Friday, May 17, 2024

Video Of Paletero Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez Aggressive Assault At Milwaukee County Mitchell Park On Cinco De Mayo 2024 Used In Music Video Featuring Aggressor Aaron Thompson III

A music video posted in Instagram by Ocean Legacy Cinematic features a portion of the aggressive assault of Paletería Yayo employee, Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez by featured video singer Aaron Thompson III.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 17, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - The latest saga continues of the Paletería Yayo employee Ricardo Mondragon-Martinez, 39, a popsicle street vendor who became the victim of an aggressive assault (harassed) at an impromptu Cinco de Mayo 2024 celebration and gathering at Milwaukee County Mitchell Park by the aggressor identified as Aaron Thompson III, 26, of Milwaukee. A 55 second music video clip posted by Ocean Legacy Cinematic on their Instagram account of Cinco de Mayo 2024 in Milwaukee depicts a short viral social media video clip of the Yayo paletero Mondragon-Martinez aggressive assault incident showing Thompson III running with the popsicle street cart at Mitchell Park.

Thompson III hasn't been criminally charged for the aggressive attack of paletero Mondragon-Martinez at Mitchell Park. He apologized to Mondragon-Martinez regarding the incident by saying it was "a joke gone bad" and gave the paletero $60.

Facebook Southside users have pushed for Thompson III to be criminally charge to no avail.

On Friday, May 17, the Heavy Hitters Athlete Facility unveiled a large Milwaukee Paletería Cerveceros Mural at the 400 block of S. 3 Street and the Paletería Yayo was present (except for Mondragon-Martinez) to provide popsicles. The facility hasn't announced, if they have donated to Mondragon-Martinez's fund to help him with housing and his legal defense.

Also on Thursday, the Paletería Yayo posted on their Facebook page that the Milwaukee Brewers were giving away free popsicles at Paletería Yayo location at the 1700 block of W. Lincoln Ave., but fell short of announcing that they have donated funds to personally aid Mondragon-Martinez. Mondragon-Martinez was not present at any of the photos posted with the Paletería Yayo owners and the Brewers including its mascot.

There have been other Facebook posts in social media indicating that fundraising was being conducted to help Mondragon-Martinez personally, by raising funds to help him personally, since he was previously homeless and with the aid of the Wisconsin Brown Berets, he was able to rent an apartment for now.

When contacted on Friday by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), Walter Garron, local Commander of the Wisconsin Brown Berets says, that his group was able to get several months of paid rent for Mondragon-Martinez, and that others have allegedly committed to help Mondragon-Martinez as well, but they haven't come through. Garron hopes that Mondragon-Martinez can continue to stay at his Southside apartment with the help of the community at large.

The Paletería Yayo owner Rene Adan hasn't publicly announced that the paletería is also helping with funds to help pay for rent where Mondragon-Martinez is living at, other then the Paletería Yayo getting a boost in popsicle sales due to the recent aggressive assault of Mondragon-Martinez and a social media video gone viral.

In other words, everyone else has benefited by allegedly using Mondragon-Martinez's aggressive assault platform to profit from, except the victim himself.

Check out and advance to minute 15:06, Yayo paletero incident at Milwaukee County Mitchell Park on Cinco de Mayo 2024... 

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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