Monday, December 28, 2020

Tennessee Christmas Day Alleged Bombing Suspect Identified As White Domestic Terrorist Anthony Quinn Warner From Nashville

FBI and the ATF alleged that the person of interest or suspect in the Tennessee Christmas Day bombing is a 63-year-old computer expert and a White domestic terrorist who might have committed suicide.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

December 28, 2020

Nashville, Tennessee - Federal investigators in Nashville alleged that the person of interest or the alleged Christmas Day bomber is  Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, an alleged Trump MAGA (Make America Great Again/Keep America Great) supporter. Warner owned a white recreational vehicle (RV) similar to the vehicle used in the bombing by the suspect. A similar RV exploded on Christmas Day in front of the AT&T building in Nashville and authorities found human remains at the crime scene.

The feds confirmed that the human remains have been identified by DNA match belonging to Warner including his RV used in the explosion by the VIN number found at the crime scene. Authorities also believe that the alleged White domestic terrorist suspect committed suicide. 

Apparently, a real estate agent contacted the FBI after Warner's name was mentioned as a person of interest and told authorities that Warner had transferred two homes that he owned to a Michelle Swing, 29, from Los Angeles, one home is worth $160,000 and the second one is worth $249,000 without charging Swing for the homes. Both homes are located in the same street. Swing told authorities that she didn't know that Warner had transferred the homes to her and she paid $0 dollars for the homes, according to property transfer deeds in Tennessee.

Warner might have been paranoid with the 5G technology, according to mainstream news outlets. 

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