Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Judge Coker In Texas Forced To Resign After Texting Prosecutors Instructions While In Court

Elizabeth E. Coker

Judge Coker apparently texted instructions to prosecutors in order for them to win court cases in her courtroom.

By H. Nelson Goodson
January 8, 2014

Livingston, Texas - The Houston Chronicle reported that Texas district Judge Elizabeth E. Coker was forced to resign after a whistleblower told investigators that Coker texted prosecutors instructions on how to win cases while in her courtroom. Texts send by Judge Coker confirmed her manipulation of the law to get convictions regardless, if defendants were innocent. 
Coker submitted her resignation after making a voluntary agreement to resign with the State Commission of Judicial Conduct,  according to the Houston Chronicle. 
Coker's court bench heard cases from Trinity, Polk and San Jacinto Counties and now some of those previous convictions could be overturned due to her corrupt behavior with local prosecutors. 
In one case, Coker communicated with Polk County Assistant District Attorney Kaycee Jones in August 2012.
Judge Coker hasn't admitted to any wrongdoing. But, the Houston Chronicle reported, that "the commission commenced an investigation into allegations that Judge Coker used Assistant District Attorney Jones to privately communicate information" about the case "to suggest questions for the prosecutor to ask during the trial" among other issues.
The agreement also said the commission looked into other complaints that Coker allegedy engaged in other improper communications and meetings with Jones, other members of the Polk County prosecutor's office, the San Jacinto County District Attorney and certain defense attorneys.
The agreement goes on to say "the parties agree that the allegations of judicial misconduct, if found to be true, could result in disciplinary action against Judge Coker." As a result, the parties sought to resolve the matter "without the time and expense of further disciplinary proceedings."
No information has been released by the Texas State Attorney General's office, if Coker or prosecutors involved will face criminal prosecution for their illegal conduct.  

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