Fiscal de Distrito Investigará Credenciales USA
Loyo le Pide a las Agencias de Empleo que Contraten a Inmigrantes con Identificaciones No-Oficiales
Por H. Nelson Goodson
El periódico Conquistador
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
18 de julio del 2008
Milwaukee- John T. Chisholm, el Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Milwaukee, ha asignado al asistente de fiscal Paul Hauer, el acusador de la comunidad en el distrito dos, para la investigación de las credenciales de identificación expedidas por Credenciales USA. El representante del estado Pedro Colón, quien representa el área, ha pedido una investigación después de que varias personas y residentes de la ciudad se quejaron de las identificaciones que tienen parecido oficial. "El Sr. Hauer determinará si las funciones de Credenciales USA son criminales o si hay que referir el problema con una agencia estatal apropiada, o al BBB (Better Business Bureau)", le escribió Chisholm a Colón.
El Departamento de Justicia de Wisconsin también recibió la queja de Colón sobre Credenciales USA, pero cuando se les intentó contactar no quisieron confirmar o negar la investigación.
La semana pasada, Hugo Loyo, (Consejero del IME 2006-2008) administrador de Credenciales USA, quien expide identificaciones no-oficiales que no tienen validez, fue a la estación de radio la GranD 104.7 FM para pedir a las agencias de empleo que contrataran a indocumentados. Loyo quiere que las agencias contraten a indocumentados que presenten una identificación de Credenciales USA, de acuerdo con un anuncio grabado hecho por Loyo durante un programa de radio transmitido en vivo. Es ilegal que una agencia de empleo contrate a alguien que se encuentre en el país ilegalmente y que a sabiendas que no cuenta con número de seguro social sea contratado. Al parecer Loyo está promoviendo y abogando que las agencias de empleo locales contraten a trabajadores indocumentados que utilizen su identificación de Credenciales USA sin importar si tienen su nombre verdadero o no.
Loyo también dijo que "Banco Amex Internacional LLC es un banco mexicano y no un banco americano...las Credenciales USA son aceptadas en nuestro banco". Loyo es ejecutivo principal del Banco Amex International y Mike Contreras es el presidente, de acuerdo con récords del negocio. El Departamento Financiero del Estado de Wisconsin y la Corporación Federal de Depositos y Seguros (FDIC) dicen que el Banco Amex International no está legalmente registrado o autorizado para operar como banco. Sin duda Loyo parece estar conspirando para cometer un crimen federal. Desafortunadamente Loyo parece creer que está por encima de la ley y que no está haciendo nada erróneo, aún con intentos de bancos locales, el Consulado Mexicano de Chicago, la organización de Southside Organizing Committee, Voces de la Frontera y el representante Pedro Colón de intentar detenerlo y ya no expedir las identificaciones que en sí no tienen ningún uso. Credenciales USA está alegando que sus identificaciones secundarias y licencias internacionales que son emitidas para sus clientes son aceptadas para abrir cuentas de banco, abordar aviones, para viajar nacional e internacionalmente, o para obtener placas vehiculares de Wisconsin, lo que Colón explica que estas formas de identificación no son aceptadas en la mayoría de las transacciones. Otra compañía que expiden identificaciones sin validez para trabajadores indocumentados se está promoviendo actualmente en la calle S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. y son expedidas por Ameracard.
En abril, la página de internet reportó que la Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC siglas en Inglés) había cerrado compañías que vendían estas licencias inservibles- también llamadas Permisos de Manejo Internacional (IDP)-antes. "Estas llamadas licencias internacionales no le dan el derecho legal de manejar, no le ayudará a remover puntos perdidos en su licencia, y no son una identificación oficial gubernamental", dijo Howard Beales, director del departamento de protección al consumidor de FTC, hace unos años cuando la agencia levantó cargos contra dos compañías que vendían este tipo de licencias por internet. "Estamos comprometidos a detener a compañías que hacen este tipo de afirmaciones engañosas", añadió Beales. La FTC también le advirtió a los consumidores que podrían ser arrestados si le presentaban este tipo de licencias a un policía durante una infracción de tráfico.
