Thursday, May 30, 2024

Donald J. Trump, 78, Convicted Of 34 Felony Counts For Business Fraud In The State Of New York

Trump becomes the first former U.S. President to be convicted of 34 New York state felonies for business fraud!

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 30, 2024

Manhattan, NYC - On Thursday, a Manhattan grand jury in New York found former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, 78, guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the Hush Money criminal trial.

After the trial Trump stated, "This was a rigged and disgraceful trial."

Trump is facing up to 4 years in prison for each felony count.

A sentencing hearing is set for July 11, 2024.

Trump engaged in mass fraud to avoid paying state taxes by devaluing his properties when in fact they were worth more.

On Thursday, U.S. President Joe Biden (D) released a statement saying "no one is above the law."

Hilario Deleon, the Chairman of the Republican Party in Milwaukee County released the following statement after Trump's conviction. The Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention is scheduled in Milwaukee  for July 15-18, 2024. 

Local Antifa, socialists, labor unions and immigrant rights groups have made it clear, that Trump and his MAGA cult including supremacist followers are not welcome in Milwaukee for their known anti-immigrant hate and racist rhetoric towards people of color.

Deleon stated, "Today is a dark day for the Republic.

Instead of spending time, focusing on addressing the problems such as Inflation , the Border, Crime and much more, The Biden Administration and the Democrat party used every resource possible to create a political witch hunt. 
This trial has been a political persecution of the leading candidate of the opposition party, which is only seen in Banana Republic’s.

The Sentencing is scheduled 4 days before the Republican National Convention... They're not even trying to hide the ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!! 

This doesn’t change anything in my opinion, and instead makes me and millions of other people want to vote for Donald J. Trump even more."

On Wednesday, Governor Tony Evers (D) signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency in regards to the Republican National Convention (RNC) 2024 to be held in July in Milwaukee that would allow all law enforcement  (police) having arrest powers to prepare and act in case they are needed in an emergency between July 15 to 18, 2024 during the RNC taking place in Milwaukee.

Governor Evers most likely wants to prepare from another insurrection melee occurring by the Trump MAGA cult and supremacist patriots engaging in lawlessness acts in Milwaukee.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Paletero Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez Pleaded No Contest In Outagamie County To A Reduced Forfeiture U Charge Of Operating Without Or Carrying A License And Was Fined

Mondragon-Martinez's criminal charge of a misdemeanor reduced to forfeiture U in plea agreement with Outagamie County prosecutor, according to court records.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 27, 2024

Appleton, Wisconsin - On Thursday, Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, 39, was ordered to pay a $150 fine after he pleaded no contest to a reduced charge of operate without or carrying a license, which was reduced from a misdemeanor criminal charge to a forfeiture U under a plea agreement with the Outagamie County prosecutor.

Mondragon-Martinez was extradited to Outagamie County in early May to face a 2018 misdemeanor charged for operate without or carrying a license on a warrant. Mondragon-Martinez had been arrested in Milwaukee for intoxication, which is not a criminal charge (severity is a forfeiture) at Kosciuszko Park where he had been sleeping while homeless.

The Wisconsin Brown Berets helped to pay Mondragon-Martinez's cash bail bonds in both Outagamie and Milwaukee Counties, and were able to help him rent an apartment in the Southside of Milwaukee.

Mondragon-Martinez became well known in Milwaukee on Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th) after a social media Facebook video went viral showing him being victimized of an aggressive assault (harassed) by Aaron Thompson III, 26, at Milwaukee County Mitchell Park. Mondragon-Martinez who is employed at Paletería Yayo and had his popsicle street cart taken by Thompson without his permission, tipped over on the pavement and Thompson is then seen laughing as he fled the scene.

Thompson was later identified in social media after a Southside Milwaukee couple offered $500 to anyone that would identify Thompson. 

So far, Rene Adan, the owner of Paletería Yayo and Mondragon-Martinez have not press any criminal charges against Thompson who eventually did apologized to Mondragon-Martinez and gave him $60.

Mondragon-Martinez viral video of his aggressive assault was also included in a Cinco de Mayo 2024 chaotic "Get Low" music YouTube video by Ocean Legacy Cinematic (advance to minute 15:06:

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Cinco de Mayo 2024 Chaotic Impromptu Melee In The Southside Of Milwaukee Was Distasteful And Disrespectful To The Mexican Descent Community In Milwaukee


The last days of May are upon us and yet, the Latino and Mexican descent community in the Southside of Milwaukee has not heard from their elected Latino and non-Latino public officials regarding the Cinco de Mayo 2024 chaotic melee.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 25, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - No doubt, we as a Southside of Milwaukee vibrant Latino and Mexican descent community that generates one of the highest tax revenues for the City of Milwaukee have experienced distasteful and disrespectful acts and unlawful behavior by certain individuals (diverse group) during our historic celebrations during the Cinco de Mayo, and have even video recorded a music video ( portraying that in the Southside of Milwaukee, chaotic, illegal public intoxication, allegedly engaging on illegal THC smoking and unlawful acts while some were flashing deadly weapons during a historic community celebration is now the "Norm". Let me inform you, it is not the NORM, and we, as a diverse community should never allow it to become the norm and we should condemn such behavior whether being perpetuated by Blacks, Latinos, Whites or other, because it only leads to a proliferation of chaotic behaviors and illegal acts, which the consequences are very devastating and it targets to disrupt tranquility in our community leading to the demise of law and order including public safety for our entire community.

In the last two Cinco de Mayo impromptu flag waving parading and cruising in the Southside of Milwaukee, especially along S. César E. Chávez Drive, multiple shootings were reported. No one was reported killed.

But on August 20, 2023, during a Puerto Rican Impromptu flag waving parading and cruising, Carlos M. Cruz Sr., 55, was fatally shot at the 1500 block of W. Bruce St. in the Southside of Milwaukee. A 16-year-old male suspect was arrested in connection with Cruz's murder.

In 2024, Deon D. Nabors, 18, was convicted for discharging an automatic handgun at S. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street during the Cinco de Mayo 2023 impromptu chaotic gathering. Nabors was sentenced to 8 years in prison including one year in Huber. At the time of his arrest, Nabors was just 17.

This Cinco de Mayo 2024, at least three individuals were arrested and charged for two separate shootings. According to police, on May 5th at around 8:17 p.m., both Timothy J. McGee, 24, and Marcus Deon Kelly, 33, were firing gunshots at the intersection of W. Greenfield Ave. and W. Historic Mitchell Street. A social media video showed Kelly taking out his weapon after two women are seen in an altercation and then firing gunshots. Milwaukee police swat immediately responded to the scene and arrested Kelly and McGee.

Kelly was charged with one felony count for 2nd-degree recklessly endangering safety and use of a dangerous weapon. He was also charged with one misdemeanor count for resisting and obstructing an.

