Friday, October 17, 2014

Felina@Miut3 Killed By Criminals For Tweeting Crime Incidents In Reynosa

María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio

Rubio tweeted under the byline of Felina@Miut3 and collaborated with Valor por Tamaulipas, a Facebook account that reports on crimes and incidents around Reynosa in the state of Tamaulipas. She is being remembered as a heroine who stood up for justice, despite life threats from criminals. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 17, 2014

Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico - On Thursday, Dr. María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, aka, "Felina@Miut3" who posted narco crime incidents on Tweeter to inform people was reported killed in her own Tweeter account. The murder suspect or suspects apparently gained access to her account after torturing and then murdering her. The killers posted a photo of her body and several messages. 
Rubio was kidnapped on Wednesday in Reynosa and killed on early Thursday. 
The killers added warnings in her name for her followers to stop tweeting crime incidents and warned people that what happened to Rubio can happen to them too. 
She collaborated with Valor por Tamaulipas (VxT) in both Facebook (FB) and Tweeter accounts which reports on narco crimes, killings, corruption in government involving local officials, kidnappings, missing people, drug trafficking and extortions, which local mainstream media fails to report for fear of being killed.
Soon after her deceased photo was posted, Rubio's Tweeter Felina@Miut3 was disabled. She used Felina@Miut3 to hide her identity, which the killer or killers revealed her actual name in her Tweeter account. 
Dr. Fuentes Rubio worked at BBB Industries, LLC since July 2011 in Reynosa. She graduated from the Universidad del Valle de Mexico and had her Masters in Occupational Health.
The Tamaulipas State Department of Justice (PGJE) confirmed that on Wednesday a family member had filed a kidnapping report that claimed Doctor María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio was stopped by some armed men as she left a busy business district in Reynosa and was taken against her will. Rubio's Tweeter account Felina@Miut3 on Thursday just after 5:04 a.m. and 5:11 a.m., several messages appeared including two photos and one that showed her deceased were posted. Her Felina@Miut3 Tweeter account around 2:00 p.m. was disabled. The PGJE is investigating her kidnapping and her alleged homicide. It's is not known, if Rubio knew the identity of the main administrator of VxT and compromised his/her life as well. VxT has more than 507K followers in FB. Rubio's murder has caused an outrage in FB and Tweeter throughout the Reynosa region and more people in social networks vowed to expose such crimes and what some users are calling a Revolution against crimes, corruption and drug cartels. Dr. Rubio's alleged homicide added fuel to an ongoing Revolution between social network users tired of the daily rampant crime and criminal organizations including local drug cartels in Tamaulipas.
The administrator of VxT has also received life threats as well and a $47k ($600K pesos) bounty for his head was offered in Feb 2013. VxT's FB and Tweeter accounts were disabled for 7 days, between April 1 to 7, 2013, but were reactivated later. The VxT administered Esperanza por Tamaulipas (ExT) too.
VxT posted that Rubio also collaborated with Responsabilidad por Tamaulipas (RxT) another narco crime reporting account administrated by the same person managing VxT, who says that Rubio was the only trusted contributor of news incidents.
VxT is considered one of the main reliable sources of information for people residing in the Reynosa region, since it began to post criminal activity in the area on January 1, 2012.
Local authorities in Reynosa have not confirmed Rubio's death.

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