En los Estado Unidos, un IDP legítima cuesta $10 cada una, y pude ser obtenida solamente de la Asociación Americana de Automóvil y la Aliaza de Turismo Americano.
Una persona que se encuentra legalmente en el país de manera temporal puede utilizar su licencia de conducir de su país de origen siempre y cuando pueda comprabar, si se le pide, que se encuentra en el país con visa válida. Loyo alega que cualquiera puede obtener una licencia internacional, sin importar su estatus legal en el país. Si una persona se encuentra en el país ilegalmente, entonces su licencia de manejar de su país de origen no es válida.
Loyo también criticó al periódico El Conquistador y a su personal por la cobertura de la nota de Credenciales USA en previas semanas. El acusó a El Conquistador de mentir sobre la validez de su negocio y de tomar ventaja de la gente. El Conquistador ha sido el único periódico latino que ha reportado y está en contra de que Loyo se beneficie de clientes con necesidad de una identificación.
En Wisconsin, una persona necesita una identificación oficial o una licencia de conducir para abrir una cuenta de banco y para manejar un vehículo. En el 2007, el gobernador Jim Doyle firmó el Acta 126 Wisconsin 2005 convirtiéndola en ley impidiendo que el Departamento de Motores y Vehículos emitieran licencias de manejo e identificaciones a personas sin prueba de estatus legal o sin número de seguro social. El estado aprobó la ley para alinearse con el Acta Federal Real ID del 2005.
Cuando el gobernador Doyle firmó la legislación, abrió un camino para crear y expedir identificaciones que parecen oficiales por Loyo y otras personas, que toman ventaja de sus propia gente sin importar su estatus migratorio.
La administración de La GranD no ha retirado a Credenciales USA de su programación aún cuando sospechan que Loyo está vendiendo identificaciones sin validez a sus radioescuchas. No es ético que La GranD obtenga ganancias de las promociones de Loyo para vender sus identificaciones. Esta es la segunda vez que La GranD prefiere obtener ganancias que proteger a sus radioescuchas de este tipo de negocios dudosos y engañosos. Hay que mencionar que La GranD ha añadido un mensaje al final del programa de Loyo diciendo que ellos no son responsables del contenido del programa de radio de Loyo. ¡A quién engañan! Claro que son responsables. Lo que tiene que hacer La GranD es proteger a sus radioescuchas.
En mayo del 2007, Cesar A. Rodríguez-González, de 27 años, quien a principios de octubre del 2006 se hizo pasar como un curandero espiritual en el sur de la ciudad, fue sentenciado a 18 meses en prisión. Rodríguez-González admitió en corte que nunca tuvo habilidades curativas y que sólo lo hizo para engañar a sus víctimas por dinero. El también tenía un programa radial promoviendo sus habilidades curativas en La GranD y le pagó a la estación de radio más de $35,000 en comerciales aún cuando La GranD sospechaba que engañaba a la gente.
Las víctimas creyeron en el curandero por medio de una campaña de publicidad en La GranD 104.7 FM, una estación de radio en el idioma español al aire las 24 horas del día. Testimonios de varia gente proclamando que habían sido curados fueron puestos en un anuncio de radio en La GranD, lo que llevó a los radioescuchas a creer en la veracidad del curandero.
La querella criminal describe que al menos 20 víctimas le pagaron a Rodríguez-González más de $50,000. La policía sospecha que posiblemente el curandero haya recibido hasta $100,000, pero otras víctimas no han querido reportarlo. En este caso en particular, El periódico Conquistador tomó la iniciativa de exponer a Rodríguez-González para informar y proteger al público sobre este fraude. Fue lo más ético y correcto por hacer, cosa que continuaremos haciendo en el caso de Loyo.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Assistant District Attorney To Investigate Credenciales USA
Assistant District Attorney To Investigate Credenciales USA
Loyo urges job agencies to hire illegal's with non-official IDs
By H. Nelson Goodson
El Conquistador Newspaper
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
July 18, 2008
Milwaukee - John T. Chisholm, the Milwaukee County District Attorney has assigned Assistant District Attorney Paul Hauer, the community prosecutor in police district two to investigate allegations of worthless IDs being manufactured in the area by Credenciales USA. Representative Pedro Colón who represents the area had requested the investigation after numerous groups and residents complained about the official looking IDs. “Mr. Hauer will determine whether the activity of Credenciales USA is criminal in nature, or refer the matter to the appropriate state agency or Better Business Bureau,” Chisholm wrote Colón.
