Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Call on Hispanics to boycott spending in U.S. economy, limit to bare essentials spending only; Limited spending equals Immigration Reform

Limited spending = Immigration Reform

Economic Boycott to manage our economic power begins on March 21st and lasts until a fair comprehensive Immigration Reform bill is passed

By H. Nelson Goodson
A Call for Action
March 14, 2010

Washington D.C. -Hundreds of thousands of Latinos and non-Latinos are expected to dissent on Washington D.C. for the March 21, "March for America" Rally to draw attention to the much needed Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity (CIR ASAP) Act of 2009, H.R. 4321 bill by U.S. Congressman Luis Gutierrez (IL-Dem.) bill. More than 100,000 people will participate in this years' gathering at the nation's capitol.
A stronge message should be for "Hispanics to boycott spending in U.S. economy, limit to bare essentials spending only. Limit spending equals Immigration Reform," and the Economic Boycott to manage our economic power begins on March 21st and lasts until a fair comprehensive Immigration Reform bill is passed.
Every individual and especially Latinos/as are aware of the spending and buying economic power they do have in the U.S. The national shout out or call for action is for everyone who would like to sent a strong message to the U.S. Congress and President Barack H. Obama that we do count in this country and we are very much a part of this nation. People should be able to decide where they would like to limit their spending to only buying bare essentials.
Large Latino gatherings and marches for Immigration Reform should include the message of Limited Spending = Immigration Reform. 
If the U.S. Congress doesn't include an Immigration Reform bill before this session ends within a month, it won't address the issue in 2010. The only way U.S. Congress will address and pass Immigration Reform is to hit them in the pocketbook.
Consumer Union who publishes Consumer Reports 2010, had the report published in Spanish "Guia de Compras 2010" to tap into the projected $1.3 trillion U.S. Hispanic buying power by 2013, which includes undocumented workers.
Millions of Latinos will stay home on March 21, but we must do our part and help spread the word through e-mails, social networks, text messaging to our families, friends and immigration reform supporters to begin limiting our spending to only bare essentials to show our economic power and impact in the U.S.
Major corporations such as, we know which ones who do profit from goods and services that we purchase from them, should feel our economic power. In return, why haven't they pushed for Immigration Reform? These corporations do help finance re-election bids for members of the U.S. Congress. Isn't it time, these major corporations reinvest back into our communities? I do believe so, and don't sit idle, let's stand up and begin to manage our economic spending power. Our future generations depend on us to succeed in paving their future.
Latinos have become known to be spenders and not savers, supported by the projected $1.3 trillion of spending power by 2013. Undocumented immigrants spend billions of dollars in a yearly basis into the U.S. economy, and what would actually happen if they are no longer in the country? This nation will no doubt suffer a national economic dissaster, which would eventually lead to a government shut down. The economic effect would also trigger a world economic ripple effect.
It's time we (as Hispanics) stopped from being considered as second class citizens, which we are not, but are very much part of this nation. We must believe in our U.S. Constitution and the inherent rights it gives to citizens including the undesirables. 
Within the last four years more the 5.7 million people have marched throughout almost every small and major city in the U.S. calling for Immigration Reform and we as a united front for reform have gained and elected a majority in the U.S. Congress and have even been instrumental in electing the first African-Amercan president. President Barack H. Obama was elected in Nov. 2008, and I was part of that Immigration Reform movement, get out the vote, and continue to do so today.
Today, we need Immigration Reform, not tomorrow! If we wait for tomorrow (mañana) it will never happen.
More than 1,000 of undocumented immigrants are being deported per day (387,790 per year) under Obama's administration (400,000 families with U.S. citizen members are being destroyed by deportations, according to the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights), compared to almost 650 daily deportations (240,000 per year) under former President George W. Bush (Source: La Jornada Morelos, 3/9/2010). Eventhough, Bush committed himself for Immigration Reform and the Repulican majority in the U.S. Congress failed to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

Nfoque Latino Radio talk show Immigration Reform & March 21, Rally Washington D.C in Spanish 3/13/10, listen

On March 21, Diversified Leaders For Immigration Reform Expect More Than 100,000 People In Washington D.C.

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  1. I only know of two mayor succesfull boycotts in about 20 years: Cesar Chave's grapes, and the Miller beer started in Chicago after the first immigration march in 2006.
    We can not boycott anything we don't buy and consume (TV adds, radio commercials), and we can't also boycott anything we constantly buy to live (milk or sugar).
    The proposal to boycott should be precise, to boycott a single product or company, not "the economy".
    Let's start with boycotting taxes, for instance... let's all request a delay in declaring our taxes until teh Senate presents and discusses a good immigration reform bil...

    Jorge Mujica, Chicago

  2. Let´s make a solid plan and go with it. Hitting the economy, I believe, is a great way for us to get Washington´s attention. Otherwise, it could be many more years of suffering and loss for many Americans like myself whose families are being torn apart by the current policy. Whatever it is, I am on board. I would have to say boycotting one thing in particular sounds like it might be more effective, especially if it is likely to affect people on people that are otherwise unmotivated to create change (or against it).
    I have lots of family, friends, coworkers, and more that would be on board, too. But some clarification would be nice.

  3. Let´s make a clear plan and execute it!!!!!

  4. Sure, send Latinos to their marqueterias where the price for a gallon of milk is outrageous, the fruits & produce are rotting and they're being exploited by their own 'raza'. Brillant. Why don't you promote ESL classes instead since English proficiency is one of the requirements for legalization? One church in D.C. has been providing free ESL classes AND for 9 years. Currently there are 65 students from 18 countries, and only 2 Latinas.

  5. I think the only thing such a boycott would achieve is shorter lines at Wal-Mart and local supermarkets.
