Wednesday. 

Mayes wrote, This city has shown up for me as I have shown up for it more than once. Today was no different. I sincerely appreciate everyone who sent a character or support letter, everyone who who showed up to today’s hearing, and everyone who wanted to do either or both and didn’t get to. 

There is so much to say, but now isn’t the time. What I will say though is I am grateful, I trust God to continue to guide and protect me as he has thus far, and today, as difficult as it was, was a necessary step towards getting my life back. 

I really regret that so many don’t know who I am, not from an ego standpoint, but from a place of the image or perception of who I am is often lost or skewed, and things like this don’t help. Yes, some is my own doing, not being as careful or mindful as I should in my position, but I accept that. However, what I don’t accept is the hate and misunderstanding that come from a place of envy, people’s rumors or made up versions of who they think I am, etc. One thing ppl should know is I go as hard as I do because I already feel I have a debt I am paying back. That is not motivated by any deal or charge, that’s genuinely ME saying and acknowledging that yes I have done wrong in my life and I am making MYSELF be accountable by making sure my life is used to pay it forward and back. This is no different. No one can hold ME accountable more than I can hold MYSELF.

That being said, todays update is as follows;

Today’s plea hearing went okay. Sentencing is Jan 22nd at 1:30, room 222 at the federal courthouse. This is where I’ll know what the judge decides to do. All character and support letters must be submitted by Jan 16th for those who have not sent them who can’t attend or who intend to submit one, but this court date it’s definitely the one ppl should try to physically come and show support. If you are interested in speaking on my behalf, please let me know as there will only be a small limited amount of ppl who will be allowed to so I will have to carefully select those individuals. 

Letters can be sent to

Im ok that many will miss the key points in this whole ordeal. I am ok that some will continue to use this charge I am pleading guilty as their “reason” or validation to keep whatever negative outlook or disposition they have always had with me regardless of having a reason or not. I am NOT ok with, but understand that this will possibly affect opportunities and my livelihood moving forward, but I have had that be the case the past almost decade so I’m not so sure I’m losing anything there that wasn’t there to begin with. I AM ok with my personal growth from 2016 to now. I AM ok with this being a chapter in the ustory of who I am, our experiences and trials make us who we are literally. I AM ok knowing some of my “enemies” have become my friends, and some “friends” have taken their place as “enemies”. I AM ok knowing I have done and will continue to try and mend all broken or fractured relationships to correct narratives on my own terms. I am ok that some folks I stood up for and showed up for won’t be there to do the same for me. 

I am unapologetically myself. I am unapologetically going to remain a positive and productive person in this society. I am unapologetically going to continue to beat all odds and conquer all obstacles in my life, because I am MEANT to. 

“No weapon formed against me shall prosper” And so shall it be.

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