The Wisconsin Department of Justice also received Colón’s complaint about Credenciales USA, but when contacted they would not confirm or deny the investigation.
Last weekend, Hugo Loyo operator of Credenciales USA, who manufactures worthless and non-official IDs went on La GranD 104.7 FM radio to plea with employment agencies to hire Illegal's. Loyo wants the agencies to hire undocumented people who present a Credenciales USA ID, according to a recorded announcement made by Loyo during a live show on the radio. It’s unlawful for an employment agency to hire anyone who is in the country illegally and knowingly hires someone without a Social Security number. Loyo seems to be promoting and advocating for local employment agencies to hire undocumented workers who use his Credenciales USA IDs whether having their real name on it or not.
Loyo also said, “Banco Amex Internacional LLC is a Mexican bank and not an American bank...the Credenciales USA IDs are accepted by our bank.” Loyo is the Chairman of Banco Amex International, and Mike Contreras is the President, according to business records. Both the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) state, Banco Amex International is not legally registered or authorized to operate as a bank.
No doubt, he seems to be conspiring to commit a federal crime. Unfortunately, Loyo believes he is above the law and is not doing anything wrong. Despite attempts by local banks, el Consulado Mexicano de Chicago, the Southside Organizing Committee, Voces de las Frontera and State Representative Pedro Colón to stop him from making the worthless IDs.
Credenciales USA is claiming that their secondary IDs and International Driver Licenses issued to their clients are recognized and acceptable to open bank accounts, boarding an airplane for domestic and international travel or obtaining a Wisconsin license plate for a vehicle, which Colón says these forms of identification are not acceptable in most transactions. Another worthless ID geared for undocumented workers is currently being advertised along S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. and is issued by Ameracard.
In April the reported, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had cracked down on companies that sell these phony licenses -- also called International Driver's Permits (IDP) -- before.
“These so-called international driver's licenses don't give you the legal right to drive, won't help you remove points from your license, and aren't an official government ID,” Howard Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said a few years ago after the agency settled charges wth two companies that sold these type of phony licenses over the Internet. “We're committed to putting the brakes on companies that make these deceptive claims.” The FTC also warned consumers they can be arrested if they give police a phony IDP during a traffic stop.
In the United States, legitimate IDPs cost $10 each, and can only be obtained from the American Automobile Association and the American Automobile Touring Alliance.
A person who is legally in the country on a temporary basis can use their driver’s license of a country of origin as long as they can provide a valid Visa to be in the country upon request. Loyo claims anyone can get an international license, despite their legal status in this country. If a person is in the country illegally, their license from country of origin in not valid.
Loyo also criticized El Conquistador Newspaper and the staff for the news coverage dealing with Credenciales USA worthless IDs in prior weeks. He accused El Conquistador of lying about his dubious business practices and for taking advantage of unsuspecting people who purchase the worthless IDs. El Conquistador has been the only Latino newspaper reporting and standing up against Loyo’s profiting from unsuspecting clients in need of an identification card.
In Wisconsin, a person needs an official identification or a driver’s license to open a bank account and operate a vehicle. In 2007, Governor Jim Doyle signed 2005 Wisconsin Act 126 into law barring the Department of Motor Vehicle from issuing driver licenses and identification cards to aliens and residents without proof of legal status or a valid Social Security. The state legislature passed it to comply with the federal Real ID Act of 2005.
When Gov. Doyle signed the legislation, it provided a revenue to create and manufacture official looking IDs by Loyo and others who take advantage of their own people regardless of their immigration status plight.
The management of La GranD has not taken any action to take Credenciales USA radio programming off the air even though, they suspect Loyo is selling worthless IDs to their radio listeners. It’s unethical for La GranD to profit from Loyo’s promotion to sell the IDs. This is the second time around La GranD has put profits first rather then protecting their own radio listeners from this type of dubious business practices. Worth mentioning, La GranD has added a disclaimer at the end of Loyo’s program saying they are not responsible for Loyo’s radio programming content. Who are they kidding! Of course they are responsible, the right thing for La GranD to do is to take action and protect their radio listeners.
