U.S. and Trump supported coup in Bolivia claims lives.
By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
November 16, 2019
Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, members of the Facebook group of Bolivianos en Wisconsin from Madison who waved Bolivian flags were in Milwaukee to oppose Evo and say that there was no coup, despite the actual takeover by the alt-right political rivals of the government. The Bolivian Madison group chanted for democracy eventhough, the alt-right political rivals of the Evo government were backed by the U.S., some of those at the protest indicated that they don't support Evo nor Trump. It seemed that no Bolivian national from the Milwaukee area were present at the protest, according to the group from Madison.
While the Party for Socialism and Liberation Milwaukee and allies also held a peaceful rally and protest against the U.S. Imperialism funded coup to overthrow the duly elected President of Bolivia, Evo Morales. The protest seeking democracy for Bolivia and against U.S. Imperialism and intervention in Latin America was one of many held around the U.S. including at W. Locust and S. Martin Luther King Drive in Milwaukee.
One individual held a sign saying Evo = fraud compared to dozens who mostly waved Bolivian flags and chanted "Evo de Nuevo, hell No", "We want democracy in Bolivia, We want Peace", "What do we want, democracy now in Bolivia".
Cecilia F. Miranda who was at the protest says, that there was no coup, despite the U.S. backed alt-right takeover and allegations raised that Evo committed election fraud.
Iris Alpire also says, that the Bolivian people over threw Evo by social pressure, but there is no evidence that the irregularities and the allegations of election fraud affected the results of the election in October, which the majority of those that voted elected Evo and the Bolivian Congress, when it recently met in quorum voted to confirm the election results and Evo as the Bolivian President.
The Bolivian military and police failed to support Evo's re-election by the majority of the Bolivian voters, which is odd, when democracy today for Bolivia has been echoed around the world, while on the contrary, the alt-right political rivals, military and Bolivian police opposed Evo and have denied the election results of the majority of Bolivians.
Morales fled Bolivia after his life and his family's lives were threatened by ultra-right political rivals backed by Trump.
Morales was elected in October by a majority of Bolivians despite allegations of irregularities and election fraud, which didn't effect the actual vote tally electing Morales.
Statistical analysis of election returns and tally sheets from Bolivia's October 20 elections shows no evidence that irregularities or fraud affected the official result that gave President Evo Morales a first-round victory, researchers and analysts at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) say. Contrary to a postelection narrative that was supported, without evidence, by the OAS Electoral Observation Mission, statistical analysis shows that it was predictable that Morales would obtain a first-round win, based on the results of the first 83.85 percent of votes.
Morales was forced to leave Bolivia by the alt-right Bolivian political rivals and is currently in Mexico. The Bolivian Congress in a majority vote reaffirmed Morales as the duly elected President of Bolivia.
At least eight people were killed and dozens injured in the Bolivian city of Sacaba on Friday, after security forces fired on supporters of ousted president Evo Morales, according to the Associated Press.
Bernie Sanders, the Democratic candidate for U.S. President says, Morales did a very good job in alleviating poverty and giving the indigenous people a voice they never had before, we can argue, if it was a wise thing for Morales to run for a fourth term, but at the end of the day, when the military intervened in the Bolivian election process and asked Morales to leave, in his (Sanders) view, it's a coup.