If convicted, Kelly is facing up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for recklessly endangering safety. He is also facing up to 9 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for resisting and obstructing.

A cash bond of $1,500 was set for Kelly.

McGee was charged with one felony count for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and one misdemeanor count for resisting and obstructing an officer.

If convicted, McGee is facing up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for possession of a firearm. He is also facing up to 9 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for resisting and obstructing.

McGee's cash bond was set at $5,000.

Lastly, Mark A. Courtney Jr., 26, was charged with one felony count for 1st-degree recklessly endangering safety including use of a dangerous weapon and 1st-degree reckless injury including use of a dangerous weapon for the Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th) shooting of a 29-year-old Milwaukee police officer and nearly striking a second officer at S. César E. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street. 

If convicted, Courtney is facing up to 12 and 6 months in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for endangering safety, and up to 25 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for reckless injury. Each felony count carries an enhancer, which adds another 5 years in prison for using a dangerous weapon.

Let's make it clear, everyone is welcomed to join our Mexican descent historic celebrations like Cinco de Mayo and the Mexican Independence Day on September 16, including the Puerto Rican and Caribbean traditional festive events in our community, but engaging in disrespectful behavior and unlawful acts during our traditional celebrations is not welcome and should not be tolerated in our communities. 

Also, producing any type of music video depicting that our traditional Mexican and Puerto Rican festive celebrations are falsely portrayed indulging in illegal public intoxication, reckless driving, burning rubber, fighting, shootings and etc. is the norm, in contrary, these are definitely distasteful acts of disrespect towards our vibrant Latino cultures and should not be tolerated in our communities of color.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

13-year-old Male Homicide Suspect Confessed To Milwaukee Police, Both Alejandro Sánchez And Monroe Weso, Ages 15 Were Shot During Planned Drug Deal Robbery

A Milwaukee County prosecutor says that a 13-year-old male suspect confessed to police that he and a second suspect conspired to setup and rob both Sánchez and Weso during a marijuana drug deal.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 23, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, a 13-year-old male suspect appeared at a Milwaukee County juvenile detention hearing, and the Milwaukee County prosecutor told Court Commissioner Katryna Childs Rhodes that the detained suspect confessed to Milwaukee police that he and Christopher N. Scott, 15, had conspired to setup and rob both Alejandro "Alex" Sánchez, 15, and Monroe Weso, 15, in a planned drug deal, which involved $190 of marijuana being sold by Sánchez. The suspect also told police once Sánchez and Weso arrived at the meeting drug deal scene near the 1400 block of W. Halsey Ave., Scott took out a ghost handgun in an attempt to rob the young drug dealer, but Sánchez and Weso reacted in the ripoff attempt, and an altercation ignited and both victims were then fatally shot by Scott. 

The deadly marijuana drug deal gone bad happened last Saturday, May 18 at 10:38 p.m.. Weso died at the scene on Saturday and Sánchez died on early Sunday, according to the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office.

The 13-year-old suspect was criminally charged and is expected to be waived into adult court in connection with the double homicide of Sánchez and Weso. He will remain in custody at the Milwaukee County Vel R. Phillips Juvenile Detention Center. 

Police are looking for Scott who was charged with two felony counts for 1st-degree reckless homicide and party to a crime, and armed robbery. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Scott.

A third suspect was also identified in the double homicide investigation.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Alejandro Sánchez And Monroe Weso, Both 15, Shot And Killed In The Southside Of Milwaukee

Both 15-year-old male victims were shot, one died at the scene and the other died at a local hospital over the weekend.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 20, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Saturday, two 15-year-old male victims identified as Alejandro "Alex" Sánchez and Monroe Weso, a Native American were shot around 10:38 p.m. at the 1400 block of W. Halsey Ave. in the Southside of Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee Medical Examiner's Office reportrd one of the victims was pronounced deceased at the scene at 11:15 p.m. on Saturday and the second victim was pronounced deceased at a local hospital at 1:01 a.m. on early Sunday.

According to anonymous sources, neighbors heard a group of teens arguing in the area and then multiple shots were fired, which multiple teens were seen running from the crime scene.

Police canvassed the area to locate any outdoor surveillance camera footage that would lead to the homicide suspect or suspects.

Police continue with the ongoing double homicide investigation in the case.

Update: Milwaukee police confirmed on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 that a 13-year-old male suspect has been taken into custody in connection with the double homicide of Alejandro Sánchez and Monroe Weso. Two additional suspects are wanted in the double Southside homicides.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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WI: In History, Marching For Welfare Rights In 1970

History in Wisconsin, Latinos today continue to be stakeholders in making Wisconsin and the City of Milwaukee a better place to live, work, educate and raise family.

Photo of Marla O. Anderson, Ernesto Chacon, movement organizer and leader, and Margie Escobedo marching for Welfare Rights in 1970 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Migrants moving to Wisconsin had to wait more than 6-months to get public assistance by Milwaukee County.

Photo was published in page 132 in the second edition 1991 of 500 Años Del Pueblo Chicano, 500 Years Of Chicano History In Pictures by Southwest Organizing Project Edited by Elizabeth Martínez.

Anderson passed away in 1984 and Escobedo passed away in 2020 in Milwaukee.

Posted on May 20, 2024 by H. Nelson Goodson, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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16 Days After The Cinco de Mayo 2024 Melee Impromptu Chaotic Celebrations In The Southside Of Milwaukee, Not One Latino Elected Official Has Publicly Condemned The Lawlessness That Occurred


So far, none of the elected Latino including non-Latino public officials from the Southside including the City of Milwaukee mayor and the Milwaukee Common Council have actually come out in a joint statement and front to publicly condemned the chaotic melee that occurred on Sunday, May 5th, the Cinco de Mayo 2024 impromptu celebrations along S. César E. Chávez Drive.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 20, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th), Milwaukee police reported that two suspects, Marcus Deon Kelly, 33, and Timothy J. McGee, 24, had been criminally charged in connection with shots fired at S. César E. Chávez Drive and W. Historic Mitchell Street at around 8:17 p.m. during a chaotic scene involving several unidentified women at an impromptu gathering that included scooters burning rubber at the intersection.

At around 11:00 p.m., one Milwaukee police officer suffered a gunshot wound to his upper right leg and was treated, a second officer reported that a bullet almost struck his face at S. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street. The alleged shooter, Mark A. Courtney Jr., 26, was taken into custody and criminally charged in connection with the shooting. (Article link:

Earlier in the afternoon on Sunday, a group of individuals gathered on S. Chávez Drive in front of McDonald's who in a YouTube video by Ocean Legacy Cinematic showed public intoxication and an individual showing a concealed weapon while police were nearby.

