Monday, February 22, 2010

Global Warning Internet Virus Circulating

INTERNET cyber attack spreading by e-mail massages loaded with virus pretending to come from four major corporations

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 22, 2010

(HNNUSA) -Global Warning: fititious e-mail messages that seem legitimate from Hallmark, Google, Twitter & Amazon have .Zip attachment with virus. Don't open! The massages have been circulating through the Internet as other viruses have spread.
Unsuspecting e-mail users open messages and their computers become infected with the virus. Computers become absolete, data is erased permanently, takes control of your computer and data is downloaded or becomes a dead zone.
The warning has been rapidly spreading through the Internet from user to user, friend to friend, relatives to relatives, businesses to businesses, corporations to corporations, law enforcement agencies, federal government agencies, national security agencies, financial institutions, and social networks in the U.S.A., Latin America, Europe, and other parts of the globe.
If you get an e-mail from Hallmark, Google, Twitter and Amazon, be extra cautious, if you are not expecting one from them. Be safe, delete suspicious e-mails.

The City of Mashphee, MA posted the following QAF's about computer viruses on their website.

How many computer viruses are there?

In 1986, the National Computer Security Association estimated that there were only four known computer viruses. Today there are over 5,000 known computer viruses, with an average of 110 new viruses discovered each month. Although some viruses -- such as Stoned, Michelangelo and Jerusalem -- are well known, many others remain unknown.
In addition, once a computer virus has been detected and eliminated there are no guarantees that the company, or computer, is virus-proof. Statistics reveal that 90% of all victims who clean out their systems find that they are reinfected within 30 days. This can occur from some undetected copy of the original virus lurking in the system or from an outside source, perhaps the same source that infected the system the first time.
It's an expensive process to remove viruses from computers, ranging between hundreds of $ per personal computers to millions of dollars for corporations, which have multiple networks.
Simply put, computer viruses can be extremely damaging both to businesses and individual users. A survey showed that in North American corporations with more than 400 PCs, over 50% of companies had experienced a virus attack. The study also found that the rate of corporate PCs infected with a virus is increasing at an alarming rate, with 26% of all site discovering an infection in a single month,
In another study, more than 9% of companies interviewed said they had experienced "disastrous" data losses due to a computer virus. It is estimated that in the U.S. alone computer viruses cost businesses over $1 billion dollars in lost profits every year. Although, the examples above all pertain to North America, the rest of the world is not immune. Computer viruses have been reported in well over 100 countries around the world, reaching every continent on the globe. (Source: at

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