Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wisconsin Court of Appeals District II Rules That Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Aprahamian Branch 9th Erred In Removing Full Custody Rights Of Four Special Needs Children From Their Mother Julie Valadez

Wisconsin Court of Appeals District II ruled that Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Aprahamian erred in removing full custody from the mother in a divorce case and awarded full custody of their children to the father who was found to be a known domestic abuser and couldn't prove in court that he had complied with state law by submitting to a state certified batterer's treatment program and completing the program as required by law.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

December 29, 2021

Madison, Wisconsin - On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals District II ruled in favor of Julie Valadez in the Waukesha County divorce appeal case Julie Valadez v. Ricardo Valadez #2020AP001006 in regards of being prevented by Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Aprahamian decision to remove Julie's custody rights of her four special needs children and granting full custody to her ex-husband Ricardo Valadez who is a known domestic abuser and abused alcohol, according to court records. The Wisconsin Court of Appeals in a 15-page decision ruled that Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Aprahamian erred in his decision to allow Ricardo to have sole and full custody of the children when he couldn't prove that he had submitted to a certified batterer's treatment program as required by state law. Ricardo had testified in the divorce case that he took some counseling from someone that he knew, but the person in question never testified in court nor was any credible certified treatment program documentation introduced in court that Ricardo actually complied while Judge Aprahamian presided. In his ignorance of the law, Judge Aprahamian decided with the ill advise of attorney Molly Jasmer, the Guardian ad Litem to give full custody of the four children to Ricardo, the domestic abuser against the best interest of the children while Julie continuesouly objected to no avail.

Julie later appealed Judge Aprahamian's erred decision to remove her from full custody of her children and was also prevented multiple times (numerous months) from seeing her own children.

In one incident, one of Julie's kids was in the hospital and Jasmer falsified a document and send it to the hospital instructing them to prevent Julie from visiting her son in the hospital. Julie reported the incident to the Waukesha Police Department and police were unable to get a copy of Jasmer's false document from the hospital preventing Julie from seeing her son while at the hospital undergoing treatment. 

•  Case history: 

• Published WI Court of Appeals District 2 decision (Dated: 12/29/2021): 

• Link to the DV Leap filed appellate brief (Dated: 1/21/2021): 

• Copy of filed dated 4/16/2021 with the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and the Waukesha County Family Court by Julie Valadez for motion to dismiss temporary order and change in placement, psych eval, and vacate order for custody evaluation and order prohibiting no contact:

Editor's note: 

It's unfortunate that none of the mainstream local news TV stations (6, 4, 58 and 12, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and others including Wisconsin Telemundo and local newspapers failed to cover the corruption and illegal acts by Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Aprahamian and attorneys involved in the Julie Valadez v. Ricardo Valadez divorce case. Shame on all of them. Is it because family court illegal family separations is not news worthy to their viewers and readership? 

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