Also in the afternoon, a Paletería Yayo employee, Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, 39, a popsicle street cart vendor was aggressively attacked (harassed) by Aaron Thompson III, 26, according to a social media video showing Thompson taking Mondragon-Martinez's popsicle street cart without permission and tipped it to the pavement while running away and laughing about it. In a longer version of the video, an unidentified Latino stepped in to help Mondragon-Martinez, but was confronted by several Black individuals, according to the video. 

After a $500 reward was offered by a Southside couple to identity the attacker, Thompson was immediately identified. He later came out with a public apology facilitated by the Wisconsin Brown Berets. Thompson apologized to Mondragon-Martinez at the Paletería Yayo location at the 1700 block of W. Lincoln Ave. in Milwaukee and gave Mondragon-Martinez $60.

So far, Thompson III hasn't been criminally charged and the Paletería Yayo owner Rene Adan hasn't filed a complaint against Thompson to hold him accountable for taking the popsicle street cart and harassing Mondragon-Martinez. Adan did confirm that at least one employee (paletero) gets robbed, beaten or aggressively assaulted once a week in the Southside.

Facebook Milwaukee Southside users have pushed for Thompson to be criminally charged to no avail.

Apparently, a short clip video that was posted about the incident of the Yayo paletero and Thompson went viral. A longer version of the video was posted on YouTube by Ocean Legacy Cinematic showing the chaotic and lawlessness behavior at S. Chávez Drive and the incident at Mitchell Park while Milwaukee police and Milwaukee County Sheriff's deputies were nearby. (Check out and advance to minute 15:06, paletero incident at Milwaukee County Mitchell Park on Cinco de Mayo 2024...

Neither the Milwaukee Police Department and the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office have released any stats about how many citations were issued for public intoxication, arrests for possession of Illegal weapons, reckless driving and vehicles blocking traffic flow and etc.. 

Milwaukee County Supervisor Juan Miguel Martinez along with Vaun L. Mayes, a Black community activist and Walter Garron from the Wisconsin Brown Berets held a press conference about the paletero and Thompson's incident and Supervisor Martinez told media that what happened to Mondragon-Martinez, the paletero "was unacceptable", and that he is working on County legislation to protect street cart vendors at Milwaukee County parks, but came short from condemning the chaotic acts by certain individuals at Mitchell Park on Cinco de Mayo. 

Several individuals were taken into custody by Milwaukee County Sheriff deputies for carrying a loaded conceal AK-47 pistol at Mitchell Park, according to a video posted in social media. 

It's unfortunate, Latino elected officials that include Alderman Jóse G. Pérez, President of the Milwaukee Common Council, and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, which both represent the Southside Aldermanic districts, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson,  Wisconsin State Assembly Representatives Sylvia Ortiz-Velez (D-Milw.) and Marisabel Cabrera (D-Milw), and Milwaukee County Supervisor Caroline Gomez-Tom and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley and lastly Wisconsin State Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milw) and U.S. Congresswoman Gwendolyn Moore (D-Milw) have yet to come out publicly and condemn the chaotic impromptu gatherings by individuals that threatened to disrupt our community's tranquility and the safety of our community during the Cinco de Mayo celebrations, and their failure to push police to hold all the individuals involved in the chaotic melee during the Cinco de Mayo 2024 accountable.

Where's the Southside community's outrage including the businesses affected by the annual chaotic impromptu melee?

Let's make one thing clear, everyone is welcomed to the Southside Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Independence Day annual celebrations as long as everyone celebrates responsibility and in a safe manner, but we as a community shouldn't tolerate such chaotic behavior, public intoxication, shootings and reckless driving that threatens the safety of those celebrating responsibly during festive holidays and we should continue to push for public elected officials and police to hold those engaged in lawlessness and chaotic behavior accountable.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Video Of Paletero Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez Aggressive Assault At Milwaukee County Mitchell Park On Cinco De Mayo 2024 Used In Music Video Featuring Aggressor Aaron Thompson III

A music video posted in Instagram by Ocean Legacy Cinematic features a portion of the aggressive assault of Paletería Yayo employee, Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez by featured video singer Aaron Thompson III.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - The latest saga continues of the Paletería Yayo employee Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, 39, a popsicle street vendor who became the victim of an aggressive assault (harassed) at an impromptu Cinco de Mayo 2024 celebration and gathering at Milwaukee County Mitchell Park by the aggressor identified as Aaron Thompson III, 26, of Milwaukee. A 55 second music video clip posted by Ocean Legacy Cinematic on their Instagram account of Cinco de Mayo 2024 in Milwaukee depicts a short viral social media video clip of the Yayo paletero Mondragon-Martinez aggressive assault incident showing Thompson III running with the popsicle street cart at Mitchell Park.

Thompson III hasn't been criminally charged for the aggressive attack of paletero Mondragon-Martinez at Mitchell Park. He apologized to Mondragon-Martinez regarding the incident by saying it was "a joke gone bad" and gave the paletero $60.

Facebook Southside users have pushed for Thompson III to be criminally charge to no avail.

On Friday, May 17, the Heavy Hitters Athlete Facility unveiled a large Milwaukee Paletería Cerveceros Mural at the 400 block of S. 3 Street and the Paletería Yayo was present (except for Mondragon-Martinez) to provide popsicles. The facility hasn't announced, if they have donated to Mondragon-Martinez's fund to help him with housing and his legal defense.

Also on Thursday, the Paletería Yayo posted on their Facebook page that the Milwaukee Brewers were giving away free popsicles at Paletería Yayo location at the 1700 block of W. Lincoln Ave., but fell short of announcing that they have donated funds to personally aid Mondragon-Martinez. Mondragon-Martinez was not present at any of the photos posted with the Paletería Yayo owners and the Brewers including its mascot.

There have been other Facebook posts in social media indicating that fundraising was being conducted to help Mondragon-Martinez personally, by raising funds to help him personally, since he was previously homeless and with the aid of the Wisconsin Brown Berets, he was able to rent an apartment for now.

When contacted on Friday by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), Walter Garron, local Commander of the Wisconsin Brown Berets says, that his group was able to get several months of paid rent for Mondragon-Martinez, and that others have allegedly committed to help Mondragon-Martinez as well, but they haven't come through. Garron hopes that Mondragon-Martinez can continue to stay at his Southside apartment with the help of the community at large.

The Paletería Yayo owner Rene Adan hasn't publicly announced that the paletería is also helping with funds to help pay for rent where Mondragon-Martinez is living at, other then the Paletería Yayo getting a boost in popsicle sales due to the recent aggressive assault of Mondragon-Martinez and a social media video gone viral.

In other words, everyone else has benefited by allegedly using Mondragon-Martinez's aggressive assault platform to profit from, except the victim himself.

Check out and advance to minute 15:06, Yayo paletero incident at Milwaukee County Mitchell Park on Cinco de Mayo 2024... 