In May of 2007, Cesar A. Rodríguez-González, 27, who gained notoriety in early October 2006 for passing himself as a high priced curandero (spiritual medicine man) in the South side was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Rodríguez-González admitted in court he never had healing abilities and only did it to scam unsuspecting victims for money. He also had a radio program promoting his dubious healing abilities in La GranD and paid the radio station more than $35,000 to air his deception even when La GranD’s management suspected he was scamming thousands from unsuspecting people. The victims were lured into his fake spiritual practices through a radio campaign advertising blitz in La GranD, 104.7 FM a 24-hour Spanish-language radio station. Testimonials by several people claiming they have been cured were featured in the La GranD radio ad, which led listeners to believe that they had been cured by Rodríguez-González.
The criminal complaint states that at least 20 victims paid Rodríguez-González more than $50,000. Police suspected, he might have been paid up to $100,000, but other victims had been reluctant to come forward.
In this particular case, El Conquistador Newspaper took the lead in exposing Rodríguez-González in order to inform and protect the public about his scam. It was the right and ethical thing to do, as we are doing in Loyo’s case.
Loyo urges job agencies to hire illegal's with non-official IDs
By H. Nelson Goodson
El Conquistador Newspaper
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
July 18, 2008
Milwaukee - John T. Chisholm, the Milwaukee County District Attorney has assigned Assistant District Attorney Paul Hauer, the community prosecutor in police district two to investigate allegations of worthless IDs being manufactured in the area by Credenciales USA. Representative Pedro Colón who represents the area had requested the investigation after numerous groups and residents complained about the official looking IDs. “Mr. Hauer will determine whether the activity of Credenciales USA is criminal in nature, or refer the matter to the appropriate state agency or Better Business Bureau,” Chisholm wrote Colón.
The Wisconsin Department of Justice also received Colón’s complaint about Credenciales USA, but when contacted they would not confirm or deny the investigation.
Last weekend, Hugo Loyo operator of Credenciales USA, who manufactures worthless and non-official IDs went on La GranD 104.7 FM radio to plea with employment agencies to hire Illegal's. Loyo wants the agencies to hire undocumented people who present a Credenciales USA ID, according to a recorded announcement made by Loyo during a live show on the radio. It’s unlawful for an employment agency to hire anyone who is in the country illegally and knowingly hires someone without a Social Security number. Loyo seems to be promoting and advocating for local employment agencies to hire undocumented workers who use his Credenciales USA IDs whether having their real name on it or not.
Loyo also said, “Banco Amex Internacional LLC is a Mexican bank and not an American bank...the Credenciales USA IDs are accepted by our bank.” Loyo is the Chairman of Banco Amex International, and Mike Contreras is the President, according to business records. Both the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) state, Banco Amex International is not legally registered or authorized to operate as a bank.
No doubt, he seems to be conspiring to commit a federal crime. Unfortunately, Loyo believes he is above the law and is not doing anything wrong. Despite attempts by local banks, el Consulado Mexicano de Chicago, the Southside Organizing Committee, Voces de las Frontera and State Representative Pedro Colón to stop him from making the worthless IDs.
Credenciales USA is claiming that their secondary IDs and International Driver Licenses issued to their clients are recognized and acceptable to open bank accounts, boarding an airplane for domestic and international travel or obtaining a Wisconsin license plate for a vehicle, which Colón says these forms of identification are not acceptable in most transactions. Another worthless ID geared for undocumented workers is currently being advertised along S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. and is issued by Ameracard.
In April the reported, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had cracked down on companies that sell these phony licenses -- also called International Driver's Permits (IDP) -- before.
“These so-called international driver's licenses don't give you the legal right to drive, won't help you remove points from your license, and aren't an official government ID,” Howard Beales, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, said a few years ago after the agency settled charges wth two companies that sold these type of phony licenses over the Internet. “We're committed to putting the brakes on companies that make these deceptive claims.” The FTC also warned consumers they can be arrested if they give police a phony IDP during a traffic stop.
In the United States, legitimate IDPs cost $10 each, and can only be obtained from the American Automobile Association and the American Automobile Touring Alliance.
