Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bissonnette Facing Legal Challenge By Pentagon For Publishing Navy SEALs Account Of Bin Laden's Death

Matt Bissonnette, pseudonym Mark Owen

Photo: 60 Minutes

The Pentagon is challenging a former Navy SEAL's last accounts of Osama bin Laden's death in published book.

By H. Nelson Goodson
September 4, 2012

Washington, D.C. - Matt Bissonnette, a former Navy SEAL who just published a book under the pseudonym Mark Owen about Osama bin Laden's death is facing legal action by the Pentagon for allegedly divulging classified information otherwise prohibited by the government. The book was co-authored by Kevin Maurer.
Last Thursday, the Pentagon general counsel Jeh Charles Johnson sent a letter to Bissonnette and his lawyer claiming that releasing early copies of Bissonnette's autobiography in the newly published book "No Easy Day" and the anticipated release on Tuesday of the book violated his "material breach and violation of the non-disclosure argeements" Bissonnette had signed. 
The Pentagon threatened that the government is seeking to take all of the royalties and any money generated by both Bissonnette and the publishing company Dutton. Apparently, Bissonnette failed to submit a copy of the book to the Pentagon for review before actually publishing it, according to the Pentagon. The Pentagon might also seek criminal charges against Bissonnette.
Bissonnette's attorney says, he didn't "specially identified Special Access Programs" or other Navy SEALs involved in the May 2011 raid.
Bissonnette during a 60 Minutes segment admitted that he hasn't done anything wrong by publishing his book and also claimed that the Navy SEALs involved in Bin Laden's death didn't support President Obama.
Bissonnette wrote that Bin Laden and his son were actually shot while peering through the door in different areas by the point Navy SEAL leading a three men unit to the second floor of Bin Laden's compound. Once Bin Laden fell to the floor, he was then shot in the chest multiple times by two other SEALs, which included Bissonnette. Bissonnette admitted to 60 Minutes that he fired "engaged" multiple times at Bin Laden as he laid on the floor while still alive. Bin Laden was unarmed at the time and there were two women in the room, who witnessed the cold blooded murder, according to Bissonnette.
Bissonnette's book account is in contrary to what the Pentagon and U.S. President Barack H. Obama have made public about Bin Laden's death on May 1, 2011 during a raid at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
No photos of Bin Laden's body have ever been released by the government to proof the Al-Qaeda former leader was actually killed in Pakistan. The Pentagon claimed Bin Laden's body was disposed at sea.

White House news conference in 2011 video, President Obama announced Osama bin Laden had been killed by U.S. Navy SEALs Unit 6 in Pakistan. Video link at http://bit.ly/irR0tx

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