Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Drug Lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Cited In Honduras


La Tribuna newspaper in Honduras claims "El Chapo" Guzmán living in Copán municipality, and is protected by local officials and police

By H. Nelson Goodson
February 23, 2010

Honduras -Government officials in Honduras confirmed through reliable sources that Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, drug lord of the Sinaloa Cartel has been living in a luxury compound in the areas of Colón and Copán, according to Tuesday's Tribuna newspaper edition in the capital. The newspaper published that El Chapo is now living in the Copán community and is protected by local officials and police. Headlines read "National Security in Danger if El Chapo Guzmán is in Honduras."
Honduras Minister of Security Óscar Alvarez said, we have enough information that El Chapo has visited and might be staying in the Northwest of Honduras. If federal police are able to capture El Chapo, they might not have a secure place to hold Guzmán and the Mexican government would be expected to seek extradition as soon as possible, added Alvarez.
Alvarez anounced El Chapo Guzmán presence in Honduras a few days after he learned "Los Zetas" from Mexico who are working with local drug gangs in Honduras have threaten his life. He said, that Honduras is getting from the U.S.A. between 12-16 million under the Mérida Plan to help fight drug cartels and criminal organizations like the Sinaloa Cartel from Mexico.
El Chapo Guzmán is spending time in Honduras to escape from the Mexican military police crackdown on the Sinaloa Cartel and other drug cartels in Mexico, according to Alvarez.
Honduras has assigned 10 officials to work along the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other officials were sent to the U.S. to learn how maximum federal prisons operate, so they can built them in Honduras.
Alvarez says, the Honduras government has reliable information that El Chapo Guzmán is buying municiple elections to get his people in power at the local level, which if allowed to spread, it could eventually lead to controlling the Honduras government. 
To date, their is no diplomatic relations between Honduras and Mexico. A Guatemalan newspaper reported a couple of years ago that El Chapo was living in a luxury compound in Honduras, according to Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom.

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