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Woman's Severed Right Arm Found At Waukegan Municipal Beach Believed To Be Sade Carleena Robinson's, 19, Missing Body Part From Wisconsin

The Lake County Coroner's Office Reported that a woman's severed right arm was found washed up at the Waukegan Municipal Beach and is believed to belong to Sade Carleena Robinson who was killed and dismembered in the Southside of Milwaukee. 

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 17, 2024

Waukegan, Illinois - Last Saturday, May 11, 2024, a woman's severed right arm was found washed up at the Waukegan Municipal Beach just after 8:00 p.m. when a person walking on the beach spotted the limb and called police.

The Waukegan County Coroner's Office (WCCO) was called at 8:36 p.m. to 201 East Sea Horse Drive after the severed arm was located by police. Authorities in Waukegan believed the severed right arm could belong to murdered and dismembered woman in Wisconsin, Sade Carleena Robinson, 19, of Milwaukee. The WCCO contacted Milwaukee County authorities about the severed limb and DNA testing is being conducted to confirm, if the right severed arm belongs to Robinson.

Maxwell Steven Anderson, 33, is charged for Robinson's murder and dismemberment of her body.

Anderson is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole for 1st-degree intentional homicide, is also facing up to 12 years and 6 months in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for mutilating a corpse, and up to 3 years and 6 month in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for arson. A $5M cash bail was set for Anderson and a Hold was also place.

Anderson's criminal complaint link (PDF- 10 pages):

So far, Milwaukee County authorities haven't determined how Robinson's body was dismembered at Anderson's home, since no evidence of human blood was found inside other than non-human blood, according to Milwaukee County court records.

Could a hidden room chamber exist in the property where Anderson was able to dismembered Robinson's body without leaving a blood trail in the home? The property did have a covered dog shed constructed in April 25, 2021, Milwaukee City records show.

The criminal complaint shows a timeline and Anderson's cellphone tracking, which he left his home to dispose of Robinson's body parts, indicating that he allegedly devised a method to dismember a body at his home and not leave a drop of human blood as evidence. Several conclusions would be, a hidden dismemberment chamber (room) at his former home not yet found by authorities or a second nearby residence connected to Anderson where he dismembered Robinson.

It is certainly odd, the Anderson home was immediately sold instead of being demolished like the Oxford Apartments building was in the Milwaukee serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer's case.

Anderson's home was sold on May 3, for $195,000 about $77,000 less of its property value. The home was valued at $272,100. The Anderson home was bought by two LLCs, Tip Top Holdings & Syden Holdings from Caledonia, Wisconsin, Milwaukee City property records show.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention Seeking 5K Volunteers, Doesn't Matter If You're A Democrat, Antifa, Pro-immigrant Or Anti-Palestinian Genocide Advocate To Volunteer

The Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention opens the back door for infiltration by Democrats, Antifa, pro-immigrants and Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates (protesters) to fill 5,000 volunteer positions for the 3-day Convention in July.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 16, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Thursday, in a mass email appeal to seek 5,000 volunteers for the 3-day Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention on July 15-18, 2024, the North Shore Republicans (NSR) confirmed that volunteers don't need to be Republicans to enjoy the experience. The NSR wrote, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A REPUBLICAN TO APPRECIATE THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS EVENT! SO I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO BE A PART OF THIS! YOU CAN BE IN THE MIX! The RNC needs 5000 VOLUNTEERS to make this event a success. If I wasn't a delegate there's no way I would turn down this opportunity," Brad Courtney, NSR member and former Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman wrote.

Courtney also included in the mass email, that the Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention will take place this weekend, May 17-19, 2024 in Appleton, Wisconsin.

While the RNC National Convention Committee wants the Secret Service to expand its security perimeter to keep Antifa, Democrats, comprehensive immigration reform advocates, and Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates further away from the FISERV FORUM where the National Convention will be held to avoid confrontations between conventiongoers (extreme far right MAGAs, supremacists, insurrectionist Patriots, and White militia skin heads attending the RNC National Convention in July) and the expected mass protests organized by local and national immigrant rights groups/organizations, Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates, Antifa (anti-facists), social justice advocates and etc.

According to leaked intel by a Milwaukee Police Department Supervisor who attended a meeting with Republicans, local law enforcement, Milwaukee City officials and the Secret Service, concerns about possible harassment and racist rhetoric towards the people of color in Milwaukee by conventiongoers was one of the issues raised at the meeting. However, RNC officials want to expand the perimeter of the convention, although, the perimeter of the convention is decided by the City of Milwaukee to prevent lawsuits from groups and organizations that plan to stage mass protests during the 3-day Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention.

Well, it now seems that the RNC National Convention is suffering from attracting 5,000 volunteers, so they inadvertently open the back door for Antifa, Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates, and pro-immigrant advocates and Democrats to infiltrate the convention by just volunteering. Like Courtney wrote in the NSR mass email, "You Don't Have To Be A Republican" to volunteer.

The Secret Service has confirmed, that there is no credible threat made to the upcoming convention.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Cinco De Mayo 2024 Shooters Charged, Identified As Timothy J. McGee, 24, Marcus Deon Kelly, 33, And Mark A. Courtney Jr., 26, All From Milwaukee, WI

Marcus Deon Kelly takes out a firearm and shoots at W. Historic Mitchell Street and S. César E. Chávez Drive on Cinco de Mayo 2024.

Three male suspects have been charged in connection with two separate shootings along S. Chávez Drive during the Cinco de Mayo 2024 impromptu celebrations.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 13. 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office has charged two suspects Ages 24 and 33 involved in a Milwaukee Southside shooting at W. Historic Mitchell Street and S. César E. Chávez Drive on Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th), a 26-year-old year suspect was charged with the shooting of a Milwaukee police officer.

According to police, on May 5th at around 8:17 p.m., both Timothy J. McGee, 24, and Marcus Deon Kelly, 33, were firing gunshots at the intersection of W. Greenfield Ave. and W. Historic Mitchell Street. A social media video showed Kelly taking out his weapon after two women are seen in an altercation and then firing gunshots. Milwaukee police swat immediately responded to the scene and arrested Kelly and McGee.

Kelly was charged with one felony count for 2nd-degree recklessly endangering safety and use of a dangerous weapon. He was also charged with one misdemeanor count for resisting and obstructing an.

If convicted, Kelly is facing up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for recklessly endangering safety. He is also facing up to 9 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for resisting and obstructing.

A cash bond of $1,500 was set for Kelly.

McGee was charged with one felony count for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and one misdemeanor count for resisting and obstructing an officer.

If convicted, McGee is facing up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for possession of a firearm. He is also facing up to 9 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for resisting and obstructing.

McGee's cash bond was set at $5,000.

Lastly, Mark A. Courtney Jr., 26, was charged with one felony count for 1st-degree recklessly endangering safety including use of a dangerous weapon and 1st-degree reckless injury including use of a dangerous weapon for the Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th) shooting of a 29-year-old Milwaukee police officer and nearly striking a second officer at S. César E. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street. 

