Saturday, June 1, 2019

Carmen C. Cabrera, Carmen M. Ortiz And Rebecca Arrichiello Elected To Lead The Democratic Party Of Wisconsin Latino Caucus 2019

Cabrera was elected as Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Latino Caucus, also Ortiz as Vice-Chair and Arrichiello as Secretary/Treasurer during the Democratic Party of Wisconsin State Convention in Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

June 1, 2019

Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, Latino Democrats elected Carmen C. Cabrera as Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Latino Caucus, also Carmen M. Ortiz was elected as Vice-Chair and Rebecca Arrichiello was elected as Secretary/Treasurer during the Democratic Party of Wisconsin (DPW) State Convention 2019 in Milwaukee. According to DPW, the newly elected Latino Caucus Officers for 2019-2021 "will have additional responsibilities beyond their normal Caucus duties to help with the Milwaukee 2020 DNC Convention."

Editors note: The DPW Latino Caucus and all of the Latinos and Latinas in elected office in the State of Wisconsin including County and municipal governments should unite in the effort to support instate tuition and driver licenses (permits, as a statewide driving issue for safe roads) for undocumented immigrants in the state that contribute more than $90M in combine taxes in Wisconsin per year and to advocate for Governor Tony Evers (D) to revoke and prohibit any state, county and municipal law enforcement agency in Wisconsin from entering into partnership with U.S. ICE under the 287(g) program, which is known today as a profiling and discriminatory program revamped by Trump to target Latinos and immigrant communities nationally. Also, the DPW Latino Caucus should bring Comprehensive Immigration Reform back into the spotlight during the Milwaukee 2020 DNC National Convention in order to advocate for other Latino Caucuses in the Democratic Party around the nation to join in the effort to pass immigration reform and to fix the broken down immigration enforcement system.

According to PEW and the U.S. Census in 2014, 72% of the 370,000 Latino population (6% of the total state population) in Wisconsin are U.S. born compared to 28%, which are foreign born, about 72% of Latinos are of Mexican origin and 28% are of non-Mexican origin. Latinos in Wisconsin make .7% of the Hispanic population in the U.S.

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