Thursday, May 16, 2024

Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention Seeking 5K Volunteers, Doesn't Matter If You're A Democrat, Antifa, Pro-immigrant Or Anti-Palestinian Genocide Advocate To Volunteer

The Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention opens the back door for infiltration by Democrats, Antifa, pro-immigrants and Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates (protesters) to fill 5,000 volunteer positions for the 3-day Convention in July.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

May 16, 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin - On Thursday, in a mass email appeal to seek 5,000 volunteers for the 3-day Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention on July 15-18, 2024, the North Shore Republicans (NSR) confirmed that volunteers don't need to be Republicans to enjoy the experience. The NSR wrote, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A REPUBLICAN TO APPRECIATE THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS EVENT! SO I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO BE A PART OF THIS! YOU CAN BE IN THE MIX! The RNC needs 5000 VOLUNTEERS to make this event a success. If I wasn't a delegate there's no way I would turn down this opportunity," Brad Courtney, NSR member and former Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman wrote.

Courtney also included in the mass email, that the Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention will take place this weekend, May 17-19, 2024 in Appleton, Wisconsin.

While the RNC National Convention Committee wants the Secret Service to expand its security perimeter to keep Antifa, Democrats, comprehensive immigration reform advocates, and Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates further away from the FISERV FORUM where the National Convention will be held to avoid confrontations between conventiongoers (extreme far right MAGAs, supremacists, insurrectionist Patriots, and White militia skin heads attending the RNC National Convention in July) and the expected mass protests organized by local and national immigrant rights groups/organizations, Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates, Antifa (anti-facists), social justice advocates and etc.

According to leaked intel by a Milwaukee Police Department Supervisor who attended a meeting with Republicans, local law enforcement, Milwaukee City officials and the Secret Service, concerns about possible harassment and racist rhetoric towards the people of color in Milwaukee by conventiongoers was one of the issues raised at the meeting. However, RNC officials want to expand the perimeter of the convention, although, the perimeter of the convention is decided by the City of Milwaukee to prevent lawsuits from groups and organizations that plan to stage mass protests during the 3-day Trump MAGA Cult (RNC 2024) National Convention.

Well, it now seems that the RNC National Convention is suffering from attracting 5,000 volunteers, so they inadvertently open the back door for Antifa, Anti-Palestinian Genocide advocates, and pro-immigrant advocates and Democrats to infiltrate the convention by just volunteering. Like Courtney wrote in the NSR mass email, "You Don't Have To Be A Republican" to volunteer.

The Secret Service has confirmed, that there is no credible threat made to the upcoming convention.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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