If convicted, Courtney is facing up to 12 and 6 months in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for endangering safety, and up to 25 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for reckless injury. Each felony count carries an enhancer, which adds another 5 years in prison for using a dangerous weapon.

According to the criminal complaint, Courtney went to the Jalisco Restaurant and got into an argument with another man who apparently cut in line in front of Courtney. They argued and Courtney briefly left and then returned when he told police that the other man was coming out and he thought the man had a gun in his waistband. Courtney says, fearing for his life, he shot at the man several times. Video surveillance cameras at the restaurant showed, the other man never reached for a weapon when Courtney shot at him. 

Police recovered 4 spent cartridges in front of the Mexican restaurant and one shot at a window frame.

A 29-year-old Milwaukee police officer standing about a block away was hit by gunfire in the upper leg and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Another police officer reported that a bullet went by his head, but didn't strike him.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Friday, May 10, 2024

41-year-old Milwaukee Police Officer Marco A. López Pleaded Guilty To Felony Misconduct In Office-Fraud In The Death Of An Inmate In Custody, Gets 24 Months Probation

López pleaded guilty to one felony count of misconduct in office and fraud and three other charges reduced to misdemeanor counts in a plead agreement with prosecutors.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 10, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Friday, Marco A. López, 41, a Milwaukee Police Officer under full suspension in a plea agreement resolution with the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office (MCDAO) pleaded guilty to one felony count for misconduct in office and three other felony counts were reduced to misdemeanors, according to Milwaukee County court records. 

Officer López sentences were stayed and López received 24 months of probation. According to court records, "Court held Sentencing Open and ordered matter set for a review hearing. Upon successful completion of Probation in Counts 4, 5, 6 court will order case Dismissed."

In addition, López was prohibited from seeking employment with Milwaukee Police Department, as a felon, he prohibited from having a firearm, and must do 100 hours of community service.

López was previously  charged with one felony count for misconduct/office-fraud/record/statement (making false record entries) in connection with the in-custody death of Keishon D. Thomas, 20, at Milwaukee Police Department District Station 5 in 2022.

According to the criminal complaint, Officer López was to check Keishon and other individuals (inmates) in custody at the District Station 5 every 15 minutes during his shift. Video surveillance footage from inside the station showed that López did not check on the inmates including Keishon at least 10 times who were in custody.

Officer López was found to have falsely logged 10 times in the cell block booking sheet that he in fact checked on the inmates that were locked up, when in fact video surveillance footage inside the police station showed he did not.

Another Milwaukee Police Officer Donald W. Krueger, 50, pleaded no contest in March 2024 and was convicted for one felony count of misconduct in office and fraud in connection with the February 2022 death of Thomas while in custody. Former Milwaukee Police Officer Krueger retired before the felony conviction.

Krueger's sentencing under a plea agreement with the MCDAO, he was fined $5,000 and will serve no prison time, according to court records.

According to the criminal complaint, Krueger neglected Keishon, who was confined at the Milwaukee Police District 5 Station. He neglected Keishon by failing to garner him medical attention, despite seeing Keishon dry heave multiple times, being informed Keishon had recently ingested multiple controlled substances, noting Keishon's profuse sweating, and stating he was going to call an ambulance, which Krueger never did. Keishon ultimately died in custody at the district station.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Physical, Verbal And Aggressive Assaults, Including Engaging In Jokes Gone Bad Against Street Cart Vendors (Paleteros/Eloteros/Food Truck Vendors) Should Be Considered Hate Crimes

The State of Wisconsin including Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee don't consider physically and verbally assaulting and engaging in jokes gone bad against street cart vendors, corn cart vendors and food truck vendors a hate crime.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 10, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - With the Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention scheduled for July 15-18, 2024 in the City of Milwaukee, which thousands of extreme far right MAGAs (Make Amerikkka Great Again) cult Trump supporters and supremacists expected to arrive in the City, tensions will definitely flare because their known political objective including Trump is to promote anti-immigrant sentiment and hate rhetoric targeted at people of color, especially Latinos and the undocumented taxpaying worker. In order to disrupt the economic base, create division and hate among vibrant diverse communities.

Last weekend on Sunday, during the Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th) impromptu flag waving parading and cruising celebrations at Mitchell Park, Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, 39, a Paletería Yayo street cart vendor was targeted by Aaron Thompson III, 26, who is Afro-American and other individuals while the incident was video recorded and it went viral in social media.

The video that appeared in social media (FB) shows, Thompson taking Mondragon-Martinez's popsicle street cart without permission, tipped it over and then ran away while laughing as others in the immediate area also laughed.

Thompson made a public apology the next day, which was facilitated by the Wisconsin Brown Berets, after a reward of $500 leading to the identity of the Black individual that aggressively assaulted a paletero was offered by a Milwaukee Latino couple,  Rafael and Adriana Bungee Hernández. It didn't take long to identify Thompson.

On Wednesday, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (MJS) reported that Thompson had allegedly stated that Mondragon-Martinez, the Yayo paletero didn't want to sell him a popsicle, and a language barrier might have triggered the paletero assault incident. Thompson told the MJS that what he did was "a joke gone bad", but that he later apologized to Mondragon-Martinez and gave him $60.

If a reward wouldn't have been offered by the Hernández couple to identity Thompson, he might have gotten away with it.

The video of the incident posted on Facebook (FB) definitely shows that Thompson allegedly committed a criminal act against Mondragon-Martinez at a Milwaukee County Park, but Thompson's mere explanation that it was just a joke gone bad has many of his supporters saying that it was just a joke, in an attempt that Thompson doesn't get charged with a crime for his aggressive assault against Mondragon-Martinez.

Thompson's act is just one of many that street cart vendors endure around the the U.S. and in Milwaukee. According to Rene Adan, the owner of Paletería Yayo, LLC in Milwaukee, his employees experience aggressive attacks, being robbed and beaten at least once a week, but in Mondragon-Martinez's case, it's the first time it was video recorded and it went viral bringing attention that something needs to be done to protect street cart vendors including corn street vendors and taco food truck vendors.

According to sources that want to remain anonymous, Mondragon-Martinez reported several weeks ago that he was assaulted and robbed. Once it can be confirmed, HNNUSA will make it public.

In Wisconsin, Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee, there is no current law making it a hate crime to aggressively attack, physically and verbally assault and engaging in jokes gone bad against street cart vendors, corn vendors and taco food truck vendors. It's time to enact a hate crime law to protect hard working street cart vendors and others!

Justice for Ricardo Article at link:

Editor's note:

What if Aaron Thompson III did the same act "joke gone bad" at a Milwaukee County Park to a White man, woman or kid? Most likely, he would be in jail facing criminal charges. We can't ignore that in Milwaukee County there are three types of systems of justice that is practiced between Whites, cops and people of color. 

