Sunday, October 10, 2021

Why Haven't President Joe Biden (D) And The U.S. Congress Passed Comprehensive Immigration Reform With A Path To Citizenship For More Than 13M Undocumented Immigrants In The U.S. Today?

Why haven't President Joe Biden (D) and the majority of Dems in the U.S. Congress pushed and passed Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a path to citizenship for more than 13M undocumented immigrants in the U.S. today? Simply put, legalizing more than 13M of undocumented immigrants today would definitely confirm what White nationalists like former President Donald Trump (R/MAGA) and White supremacists fear the most, that by 2050, Latinos (Hispanics) will become the majority in the U.S.A.

U.S. born Latinos and undocumented Latinos inject more than $2.5T into the U.S. economy and have become the essential backbone of the U.S. economy for decades.

In Wisconsin alone, undocumented immigrants contribute more than $90M in combined taxes per year.

Naive petty political differences today have attempted to slow down our growth to become tomorrow's essential political empowerment, it has definitely become inevitable for our own quest to become a united people's movement with the common goal to succeed and clear the path for generations to come and help make the U.S.A. one nation under Latino economic and political dominance, and well being for all.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Civil Rights and Immigration Reform advocate (Date: 10/10/2021)

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