A person who is legally in the country on a temporary basis can use their driver’s license of a country of origin as long as they can provide a valid Visa to be in the country upon request. Loyo claims anyone can get an international license, despite their legal status in this country. If a person is in the country illegally, their license from country of origin in not valid.
Loyo also criticized El Conquistador Newspaper and the staff for the news coverage dealing with Credenciales USA worthless IDs in prior weeks. He accused El Conquistador of lying about his dubious business practices and for taking advantage of unsuspecting people who purchase the worthless IDs. El Conquistador has been the only Latino newspaper reporting and standing up against Loyo’s profiting from unsuspecting clients in need of an identification card.
In Wisconsin, a person needs an official identification or a driver’s license to open a bank account and operate a vehicle. In 2007, Governor Jim Doyle signed 2005 Wisconsin Act 126 into law barring the Department of Motor Vehicle from issuing driver licenses and identification cards to aliens and residents without proof of legal status or a valid Social Security. The state legislature passed it to comply with the federal Real ID Act of 2005.
When Gov. Doyle signed the legislation, it provided a revenue to create and manufacture official looking IDs by Loyo and others who take advantage of their own people regardless of their immigration status plight.
The management of La GranD has not taken any action to take Credenciales USA radio programming off the air even though, they suspect Loyo is selling worthless IDs to their radio listeners. It’s unethical for La GranD to profit from Loyo’s promotion to sell the IDs. This is the second time around La GranD has put profits first rather then protecting their own radio listeners from this type of dubious business practices. Worth mentioning, La GranD has added a disclaimer at the end of Loyo’s program saying they are not responsible for Loyo’s radio programming content. Who are they kidding! Of course they are responsible, the right thing for La GranD to do is to take action and protect their radio listeners.
In May of 2007, Cesar A. Rodríguez-González, 27, who gained notoriety in early October 2006 for passing himself as a high priced curandero (spiritual medicine man) in the South side was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Rodríguez-González admitted in court he never had healing abilities and only did it to scam unsuspecting victims for money. He also had a radio program promoting his dubious healing abilities in La GranD and paid the radio station more than $35,000 to air his deception even when La GranD’s management suspected he was scamming thousands from unsuspecting people. The victims were lured into his fake spiritual practices through a radio campaign advertising blitz in La GranD, 104.7 FM a 24-hour Spanish-language radio station. Testimonials by several people claiming they have been cured were featured in the La GranD radio ad, which led listeners to believe that they had been cured by Rodríguez-González.
The criminal complaint states that at least 20 victims paid Rodríguez-González more than $50,000. Police suspected, he might have been paid up to $100,000, but other victims had been reluctant to come forward.
In this particular case, El Conquistador Newspaper took the lead in exposing Rodríguez-González in order to inform and protect the public about his scam. It was the right and ethical thing to do, as we are doing in Loyo’s case.
Political Group Formed To Advocate For Immigrant’s Rights
Political Group Formed To Advocate For Immigrant’s Rights
Salas to head newly formed advocacy group along with Torres, and Neumann-Ortiz
By H. Nelson Goodson
El Conquistador Newspaper
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
September 19, 2008
Milwaukee- A political group called Voces de la Frontera Action C-4 (VDLFActionC4) held their first fund-raising event in the south side. VDLFActionC4, is the newly formed advocacy arm of Voces de la Frontera. It will be a first for the new organization, a separate entity from Voces de la Frontera, which has more freedom under tax laws to take an active role in lobbying, as well as being able to endorse candidates that best support immigrant rights.
Voces de la Frontera Action is a 501C-4 organization with a mission to fight for the rights of low-wage and immigrant workers, according to its mission statement at the $50.00 event held at the United Community Center on Monday night. The group is spearheaded by Primitivo Torres, Jesus Salas, and Christine Neumann-Ortiz. Neumann-Ortiz proudly said at the event that “VDLFActionC4 brought more than 170 voters to the polls which helped re-elect state Representative Pedro Colón.”
