Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Shut Down The RNC 2024 In Milwaukee

In my opinion, the RNC 2024 should be shut down to avoid major consequences and the destruction of our City in Wisconsin.

WI: Shut down the RNC 2O24 Now, and send all those alleged MAGA cops from out of state back home, before the Milwaukee community descends on the RNC and shuts it down to prevent major destruction of our City.

If those MAGA cops can't deescalate a situation or incident, they shouldn't have the right to draw their weapons to kill a homeless person who was allegedly defending himself from another individual.

If local and federal authorities including City of Milwaukee elected officials, the Milwaukee Common Council and Mayor Cavalier Johnson can't maintain those MAGA cops in the RNC 2024 FISERV Forum corral (RNC secured and soft perimeter zones), the RNC should be shut down as a public safety concern.

The amount of salary and overtime pay for law enforcement to secure the RNC are extranomical, and who will actually pay the costs?

The RNC is certainly brewing hate, anti-people of color sentiment and division among Americans locally and nationally. The RNC and the Republican Party is no longer the Party of Lincoln, but the political party of the Trump MAGA Cult movement, which many of those MAGAs have roots to the Confederacy and want to destroy the Union.

Are we the United States of America or the United Supremacists of Amerikkka? On November 2024, we will definitely show once again that we are the diverse people of the United States of America who defeated facism and preserved Democracy once again! 

Let's not forget, that the Milwaukee Police Association (police union) endorsed Trump in 2020 and has been infiltrated by MAGA cult supporters. Milwaukee is a majority Democrat voting City and has become the epicenter for the struggle to maintain Democracy and to protect our U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, in order for everyone to preserve their right to equality, justice, pursuit of happiness and to eliminate any threat to our democracy by alleged tyrants, dictators and facists, according to history have engaged in government corruption, using religion to promote their lies and quest to rule, continue to practice two separate justice judicial systems locally and federally, one for Whites and the other for people of color, and have continued to advocate division and hate across the country!

But as usual for local, state and national public officials with political self-interests, foreign and domestic interests, and greed for political power, the RNC 2024 circus show must go on!

God and country help us survive this crisis, especially for the next generations to come! Can we just get along folks?

In my opinion, posted on July 17, 2024 by H. Nelson Goodson, a Milwaukee Southsider and a Civil Rights and Immigrant Rights advocate, also a Journalist/Reporter for HNNUSA

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