Sunday, August 11, 2019

MAGA Latino Republicans In Wisconsin And Throughout The Country Have Failed To Condemn Trump's Hate And Racist Rhetoric Against Their Own Immigrant Communities

MAGA Latinos in the Republican Party throughout the country including in Wisconsin have definitely failed their own communities and many have been chastised for not standing up against Trump's hate and racist rhetoric that has placed a hate target on Latinos in the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

August 11, 2019

Milwaukee, WI - Today, MAGAs (Make America Great Again Trump supporters and followers who wear political MAGA attire and red caps) have definitely turned into MAGGOTS, they feed on hate and Trump's racist rhetoric. Trump has now been identified as a White supremacist by most of the Democratic presidential candidates including U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (D) who was the first to call Trump a racist, which now extends to all the MAGAs by association. Trump's hate and racist rhetoric towards Mexicans and Mexican-Americans has placed a target of hate on their backs leading to the mass massacre in El Paso, Texas by a deranged alt-right White domestic terrorist that claimed at least 22 innocent lives mostly victims of Mexican descent including nine Mexican nationals at a Walmart. Despite, Trump's hate and racist rhetoric at MAGA campaign rallies, many Latinos who attend those rallies are complicit to Trump's hate against the Latino immigrant communities around the nation. The MAGA Latinos are not organized nor are they very influential in the GOP simply because they are just driven by hate, greed and their own special interests to cash in by using the Latino label to profit. These MAGA Latinos have failed to stand up against Trump's hate and racist rhetoric towards their own communities. None of them (MAGA Latinos) have had the courage to stand up for their own immigrant communities by coming out in public to support Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a path of citizenship for nearly 11M undocumented immigrants or against the 287(g) ICE program in their communities including to allow undocumented immigrants to apply for driving licenses in their state. Also, no MAGA Latino/a has had the courage to condemn Trump's concentration camps, the separation of families and children separated from their parents when seeking asylum.
Many MAGA Latinos have outed themselves in social media in an attempt to defend their choice to stand with Trump and his anti-immigrant policies, but they have failed to get any support from their own Latino community who has been targeted by Trump's hate and in many cases, from their own family members who don't support them either for being associated with Trump.
Today, it's not to popular to come out as a MAGA Latino/a, simply because they have been associated with the KKK, neo-Nazis, supremacists and White Nationalists agenda.
One thing for sure, hate crimes have increased where Trump has held MAGA rallies.
Many Republicans don't support or attend MAGA rallies because of Trump's constant advocacy of hate and racist rhetoric. The MAGAs have become the extreme alt-right MAGGOTS of the Republican Party.
To most Americans, Trump has definitely been responsible for inciting hate leading to violence at MAGA rallies, which has led some of his supporters to commit certain hate crimes including mass murder against people of color and Trump should be criminally charged for inciting such hate in an attempt to make Amerikkka White again.

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