Sunday, December 7, 2014

14 Arrested For Blocking I-794 And I-94 Freeway Ramp In Milwaukee

Protesters were taken into custody for entering the freeway and blocking traffic, including endangering the lives of children during a police-citizen murder civil disobedience act.

By H. Nelson Goodson
December 7, 2014

Milwaukee, WI - Police and the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) reported that 14 people, including 3, Demetrice Ford, Raspy Rawls and David D. Ruffin from Ferguson, Missouri had been arrested for walking into the N. 2nd, I-794 and I-94 freeway entrance (ramp) and blocking traffic on Saturday afternoon. The incident occured before 1:00 p.m.
One woman had her 6-year-old and 10-year-old children with her walking in the freeway. She told a female Milwaukee County Sheriff's sergeant that she paid taxes and was exercising her right to be on the freeway. The MCSO sergeant disagreed. According to media reports, the two children were taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services, but their mother, MrsReese Jennings posted on her Facebook account, "Please don't  believe the news!!!! They had them right next to me until my parents came!!!! LIES LIES LIES!!!" Jennings also wrote, "Fuck the police....just spent 10 hours in lock up for peacefully protest!!!!!!! FUCK EM."
The protesters arrested are facing disorderly conduct and pedestrian on the freeway charges, according to police and MCSO. Some of those arrested yesterday, including the three from Ferguson were released on Sunday. A fund for those arrested was set up to raise $1,400 for bail.
The Milwaukee County Jail facility was temperarily closed to the public on Saturday and a protest in front of the jail was scheduled on Sunday around 2:00 p.m.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke issued the following statement,  "I have made it very clear that arrests will be made when violations of the law occur, regardless of the protesters' motivations. Law and order will be maintained."
One of the groups behind Saturday's protest was "Occupy the Hood Milwaukee. The group organized the protests and rallies in coordination with Milwaukee and Ferguson in wake of police and citizens deaths by officers.
On Saturday night, Vaun L. Mayes, one of the protesters on his Facebook account loaded a video from the freeway protest and later wrote, "Thank god we are free. Our brothers from Ferguson are still being held and detained.we are working for their bail. By the grace of God I wasn't  hit with a P.O. hold but justice will prevail. Much luv to the 14 who took one for the team."

Milwaukee Hwy I-794 & I-94 ramp Ferguson protest video:

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