Friday, July 1, 2016

Milwaukee White Police Officer Arrests Teen For Profanity At Sherman Park

One arrest reported at Sherman Park, a day after dozens of teens began a melee after they were forced to vacate the park.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

July 1, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, a Milwaukee White police officer managed to pull a 12-year-old boy from his bike after he yelled profanity at police. The teen was taken into custody, according to adult witnesses at the park. 
A group of activists, residents and members of the Black Panthers were at the Sherman Park playground monitoring the deployment of dozens of Milwaukee police officers and Milwaukee County Sheriff deputies, according to David Muhammad, a community activists. The adults monitoring police managed to get all of the teens out of the park by 9:00 p.m. The adults are expected to be back at the park by 6:00 p.m. on Friday as well.
Zeynab Ali in her Facebook account posted, "I'm very proud of our youth today for standing up for their rights. The community came together tonight at Sherman Park to spread peace. Then, the police showed up preying on our children and eventually arrested one of them for no reason at all. But in the end we were still united. I realized today that we have more youth leaders in Milwaukee, they just never thought they had it in them. Join us again tomorrow at 6 PM at Sherman Park!"
Earl Ingram Jr., another community activist posted on Facebook, "Kudos to those of you who showed up last night at Sherman Park to help curve the violence. Around 60 adult concerned citizens came out in response to what occurred the night before. There were minimal problems, thanks to all of you. Trump talks about taking back America, last night started the process of taking back our community.
"People from all walks of life showed up to direct and guide about 150 young people. We made a pledge to come back and make a difference in their lives. That's what's needed in our community, we have enough talk we need more ACTION!!! We need more people willing to show up when called on, those yesterday stayed the course.
Last night over 150 officers were at Sherman Park, surly it was over kill. I don't support anyone in wrong doing, when our young people are wrong they must be told they are wrong. Wednesday night those who created the trouble were wrong. Last night there was tension between law enforcement and citizenry. At times it resembled the demilitarized zone, that must change.
"It was a good beginning, if only a beginning. It's going to take the community to turn it around, that includes YOU..."
During the last week, police have been going to the park and forcing groups of teens including park users to leave the park before the park is actually closed. Some of the teens have been standing for their right to peacefully gather at the park, since their parents are taxpayers and the park is open for public use.
On Wednesday, dozens of teens confronted police twice after 8:00 p.m. and rocks including bricks were thrown at some police officers. Windows at a nearby BP gas station were smashed by rocks including windows from a Milwaukee County Transit bus and a police vehicle. No arrests were made on Wednesday night, according to police.
The alleged teens involved in the melee on Wednesday are Afro-Americans and the deployed police officers and deputies are mostly White, which doesn't help to ease the tension between them.
Afro-Americans teens are usually taken into custody more often than White teens and are most likely to be incarcerated more often.
Some residents in area on their Facebook accounts are indicating since the lead pipe lateral scandal in Milwaukee has been exposed, that some teens could be suffering from neurological dificiencies due to the freshwater toxic lead pipe laterals found in the thousands of homes throughout the district. Studies have indicated that exposure to lead in the drinking water could be linked to high murder and crimes by at least 25% compared to areas where no lead pipe laterals exists.
Many residents in the Northside and Southside want the City of Milwaukee and Mayor Tom Barret to remove all the toxic lead pipe laterals from homes as soon as possible.
Once lead gets inside the body it will not diminish, which lead is extremely toxic and affects the liver, kidneys, reproductive system and nervous system. Lead's most dangerous impact is on the brain and can cause serious development problems. It's been linked to everything from violent crime to low IQ. 

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