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

26-year-old Mark A. Courtney Jr. Charged For Shooting Milwaukee Police Officer In Leg At S. Chávez Drive On Cinco De Mayo 2024

Courtney told police that he shot at another man in self-defense after cutting in line at a nearby restaurant, but as a felon, he can't carry a firearm.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 9, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, Mark A. Courtney Jr., 26, was charged with one felony count for 1st-degree recklessly endangering safety including use of a dangerous weapon and 1st-degree reckless injury including use of a dangerous weapon for the Cinco de Mayo 2024 (May 5th) shooting of a 29-year-old Milwaukee police officer and nearly striking a second officer at S. César E. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street. 

If convicted, Courtney is facing up to 12 and 6 months in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for endangering safety, and up to 25 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines, or both for reckless injury. Each felony count carries an enhancer, which adds another 5 years in prison for using a dangerous weapon.

According to the criminal complaint, Courtney went to the Jalisco Restaurant and got into an argument with another man who apparently cut in line in front of Courtney. They argued and Courtney briefly left and then returned when he told police that the other man was coming out and he thought the man had a gun in his waistband. Courtney says, fearing for his life, he shot at the man several times. Video surveillance cameras at the restaurant showed, the other man never reached for a weapon when Courtney shot at him. 

Police recovered 4 spent cartridges in front of the Mexican restaurant and one shot at a window frame.

A 29-year-old Milwaukee police officer standing about a block away was hit by gunfire in the upper leg and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Another police officer reported that a bullet went by his head, but didn't strike him.

Courtney told police he had a carry conceal permit.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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33-year-old Luis Pérez-García Charged With Fatal Hit-and-run Deaths Of Two Nicaraguan Brothers In Milwaukee's Southside On Cinco de Mayo 2024

Pérez-García fled the scene after striking two Nicaraguan brothers in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 9, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Thursday, Luis Pérez-García, 33, was charged with two felony counts for hit-and-run involving deaths, and two felony counts for knowingly driving without a driver's license causing deaths on early Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) causing hit-and-run deaths of Ausberto Gutiérrez, 41, aka, "Beto Ausberton" and Michael "Maycol" Gutiérrez, 39. originally from Nicaragua at the 1900 block of W. Lincoln Ave..

If convicted, Pérez-García is facing up to 25 years in prison and $100,000 in fines, or both for hit-and-run causing death, each count, and up to 6 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for each count.

According to the criminal complaint, Pérez-García was driving a vehicle heading Eastbound on W. Lincoln Ave. and struck both the Gutiérrez brothers who were standing by a parked vehicle, several other people were also inside the parked vehicle, which was also struck. Pérez-García did not stop and fled the scene.

Police investigating the hit-and-run deaths recovered nearby video surveillance camera footage in the area showing a White SUV heading Eastbound on W. Lincoln Ave. with damage to the front passenger's side of the SUV and a broken left headlight.

Milwaukee police later located a White Chevrolet Traverse SUV at S. 5th Street and W. Arthur Ave..

Apparently, the Gutiérrez brothers had just arrived at their destination (residence) with a woman who gave them a ride and they were saying goodbye to her and giving her some money for the ride, when Pérez-García fatally struck them.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

39-year-old Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, The Paletería Yayo Popsicle Street Vendor Who Was The Victim Of An Aggressive Assault At Mitchell Park Arrested In Milwaukee

Mondragon-Martinez is being held at the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office jail on a warrant from Outagamie County.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 8, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, 39, was taken into custody and booked at the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office jail and was placed on hold (no bail) for the Appleton Police Department. According to court records, Mondragon-Martinez has had an open bench warrant since November 19, 2018 in Outagamie County for one misdemeanor count for operating a vehicle without a driver's license (second offense in 3 years). He was charged with the misdemeanor on June 13, 2018, according to court records.

If convicted in Outagamie County, Mondragon-Martinez is facing up to 6 months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines, or both.

Mondragon-Martinez was charged on Wednesday, May 8, in Milwaukee County with assault indecent exposure or intoxication, which is only a forfeiture U (fine), a $484.00 bond was set. Mondragon-Martinez is scheduled for a intake hearing for July 3, 2024.

On September 20, 2023, Mondragon-Martinez pleaded no contest in Milwaukee County to possession of alcohol beverages and was fined $326.50, which is still due today. 

A Facebook (FB) video of Mondragon-Martinez went viral on Sunday when Aaron Thompson III,  who is Afro-American took Mondragon-Martinez's Paletería Yayo popsicle cart without permission, tipped it over and then fled laughing at Mitchell Park on Cinco de Mayo 2024. Mondragon-Martinez, a Mexican popsicle street vendor with Paletería Yayo began drinking after the incident and a majority of the Southside Latino community using FB became outraged and called for Mondragon-Martinez to get Justice.

Thompson III on Monday after he was identified apologized to Mondragon-Martinez in person during a gathering organized by the Wisconsin Brown Berets in the Southside of Milwaukee. Thompson III gave Mondragon-Martinez $100 after apologizing to him. (Full article link:

Update: The Wisconsin Brown Berets announced on Wednesday, Mondragon-Martinez was bailed out from the Outagamie County Sheriff's Office jail and remains free on bond.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Justice For Ricardo, The Southside Paletero (Mexican Popsicle Street Vendor) Who Became The Victim Of An Aggressive Assault At Mitchell Park On Cinco De Mayo 2024

The alleged assailant, Aaron Thompson III came out on social media accompanied by a member of the Wisconsin Brown Berets making an apology and offering to give Ricardo, the Mexican popsicle street vendor $100, after a $500 reward was offered leading to the identity of the Black individual that took the paletero's cart without permission and tipped it over, while running away and laughing about it. A posted Facebook video of the incident at Mitchell Park went viral and Thompson III was quickly identified. (Video link:

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 7, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Monday, the Black suspect who allegedly took a Paletería Yayo Mexican popsicle cart without permission and then tipped it as he fled running and laughing at Mitchell Park was identified as Aaron Thompson III, soon after a $500 reward was offered by Rafael Hernández and Adriana Bungee Hernández for information leading to his identity.

Thompson III on Monday in a posted Facebook (FB) video by Walter Garron who identified himself as a Wisconsin Brown Beret introduced Thompson III, who then confessed that he took the paletero cart, tipped it and ran from the scene laughing, which the Sunday incident was video recorded at Mitchell Park and went viral once the video clip was posted on FB. (Facebook video:

The viral video of the incident created outrage in the Southside of Milwaukee and a majority of FB users in social media continue to demand "Justice for Ricardo", the Paletería Yayo, LLC street cart vendor who was victimized at Mitchell Park.