VDLFActionC4 endorsed State Representative Pedro Colón (WI-Dem.), U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-Dem.), for re-election in the Primary September 9th election, and U.S. Senator Barack Obama (IL-Dem.) for President in the November Presidential election. Colón won re-election in the 8th Assembly District by more than 50%, easily defeating challengers Laura Manriquez, and Jose Guzman.
Torres is a current Board member of Voces de la Frontera a non-profit organization, and has been involved in the last two previous years consecutive immigrant marches that have drawn more than 200,000 people from throughout Wisconsin advocating for a fair comprehensive immigration reform bill. Salas is well known for his late 1960’s and early 1970’s leadership role in the takeover of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
In 1970, Salas led the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) takeover of the UWM chancellor’s office and campus. On August 27, 1970, Salas along with Marla O. Anderson, Gregorio (Goyo) Rivera, José Luis Huerta-Sánchez, and Dante Navarro were arrested for trying to change the discriminatory policy that kept thousands of Hispanics from getting a college degree. Salas and about 500 educational demonstrators succeeded in the takeover and now thousands of Latinos in Wisconsin have graduated from the UW system. It also open the door of education in public and private colleges throughout the state for minorities such as Afro-Americans, Native Americans, Asians, low income White students, and students of Arabic descent. They remain open today! Salas was one of 12 Latino students enrolled at UWM in 1970 compared to 25,000 White students attending the university.
Salas was appointed to the Board of Regent of the University of Wisconsin System by Governor Jim Doyle in 2003. But Salas resigned as a regent in protest in November of 2007. In resigning Salas cited Gov. Doyle’s failure to support in-state tuition status for children of undocumented immigrants, even though, their families are paying state taxes just like everyone else. Salas also cited a lack of support and previous policies that were implemented to hurt Hispanics, low income children, and banning driver licenses for undocumented immigrants by Governor Doyle. However, Salas as a regent is credited for passing a UW policy that would consider undocumented students residing in Wisconsin to be considered for in-state tuition when applying in the UW System.
Neumann-Ortiz is the founding Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera a non-profit organization, which is the primary advocacy group including a low-wage and immigrant workers center with chapters in Milwaukee and Racine, Wisconsin, including a student chapter called Students United for Immigrant Rights with members from 3 high schools. Voces de la Frontera is increasingly recognized as Wisconsin’s leading voice for immigration reform.
Voces de la Frontera Action C-4 will be solely funded by individual contributions to help fund and promote a fair comprehensive immigration reform bill, and immigrant rights. Contributions to Voces de la Frontera Action are not tax-deductible, according to Neumann-Ortiz.
Salas to head newly formed advocacy group along with Torres, and Neumann-Ortiz
By H. Nelson Goodson
El Conquistador Newspaper
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
September 19, 2008
Milwaukee- A political group called Voces de la Frontera Action C-4 (VDLFActionC4) held their first fund-raising event in the south side. VDLFActionC4, is the newly formed advocacy arm of Voces de la Frontera. It will be a first for the new organization, a separate entity from Voces de la Frontera, which has more freedom under tax laws to take an active role in lobbying, as well as being able to endorse candidates that best support immigrant rights.
Voces de la Frontera Action is a 501C-4 organization with a mission to fight for the rights of low-wage and immigrant workers, according to its mission statement at the $50.00 event held at the United Community Center on Monday night. The group is spearheaded by Primitivo Torres, Jesus Salas, and Christine Neumann-Ortiz. Neumann-Ortiz proudly said at the event that “VDLFActionC4 brought more than 170 voters to the polls which helped re-elect state Representative Pedro Colón.”
VDLFActionC4 endorsed State Representative Pedro Colón (WI-Dem.), U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-Dem.), for re-election in the Primary September 9th election, and U.S. Senator Barack Obama (IL-Dem.) for President in the November Presidential election. Colón won re-election in the 8th Assembly District by more than 50%, easily defeating challengers Laura Manriquez, and Jose Guzman.
