Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tijuana's Deported Veterans Support House Inauguration Set For May

Support house for deported U.S. Veterans will hold its inauguration. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
April 29, 2014

Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico - On Saturday,  the Deported Veterans Support House (DVSH) will celebrate its inauguration, Hector Barajas, Director of the DVSH announced. Barajas a deported U.S. Veteran himself posted on his Facebook account that, the DVSH allows recently deported Veterans to temporarily stay at the house as they become adjusted and can cope with their deportation status. The DVSH is the first of its kind and has become known as the "Bunker." It is used by deported Veterans as a center to stay in contact with other Veterans and as a resource center for information, aid and counseling through religious awareness, including a suicide preventive initiative for those in crisis situations. Their philosophy stems from "No Men Left Behind" acquired through military service training.
Most of the deported U.S. Veterans are stripped from their Congressional right to collect earned pensions and medical benefits once they're deported. Those that quality for the Veterans Administration (VA) benefits must be present at a U.S. VA during an appointment for benefits, which none can be present due to their deportation status and severe penalties for returning to the U.S. illegally to claim VA benefits.
Barajas is one of those that quality for VA benefits, but is required to be in the U.S. to claim his benefits. The VA won't set an appointment for Barajas because he can't cross into the U.S. legally.
The VA has a Foreign Medical Program, but most deported Veterans don't qualify because they don't have any ratings to apply. No statistics have been released by the VA to show how many of the thousands of deported Veterans apply through the program.
On April 21, decorated war hero Army Sergeant Hector Barrios, 70, passed away in Tijuana and since he was deported had tried to get his medical benefits for a head injuring that he received while serving in Vietnam. Barrios died in poverty and never received VA benefits. Most of the Veterans have been deported for a criminal offense, whether a minor conviction.
The DVSH inauguration will be held on May 3, 2014 beginning at noon to 6:00 p.m. at:

2ndo Pizo arriva de Baja Gym 
3rd st and 5 de Mayo 
Calle 3cera #7592 
Zona Centro, Tijuana BC Mexico

For more information, Barajas can be contacted at U.S. 626-569-5491 or at Mex. 664-504-7592, and e-mail at Banishedveteran@yahoo.com. Also Gaba Cortes, Media Relations can be contacted at e-mail rutamigrantecinema@gmail.com, 664-142-6703.

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