So far, the usual wannabe Latino leaders (who only pose for mainstream media cameras on occasion) haven't organized a public hearing inviting police and the diverse Southside community and those effected to condemned all the chaotic Cinco de Mayo 2024 flag waving parading and cruising celebrations, reported shooting incident at W. Historic Michell St. and S. César E. Chávez Drive, including a Milwaukee police officer getting shot in the upper leg at S. Chávez Drive over the weekend in the Southside.

In Garron's FB video, Thompson III apologized for what he did and explained that he did it as joking around and stated that he was going to give Ricardo $100 and buy additional Mexican popsicles to be given away at a planned Mitchell Park cleanup gathering in the parking lot on Saturday at 10:00 a.m., which is being organized by Garron. Thompson III is expected to be at Mitchell Park on Saturday to help with the Mitchell Park cleanup.

A FB post dated April 30th by Milwaukee County Supervisor Juan Miguel Martinez and neighborhood volunteers are planning a Mitchell Park cleanup on Saturday at 12:00 p.m. behind the Mitchell Park Domes located in the Southside of Milwaukee.

Garron says that, if his planned cleanup at Mitchell Park goes beyond noon on Saturday, as a goodwill and community unity gesture, his group will gladly join Supervisor Martinez's cleanup group.

Supervisor Martinez released the following statement on Monday after Sunday's incident involving Thompson III and the Yayo paletero Ricardo, "It is extremely disappointing to see individuals causing disruptions at events meant to uplift our community. I am working to ensure that we make Cinco de Mayo a Countysponsored event in the future with proper security, not just police officers standing at entrances and exits, failing to address the altercations actually going on. Together, as a community, we can mitigate these situations by using the parks as a tool to stop these appalling incidents in the future." 

A second FB video posted by Garron who is working to unite both the Black and Latino Communities including defusing the current tensions and situation shows Thompson III at the Paletería Yayo location at the 1700 block of W. Lincoln Ave. showing Garron, Thompson III, Rene Adan, the owner of Paletería Yayo, LLC and Ricardo, the paletero victim of Thompson's aggression on Sunday. (Facebook video:

Adan, the owner of Paletería Yayo also posted a FB video saying that when Ricardo came out on Garron's FB video with Thompson III, Ricardo was allegedly intoxicated and made some out of place comments. Adan also stated that he wasn't aware of what happened at Mitchell Park and Thompson III's aggression against Ricardo, and that Recardo had started drinking after the incident on Sunday. Adan vowed to meet with police and the local alderman to seek justice for Ricardo and to address continued assaults and robberies targeted at paleteros. Once Ricardo can explain to Adan what actually occurred at Mitchell Park, Adan will then decide, if he will seek criminal charges against Thompson III on behalf of Paletería Yayo and Ricardo. Adan says that his employees (paleteros) have been robbed and assaulted on a daily basis, but on Sunday, an aggressive assault committed by Thompson III against Ricardo was video recorded and it went viral. (Facebook video:

Garron told Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) when contacted Monday that Thompson III had contacted him to make an apology to the Southside community and to Ricardo, after Garron first posted Thompson's FB profile sent to him by several FB users who identified him. When Garron was asked, if he noticed before the interview at the Paletería Yayo business that Ricardo was showing signs of being intoxicated, Garron replied "Yes".

In addition, FB users that were at Mitchell Park on Sunday alleged that several black individuals in a Infinity vehicle stole from Rricardo and that one had been taken into custody. HNNUSA hasn't been able to confirm the incident.

Also, another viral video at Mitchell Park showed two Black individuals being taken into custody. A Milwaukee County Sheriff's deputy pulled a AR-15 style loaded pistol from the individual's waistband. Another deputy is seen unloading the weapon.

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office hasn't reported any information about their arrests. No weapons are allowed in Milwaukee County Parks.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Suspect Fired Multiple Shots At S. Chávez Drive And W. Historic Mitchell Street After Two Women Fought During Cinco De Mayo 2024 Chaotic Impromptu Crowd Gathering

An unidentified man was taken into custody after he allegedly fired multiple shots to the air just as two women brawled in the middle of the intersection.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Sunday, around 8:15 p.m. Milwaukee police responded to the intervention of S. César E. Chávez Drive and W. Historic Mitchell Street to multiple shots fired. An armed male suspect was taken into custody by police.

According to a social media video posted on Facebook by Alvarez Maybelline, two women are seen in a brawl and then a male in a light sweatshirt intervenes while taking out a handgun, loaded the chamber and fired into air and then he walked West on Mitchell from S. Chávez Drive and fired multiple shots, and he then walked back to Chávez Drive as he was being video recorded from inside a vehicle at the corner. (Facebook video link:

No one was reported injured. According to other individuals at the scene, a group of small motor bikes had gathered at the intersection and were burning rubber as police were about a block away.

Earlier, police had closed all 5 side streets between W. Greenfield Ave. to W. National Ave. along S. Chávez Drive at 6:00 p.m. and prohibited taco food trucks and vehicles from parking along Chávez Drive to avoid a gathering of Cinco de Mayo 2024 impromptu chaotic flag waving parading and cruising celebrations.

But a brawl broke out at S. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street in the afternoon in front of McDonald's. Police were able to respond quickly.

Several incidents occurred at Mitchell Park, a crowd gathered and multiple Black men taunted a paletero (Mexican popsicle seller), one of the men took the popsicle cart and dumped it on the parking lot. The second incident, Milwaukee County Sheriff deputies arrested two Black men and one had a loaded short AK-15 pistol on his waistband.  

A reward of $500 is being offered by Rafael Hernández and Adriana Bungee Hernández for information leading to the individual who tipped the paletero cart at Mitchell Park. 

Hernández told Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) that shortly after posting the reward on social media, he received multiple responses that identified Aaron Thompson, 26, as the suspect who intentionally tipped the paletero cart.

On Friday and Saturday, all of the businesses along the S. César E. Chávez Drive including 7 taco food trucks failed to generate an estimated $512K of business sales compared to 2023 on the same Cinco de Mayo weekend.

This year, the impromptu flag waving parading and cruising crowds moved to the intersection of S. Chávez Drive and W. Historic Mitchell Street.

A business owner along S. Chávez Drive after hearing about the recent shooting, claimed that Milwaukee police only succeeded in criminalizing the S. Chávez Drive Bid 38 corridor and kept customers from shopping and patronizing the area.

Last year, several shootings were reported at a impromptu chaotic flag waving parading and cruising gathering at S. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street, which a 17-year-old male was shot by police, arrested, charged with a felony and convicted.