Torres is a current Board member of Voces de la Frontera a non-profit organization, and has been involved in the last two previous years consecutive immigrant marches that have drawn more than 200,000 people from throughout Wisconsin advocating for a fair comprehensive immigration reform bill. Salas is well known for his late 1960’s and early 1970’s leadership role in the takeover of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
In 1970, Salas led the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) takeover of the UWM chancellor’s office and campus. On August 27, 1970, Salas along with Marla O. Anderson, Gregorio (Goyo) Rivera, José Luis Huerta-Sánchez, and Dante Navarro were arrested for trying to change the discriminatory policy that kept thousands of Hispanics from getting a college degree. Salas and about 500 educational demonstrators succeeded in the takeover and now thousands of Latinos in Wisconsin have graduated from the UW system. It also open the door of education in public and private colleges throughout the state for minorities such as Afro-Americans, Native Americans, Asians, low income White students, and students of Arabic descent. They remain open today! Salas was one of 12 Latino students enrolled at UWM in 1970 compared to 25,000 White students attending the university.
Salas was appointed to the Board of Regent of the University of Wisconsin System by Governor Jim Doyle in 2003. But Salas resigned as a regent in protest in November of 2007. In resigning Salas cited Gov. Doyle’s failure to support in-state tuition status for children of undocumented immigrants, even though, their families are paying state taxes just like everyone else. Salas also cited a lack of support and previous policies that were implemented to hurt Hispanics, low income children, and banning driver licenses for undocumented immigrants by Governor Doyle. However, Salas as a regent is credited for passing a UW policy that would consider undocumented students residing in Wisconsin to be considered for in-state tuition when applying in the UW System.
Neumann-Ortiz is the founding Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera a non-profit organization, which is the primary advocacy group including a low-wage and immigrant workers center with chapters in Milwaukee and Racine, Wisconsin, including a student chapter called Students United for Immigrant Rights with members from 3 high schools. Voces de la Frontera is increasingly recognized as Wisconsin’s leading voice for immigration reform.
Voces de la Frontera Action C-4 will be solely funded by individual contributions to help fund and promote a fair comprehensive immigration reform bill, and immigrant rights. Contributions to Voces de la Frontera Action are not tax-deductible, according to Neumann-Ortiz.
Cancelada la Venta de Licencias de Manejar de Cuatro Estados de México
Cancelada la Venta de Licencias de Manejar de Cuatro Estados de México
Casa de Esperanza Amenaza con Demanda Legal en Contra de Voces de la Frontera
Por H. Nelson Goodson
El períodico Conquistador
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215 U.S.A.
2 de octubre del 2008
Waukesha- La semana pasada Anselmo Villarreal, el director ejecutivo de La Casa de Esperanza, decidió cancelar la iniciativa Global Search de vender licencias de manejar de cuatro estados mexicanos en el edificio de la agencia no lucrativa. El miércoles Villarreal dijo que su desición de cancelar el evento poco después de que comenzó fue para evitar cualquier tipo de controversia y posibles problemas legales que pudieran surgir debido al evento. El admitió que la agencia recibió un comunicado de prensa de Voces de la Frontera alegando que el administrativo del negocio Credenciales USA estaba involucrado en el evento junto con Jorge Carrasco Delgado de Global Search de México, S.A. de C.V. la cual opera Licencias Mexicanas en California.
Global Search había vendido seis licencias en las instalaciones cuando Villarreal intervino y le pidió a Carrasco Delgado de Licencias Mexicanas que les devolviera el dinero a sus clientes y detuviera las operaciones de la venta de licencias. Villarreal también dijo que Credenciales USA y Hugo Loyo Cobos (miembro del Instituto Mexicano de el Extranjero 2006-2008), quien actualmente se encuentra bajo investigación por vender identificaciones y licencias de manejar internacionales sin validez, no estaba involucrado con la venta de licencias mexicanas.
Global Search ha gastado al menos $2,500 en publicidad en Telemundo TV63 y en La GranD 104.7 FM, de acuerdo con Villarreal. La compañía recibió parte del dinero invertido de la Casa de Esperanza, de acuerdo con Villarreal.
Villarreal admitió que Carrasco Delgado le demostró con copias del acuerdo legal establecido entre los cuatro estados mexicanos y Global Search. Las licencias son sólo válidas en México, dijo Villarreal. Cuando se le preguntó a Villarreal bajo ¿cuál ley de los Estados Unidos y tratado de Gobierno se le permitía a los estados individuales mexicanos el contratar empresas privadas para vender sus licencias en los Estados Unidos y excluir al gobierno mexicano de su aprobación y monitoreo?, él contestó que le pediría al abogado de la agencia que investigara.
