Monday, July 6, 2015

Milwaukee County Judge Disappointed That No Cops Were Responding To Reported Illegal Fireworks

A Milwaukee County Judge learned over the weekend that Milwaukee police under Police Chief Edward Flynn have placed setting off illegal fire within the city limits a low priority, especially in Mikwaukee''s Southside.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

July 6, 2015 

Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, Pedro Colón, a Milwaukee County Judge posted a comment on his personal Facebook account that he was disappointed that no police officer would respond to a report of illegal fireworks being set off near his Southside home located in the predominantly Hispanic neighborhood. Judge Colón learned that even a concern elected and well respected County judge can't get police to investigate illegal fireworks in his own neighborhood.
Colón posted that he contacted the police district in the area and that an officer had honestly told him that most likely no officer would respond to check out the report of illegal fireworks being lighted late at night.
Recently, Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn was reappointed to another four year term by the full Fire and Police Commission, but the Commission really decided to continue with Flynn's current policy to treat some criminal activity and city ordinance violations as low priority.
Lighting illegal fireworks within the City of Milwaukee can be fined $500, if an adult allows a child to use fireworks (any item that emits smoke, bang or sparkles), he or she can be fined more than $1,000 upon conviction, but apparently Chief Flynn believes it is a low priority. Low priority calls that are not handled by police can lead to potential crimes. 
Today, Milwaukee is facing a high rate of homicides and other crimes under Chief Flynn. Milwaukee has recently gained an unfortunate recognition contributed to the rising homicide rate, Milwaukee is now being referred too as Kilwaukee by citizens disappointed with Chief Flynn's performance.
In other unrelated city issues, the Milwaukee Southside, especially in the 12th Aldermanic District has become the dumping ground for litter, trash on most of the streets and a lack of street pot holes repairs. The worst part about these issue, people have become too complacent with the trash and garbage environment around them and on the city streets and sidewalks, despite litter fines, if caught dumping trash on streets. 
Wait a minute, most likely another low priority issue for Chief Flynn to enforce the litter ordinance.
What ever happened to help keep Milwaukee clean?

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