Sunday, June 6, 2010

Neo-Nazi Sponsored Arizona Rally To Support SB 1070 Draws Less Than 1,000 Supporters

Neo-Nazi groups involved in the June 12 Arizona rally to support SB 1070

June 6, 2010

Phoenix, Arizona (HNNUSA) - Last Saturday's rally drew less than 1,000 supporters for Arizonas' SB 1070 in Phoenix, despite temperatures that reached 105 degrees. Organizers expected a larger turn out, but news spread nationally in May about neo-Nazi involvement in the rallies for June 5 and 12, when it was discovered by other sponsors. They began to withdraw their support.
The June 12 rally continues to be organized by the Tea Party Patriots Live radio talk show from Orlando, FL, but in a smaller scale than expected.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio spoke at the neo-Nazi rally on Saturday. He told supporters, that he would build tents all the way to Mexico, referring to his current outdoor tent city for holding undocumented immigrants in Arizonas' heat reaching up to 107 degrees.
The Arizona law is considered unconstitutional. The Arizona state law makes it crime to be illegally in the country and police officers are authorized to ask for legal status from people when conducting investigations from minor to serious state violations or city ordinances.
Arizona Governor Brewer recently approved a ban of ethnic studies in public schools. Arizona is facing a $3 billion deficit.
Arizona Boycotts have resulted in state park closures for lack of tourism. The state deficit and the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Act SB 1070 has attributed to loss of income.
Arizona legislators are now considering to remove the U.S. Citizenship from children born in Arizona to undocumented immigrants, which would also be unconstitutional as well.
Texas had tried a similar measure, but it failed, saving them from a federal backlash.
Last Thursday during a fundraiser in the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (Dem-WI) told Latinos that Arizonas' SB 1070 was illegal, unconstitutional and inhumane and that he supported the Dream Act. Undocumented students that excel in their studies should be allowed the same opportuniies as everyone else, Feingold added.  
On May 29, more than 20 thousand people opposed to Arizonas' SB 1070 gathered in Phoenix compared to yesterday's neo-Nazi sponsored rally.
On May 18, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) withdrew their support for the Arizona rallies in June to support SB 1070 due to the discovery of racist group involvement and the actions of former Congressman Tom Tancredo and by Dan Smeriglio of Voice of The People USA. Both, Tancredo and Smeriglio have been linked to racists groups such as the neo-Nazis in Arizona, according to ALIPAC.
ALIPAC an organization that advocates for secure borders and the enforcement of immigration laws by the feds confirmed, the group is not racially motivated or support racists groups that also promote immigration enforcement. "It is of paramount importance that groups like ours work to keep any racist element out of our events and operations... We will have no future dealings with Dan Smeriglio or retired Congressman Tom Tancredo due to the neo-Nazi connections and this disaster they have cooked up in Arizona that puts our issue at risk. Our friends in the Tea Party groups still plan to carry on with a much smaller event on June 12 in Phoenix," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC.
Expected speakers and invited guests attending the neo-Nazi event for the June 12 rally includes, Congressman Steve King and other members of Congress are also invited to speak along with Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona Representative Russel Pearce (SB 1070 author), and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Sarah Palin who supports the Arizona law is expected to be invited to participate. Sheriff Arpaio has become known as an 'outlaw with a badge' for defying laws reserved for the federal government. He is currently under investigation by the USDOJ for using his office to violate the civil rights of undocumented suspects.
A pro-immigration reform activists, H. Nelson Goodson from Wisconsin said, "These groups and individuals have every right to voice their opinions and dislikes about immigration reform as the U.S. Constitution guarantees, but for them to advocate and support Arizonas' SB 1070, which is unconstitutional, does indicates one thing, they don't support or believe in our Constitution and are advocating for the overthrow of our federal government."
In March, Goodson called for a national economic boycott and for Latinos to limit their spending to bare essentials only, and supports the current Arizona boycott. Latinos need to manage their projected $1.3 trillion purchasing economic power by 2013 in order to become an economic force to be reckon with. "The limiting spending boycott is expected to last until an immigration reform bill is passed and the Arizona boycott should last until SB 1070 is ruled unconstitutional by a federal court and puts an injunction from enforcing it or the U.S. Department of Justice determines it's uncontitutional and files a legal challenge, which is expected," Goodson said.
The Arizona state law SB 1070 preempts federal law. The Bill of Rights 10th amendment ratified on Dec. 15, 1791 restates the Constitution's principle of federalism, that powers not granted to the national government by the Constitution of the United States nor prohibited to the States were reserved to the States or to the people.
Since Congress granted the federal government authority to regulate and enforce immigration laws, States lack constitutional authority to enact immigration laws conflicting with the federal government.
Today, 20 states are crafting similar Arizona SB 1070 immigration enforcement laws, and the Assistant Secretary of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed last month, that ICE may not accept or process state illegals arrested by similar Arizona SB 1070 state laws. ICE agencies throughout the country were notified of the decision, according to John Morton Assistant ICE Secretary.

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