Monday, May 8, 2017

Amanda Vanetta Threatened Operators Of Berta's Taco Truck For Displaying Upside Down U.S. Flag

Vanetta exercised her own ignorance to threaten the operators of Berta's taco truck for displaying a U.S. flag upside down on S. César E. Chavez Drive.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 8, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Amanda Vanetta, posted on her Facebook account that she spotted a Berta's taco truck with a U.S. flag upside down and resorted to threaten the operator of the fast food truck by saying that it was illegal and if they wouldn't remove it or fix it up right that she would take it down.
Apparently, Vanetta who video recorded the incident herself doesn't know by her own ignorance that it is the not illegal to display the U.S. flag upside down and by attempting to remove it, she is committing an illegal act herself. An upside-down U.S. flag means distress.
The incident happened at the 1000 block of S. César E. Chavez Drive in Milwaukee, WI.
With in minutes of posting her video in Facebook (FB) as an attempt to attack the Berta's taco truck operators, Vanetta became the laughing stock in the Milwaukee area and comments flooded on her posting criticising her and most were making fun of her ignorance. Vanetta became the victim of her own ignorance and deleted her video posting as FB users began to post her debts found in the court system as well. The FB crowd became so fierce, that Vanetta had to delete her post.
She even changed her FB name to Panda Manda.

Amanda Vanetta's video of incident:

Update: Javier Reyes, the owner of Berta's Tamales and Taco truck in Milwaukee contacted Hispanic News Network U.S.A. on Tuesday and stated that he was replacing the U.S. flag for its old age and while doing it he unintentionally placed it upside down without realizing it. Reyes said, that it was an unfortunate mistake on his part and didn't want to offend anyone. He also says, that he is so grateful for all the support he has received from the public and Facebook users.

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