Update: On Sunday, May 5, 2024 around 10:52 p.m., a Milwaukee police officer was reported shot thru the upper leg at S. Chávez Drive and W. Scott Street in the Southside of Milwaukee. A tourniquet was applied and he is expected to survive.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Milwaukee Hit-and-run Deceased Victims Identified As Ausberto Gutiérrez, 41, And Maycol Gutiérrez, 39, From Nicaragua

Two Nicaraguan brothers ages 41 and 39 killed in hit-and-run at the 1900 block of W. Lincoln Ave. in the Southside of Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 5, 2024

Milwaukee,  Wisconsin- On early Sinday, May 5, 2024, at around 2:45 a.m., Milwaukee police responded to the 1900 block of W. Lincoln Ave. and located two injured Hispanic men who were pronounced deceased at the scene by the Milwaukee Medical Examiner's Office.

The victims were identified as Ausberto Gutiérrez, 41, aka, "Beto Ausberton" and Maycol Gutiérrez, 39, two brothers from Nicaragua, according to a source that wants to remain anonymous. Ausberto is survived by two young daughters.

According to police a vehicle heading Eastbound on W. Lincoln struck both the Gutiérrez brothers who were standing or walking by a parked vehicle, several other people were also inside the parked vehicle, which was also struck. The unidentified hit-and-run driver of the vehicle did not stop and fled the scene.

Police investigating the hit-and-run deaths recovered nearby video surveillance camera footage in the area showing a White SUV heading Eastbound on W. Lincoln Ave. with damage to the front passenger's side of the SUV and a broken left headlight.

Milwaukee police continue to search for a White Chevrolet Traverse SUV year model between 2013-2017 in connection with a fatal hit-and-run at the 1900 block of W. Lincoln Ave. on Sunday.

Apparently, the Gutiérrez brothers had just arrived at their destination (residence) by a woman who gave them a ride and they were saying goodbye to her and giving her some money for the ride, when the White SUV driver fatally struck them.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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S. César E. Chávez Drive Business Corridor Failed To Generate More Than $512K In Two Days During Cinco De Mayo 2024 Due To Street Closures By Milwaukee Police

More than 48 businesses and 7 Taco food trucks along S. Chavez Dr. between W. National Ave. and W. Greenfield Ave. failed to generated more than $512K of business in two days compared to prior Cinco de Mayo weekend observance.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 5, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Saturday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) learned that the S. César E. Chávez Drive business corridor between W. National Ave. and W. Greenfield Ave. was prevented by the Milwaukee Police Department District Station 2 from generating more than $512K, after no parking restrictions along S. Chávez Drive went into effect Friday and Saturday from 6:00 p.m. to late at night, compare to prior Cinco de Mayo weekend sales.

Milwaukee police kept the Northbound and Southbound lanes of S. Chávez Drive opened, but vehicles including 7 taco food trucks were not allowed to park along Chávez Drive, some businesses closed their patking lots too, to prevent excess parking to impromptu flag waving vehicles and Cinco de Mayo revelers. Also, 5 streets going either Westbound or Eastbound between W. Greenfield to W. National were closed for through traffic into S. Chávez Dtive. The taco food trucks had to move to the side streets before 6:00 p.m. when no parking restrictions went into effect.

Since, the 5 streets, W. Madison, W. Scott, W. Washington, W. Mineral and W. Walker had no access to S. Chávez Drive, most vehicles could not park so customers could patronize any of the taco food trucks for two days.

On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the same parking restrictions and street closures from Friday and Saturday will continue.  

More than 20,000 vehicles drive through Chávez Dr. per day and more than 147,000 per week during the year.

In one day, consumers in the 53204 zipcode spent approximately $249,315.06. The biggest tax-generating base for the city comes solely from the Southside compared to other districts.

A 2006 city economic study reported that the Southside households in the predominately Latino community located inside Postal Zip Code 53204 in Milwaukee spent more than $91 million annually in retail goods, according to the Department of City Development statistics.

Milwaukee police decided to add no parking restrictions along S. Chávez Drive over the Cinco de Mayo anticipated annual impromptu chaotic flag waving parading and cruising celebrations. Well, as one business owner along Chávez Drive told HNNUSA, police managed to portray (criminalize) S. Chávez Drive as an alleged crime ridden area by closing streets in between from S. Greenfield to W. National Avenues. after 6:00 p.m., they kept businesses in Chávez Drive from generating business sales during a community Cinco de Mayo festive weekend.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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Saturday, May 4, 2024

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) And His Wife, Imelda Cuellar Facing More Than 200 Years Each In Prison For Bribery, Unlawful Foreign Influence, And Money Laundering Schemes

U.S. Representative Cuellar and his wife, Imelda Cuellar charged with multiple criminal federal charges, if convicted, they face more than 200 years each in a federal prison.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
May 4, 2024

Laredo, Texas - On Friday, a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested both U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and his wife Imelda Cuellar for bribery and money laundering. The federal indictment was announced by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department's Criminal Division; Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department's National Security Division; Assistant Director Michael D. Nordwall of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division; and Deputy Assistant Inspector General Jason Loeffler and Special Agent in Charge Chris Hileman of the Department of State Office of Inspector General (DOS-OIG).

According to the federal indictment, Congressman Cuellar allegedly accepted $600,000 in bribes from two foreign entities in exchange for official acts as a member of congress. The indictment was unsealed Friday in the Southern District of Texas charging U.S. Congressman Enrique Roberto "Henry" Cuellar, 68, and his wife, Imelda Cuellar, 67, both of Laredo, Texas, with participating in two schemes involving bribery, unlawful foreign influence, and money laundering. Congressman Cuellar and Imelda Cuellar made their initial court appearance on Friday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Dena Palermo in Houston.

According to court documents, beginning in at least December 2014 and continuing through at least November 2021, Congressman Cuellar and Imelda Cuellar allegedly accepted approximately $600,000 in bribes from two foreign entities: an oil and gas company wholly owned and controlled by the Government of Azerbaijan, and a bank headquartered in Mexico City. The bribe payments were allegedly laundered, pursuant to sham consulting contracts, through a series of front companies and middlemen into shell companies owned by Imelda Cuellar, who performed little to no legitimate work under the contracts. In exchange for the bribes paid by the Azerbaijani oil and gas company, Congressman Cuellar allegedly agreed to use his office to influence U.S. foreign policy in favor of Azerbaijan. In exchange for the bribes paid by the Mexican bank, Congressman Cuellar allegedly agreed to influence legislative activity and to advise and pressure high-ranking U.S. Executive Branch officials regarding measures beneficial to the bank. 

Congressman Cuellar and Imelda Cuellar are each charged with the following offenses and if convicted, face maximum penalties as indicated: two counts of conspiracy to commit bribery of a federal official and to have a public official act as an agent of a foreign principal, five years in prison on each count; two counts of bribery of a federal official, 15 years in prison on each count; two counts of conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud, 20 years in prison on each count; two counts of violating the ban on public officials acting as agents of a foreign principal, two years in prison on each count; one count of conspiracy to commit concealment money laundering, 20 years in prison; and five counts of money laundering, 20 years in prison on each count.

The FBI and DOS-OIG investigated the case.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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