Saturday, August 17, 2024

Milwaukee Police Association Endorsed Convicted Felon Trump And His VP Vance Candidacy For 2024

Milwaukee Police Association endorsed the Trump/Vance candidacy. 

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

August 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Friday, August 16, 2024, Republican candidate for Vice-President JD Vance spoke at the Milwaukee Police Association (Union) in Milwaukee and said, that his political party is the party that supports law enforcement. When asked for his reaction to Trump being a convicted felon and the January 6, 2020 insurrection in D.C., Vance began to make false allegations about Kamala Harris weaponizing the justice department against free speech.

Many insurrectionists in D.C. during the January 6 unlawful entry to the Congressional building displayed American flags with the blue thin stripe across the flag. 

Any law enforcement agency or department displaying an American flag with a thin blue stripe are known to be either MAGAs/Patriots/Insurrectionists.

The MPA on Friday endorsed the Trump/Vance candidacy for 2024, and in 2020 the MPA also endorsed the Trump/Pence candidacy, which now his Vice-Presidential candidate, Vance was invited to speak at the MPA and to accept the MPA enforcement. It only shows how the MPA, which is suppose to be a law enforcement police union can support a criminally convicted felon for president, what a bunch of hypocritical MAGAs with a badge working to elect a convicted felon as President. What ever happened to law enforcement standing by and advocating for law abiding citizens that are presidential candidates? It only shows how corruption has infiltrated the MPA.

Also, the City of Milwaukee is a majority Democrat voting City, and the MPA is definitely a MAGA infiltrated police union that endorsed a convicted felon for president. What does that tell you about the MPA? Bunch of would-be outlaws with a badge.

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