The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office released a statement alleging that the executive director for Voces de la Frontera has lied about Sheriff Clarke Jr.'s proposed intent to join 287g ICE program.
By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
February 15, 2017
Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, tens of thousands of Latinos and allies marched during a "Day without Latinos, Immigrants and Refugees" to the Milwaukee County Court House from Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) Southside office in opposition to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr.'s decision to join 287g ICE program allowing deputies to be designated to enforce federal immigration laws. In a prior statement released to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) Sheriff Clarke Jr. stated, the march "means nothing to me. The rule of law will prevail."
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) on Wednesday, released another statement targeting Christine Neumann-Ortiz, the executive director of VDLF, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele and multiple mainstream media for news reports concerning the sheriff and the 287g ICE program. Sheriff Clarke Jr. labeled the media mentioned as fake news.
The MCSO in its Facebook account also included a link to an ICE fact sheet about the recent ICE raids.
Here's the statement released by the MCSO, "Note that Christine Neumann-Ortiz, of Voces de la Frontera, the group that supports illegal immigration and a safe haven for illegal aliens convicted of serious crimes to remain in the Milwaukee, continues to lie about what the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office is doing to assist another law enforcement agency in pursuit of dangerous criminals. She has to lie to prop up her false narrative.
An accomplice media, including the Urinal Sentinel, FAUX6, TMJ4 - all purveyors of fake news, will not tell the truth either as they have become a propaganda wing for this group that supports illegal immigration. They would never let the facts get in the way of a drive-by hit piece.
Note a list of serious crimes the illegal aliens had been convicted of in the article below, and after release they were allowed to remain in cities, including Milwaukee, to commit more crimes.
County Executive Chris Abele says allowing these criminal illegals to stay makes Milwaukee safe. Whose side is he on anyway? By the way, what is he doing in Zip Code 53206 where he said he would spend all his time on improving the lives of black people who live there? Some reporter should ask Abele how illegal immigration helps struggling black people in Milwaukee. That would be an act of journalism however, and too much to ask of the rank amateur level of media in Milwaukee.
Sheriff Clarke will always stay on the side of protecting law-abiding people.
President Trump has ordered that catch and release days are over."
What the MCSO declined to add was that it would be more likely for undocumented immigrants in Milwaukee County to fall victims of discrimination, illegal profiling, law enforcement abuse and won't receive equal protection of the law for fear of being deported, if they report or become witnesses of a crime. Undocumented immigrants would be afraid to attend any court hearing to be able to testify against a criminal, since deputy sheriff's are stationed at very courtroom as bailiffs.
A federal court in Arizona ruled that former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao under 287g abused the rights of Latinos in his county, discrimination was the norm by Maricopa County deputies and profiling was used to only target Hispanics. Sheriff Arpiao was finally ousted from office.
Despite, the prior federal court ruling concerning the blatant abuses as a result of 287g, Trump has begun to advocate for it use once again by law enforcement agencies willing to join the 287g ICE program.
VDLF released the following statement about the immigrant march, On Monday, tens of thousands of people went on strike, closed their businesses, and withdrew their children from school to resist Trump's executive orders on immigration and the resulting wave of immigration raids sweeping the country, and to stop Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's from enrolling his department in the federal 287g program, which would deputize his sheriffs to act as Immigration agents. The day's events, known as a "Day Without Latinxs, Immigrants, and Refugees," culminated in a massive march of tens of thousands of people from Voces de la Frontera's offices to the Milwaukee County Courthouse. The diverse march included hundreds of Muslim community members, many of whom also struck and closed their businesses, and joined the march as a body as marchers entered downtown.
Throughout Wisconsin over 150 factories, grocery stores, bakeries, construction companies, auto dealers, restaurants, and many other types of businesses closed out of solidarity or due to worker absence, including over 120 in Milwaukee alone. Many more businesses including hotels, manufacturers, and dairies experienced decreased production due to work stoppages.
Following the march, the massive crowd rallied on the steps of the courthouse, listening to music and speeches from community leaders and elected officials including Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, Milwaukee County Supervisor Supreme Moore Omokunde, and State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa of Milwaukee.
"Today, we escalate the national and international struggle against Trump's executive orders, which aim to expand the machinery of mass deportation and legalize discrimination based on race and religion," said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera. "We came from more than 25 cities in Wisconsin to show Trump and his lapdog Sheriff Clarke that the people of Milwaukee, the people of Wisconsin, and this whole country reject the 287g program and their mass deportation plans. Today, we organized a Day Without Latinxs, Immigrants, and Refugees to use our economic power - through work stoppages, small business closures and our consumer boycotts, to defend our families and communities."
"Latinos are the backbone of Wisconsin's dairy industry," said Germán Sanchez, an Omro, Wisconsin dairy worker who struck and marched with 5 coworkers. "Latinos are responsible for a large part of Wisconsin's milk production. We work long hours in the cold and heat. We are a positive part of the community, we are family and work-oriented. We love what we do, but we are organized and ready to fight against people like Trump, Clarke, or any politician who attacks our families. We have power. Trump needs to know that if he is putting Latinos at risk, he is putting the dairy industry and the whole economy at risk."
"This is not a struggle that has Muslims, immigrants and refugees on one side and everyone else on the other side," said Janan Najeeb, President of the Milwaukee Muslim Women's Coalition. "This is a struggle between people that stand for brotherhood, compassion, mercy, justice and human dignity on one side and those that stand for hatred, racism, xenophobia and injustice on the other side. Scapegoating Latinos, immigrants and refugees distracts from addressing real issues and offering real solutions. This city and this country cannot live and function without Latinos, immigrants and refugees! We are physicians, scientists and engineers, we are chefs and waiters, we are farmers and farmhands, we are business owners and domestic helpers. We give life to our city and to our country, and we are not going anywhere!"