Thursday, July 4, 2024

Manuel "Manny" Pérez, Former Secretary Of The Wisconsin Department Of Workforce Development Wants WI Voters To Reelect Biden As President In November 2024

Pérez, a former Republican and former Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce under former Governor Scott Walker (R) called the Earl Ingram Radio Show on July 4th, and tells radio program listeners to reject Trump and reelect U.S. President Joe Biden (D) in November 2024.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

July 4, 2024

Waukesha, Wisconsin - On Thursday, Manuel "Manny" Pérez, a former Republican and former Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development under the former Governor Scott Walker (R) administration called Newstalk radio host Earl Ingram, at the Earl Ingram Radio 1510 AM Show (Ingram, Civic Media), and told Ingram's radio listeners to reject former President Donald J. Trump (R) and to vote for U.S. President Joe Biden (D) in November 2024, in order to keep Trump from taking office.

Pérez who now identifies himself as an Independent told Ingram that he doesn't believe Biden should step aside because voters should understand that this election is to prevent "Trump from getting in power, that's the single most important objective in this election. Trump  has already gained immunity,  so you can only imagine what he is going to do, if he gets elected, in other words, he is going to do whatever he wants and he is going to name it an official act. As a result, I really encourage all moderates, independents, former Republicans and Democrats to unite. If later, President Biden is not able to dispense the duties of his office", the U.S. Constitution allows the process to have the Vice-President to take office as President.

Pérez says that he changed his political party affiliation because the Republican Party is no longer, the Party of Lincoln, but a religious cult.

Pérez says, that President Biden has done a great job for Black Americans, as a fact, employment records under Biden show job growth, and has brought back jobs and has lower the price of prescription drugs, and has managed the economy in such a manner to get out of the COVID panic. In my opinion, President Biden needs to continue, get elected and name the best secretaries (team) in his cabinet, according to Pérez.

For Pérez's complete statements and opinions on the Earl Ingram Radio Show, click on following YouTube link and advance to minute 35:47:

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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