Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why is Big Gov't as some call it, trying to bail us out of economic crisis?

By H. Nelson Goodson
March 7, 2009

Well the private sector, Wall Street, and Giant corporations are going belly up and people can't expect the private sector to bail us out. Most of them ran out of money and are cutting jobs.
AIG already received over 30 billion from Big govt. and is not working? Probably, they will need another 60 billion. Some believe it's a waste.

Entering into the seventh year of the Iraq war, it is actually costing more than 12 billion per month. Not including Afghan. war. The cost of both wars "beyond 2008, working with "best-case" and "realistic-moderate" scenarios, they project the Iraq and Afghan wars, including long-term U.S. military occupations of those countries, will cost the U.S. budget between $1.7 trillion and $2.7 trillion — or more — by 2017. Interest on money borrowed to pay those costs could alone add $816 billion to that bottom line. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has done its own projections and comes in lower, forecasting a cumulative cost by 2017 of $1.2 trillion to $1.7 trillion for the two wars, with Iraq generally accounting for three-quarters of the costs," according to an article dated March 9, 2008 by Charles J. Hanley AP Special Correspondent.
To many, this money should have gone to people already on the unemployment ghost list who are no longer statistics because they no longer qualify for unemployment insurance compensation. Most of them have become homeless and are trying to survive in the streets of our cities, and states.
To the majority of Americans, the only way out is the President Obama bail out, despite what the other political perspective thinks. They were in power for the last 8 years. Wasn't it them and their President who got us into this economic mess? Absolutely! Hopefully, we as a united nation can get back up on our feet, and become a prosperous nation once again.
Give the Economic Bail Out Recovery plan a chance... could be the only way for economic recovery.
Damn, I shouldn't have drank that energy I'm writng on.

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