Villarreal ahora está demandando a Voces de la Frontera que se retracte de sus alegaciones de que se estaba promoviendo fraude en La Casa de Esperanza por Loyo y Carrasco Delgado. También Villarreal amenazó de una demanda legal en contra de Voces de la Frontera si éstos se negaran a hacerlo.
El pasado viernes Voces de la Frontera de Milwaukee envió un comunicado de prensa alegando que Loyo de Credenciales USA estaba involucrado en un nuevo fraude de licencias mexicanas en La Casa de Esperanza en Waukesha. Loyo está actualmente bajo investigación por la oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Milwaukee y el Departamento de Agricultura de Wisconsin, Protección al Consumidor por la venta de identificaciones y permisos de conducir internacionales sin validez a inmigrantes indocumentados. Credenciales USA fue expuesto por los esfuerzos de organizaciones del sur de Milwaukee, incluyendo Voces de la Frontera, Southside Organizing Committee, Mitchell Bank, US Bank, Lincoln State Bank, Landmark Credit Union, y el periódico El Conquistador. Lincoln State Bank fue adquirido recientemente por Harris Bank.
Los ciudadanos mexicanos fueron invitados mediante publicidad en Telemundo TV 63 y La GranD para atender el evento de tres días de duración en La Casa de Esperanza, en el 410 Arcadia Ave., organizado por Carrasco Delgado, el cual ofrecía licencias de los estados de Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hidalgo, y Oaxaca por el precio de entre $160 y $180, de acuerdo con Voces de la Frontera.
En el comunicado de prensa Voces de la Frontera alegaba que se le dijo a un miembro de Voces por un representante de Licencias Mexicanas de que Loyo si estaba involucrado con Carrasco Delgado. Durante una junta de la comunidad el pasado 25 de septiembre en Whitewater, Mike Contreras socio del Banco Amex y Credenciales USA admitió publicamente que él y Hugo Loyo Cobos estaban asociados con el evento de vender licencias Mexicanas en la Casa de Esperanza, dijo Jorge Islas Martínez. Los participantes en la junta, fueron el jefe de polícia de Whitewater James Coan, la oficial Zena Virrueta, Christina Neumann-Ortiz, Contreras, y Martinez. El grupo descubrió que los permisos internacional para manejar de Credenciales USA y las licencias Mexicanas de Carassco Delgado no son válidas para conducir en Wisconsin. Martínez el presidente de la organización Sigma America de fines no lucrativos aclaró su participación de llamarle personalmente a la Casa de Esperanza para avisarles del posible fraude de Loyo y licencias Mexicanas.
Voces de la Frontera explica que esos documentos no son válidos para manejar en los Estados Unidos y claramente son un intento para estafar a los inmigrantes que se quedaron sin licencias de manejar después de que el Departamento de Motores y Vehículos de Wisconsin (DMV) cambiara sus reglas en abril del 2007 impidiendo que se les otorgara identificaciones a inmigrantes indocumentados. Licencias Mexicanas es una compañía de California la cual cuenta con dos oficinas, la primera oficina localizada en frente de Plaza México, 3100 E. Imperial Highway en Lynwood, California; y la segunda en el 2661 Florence #F, en Huntington Park, California, de acuerdo con en la internet. La información en la página de internet explica que una combinación de más de 40,000 licencias de los estados antes mencionados han sido vendidas en los Estados Unidos de América dando un promedio de ganancias brutas de más de 6 millones de dólares en ganancias desde que se establecieron. Las licencias mexicanas han sido vendidas en los siguientes estados: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Nuevo México, Nevada, Nueva Jersey y Texas, de acuerdo con Licencias Mexicanas.
Licencias Mexicanas opera sin la ayuda del Gobierno Mexicano o sus Consulados los cuales operan en el país bajo tratados de acuerdos con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Licencias Mexicanas dice que la compañía tiene un acuerdo con Gobernadores Mexicanos y autoridades de los cuatro estados mexicanos para vender licencias sólo a ciudadanos mexicanos de sus estados. Sin embargo, no mencionan ningún acuerdo entre México y Estados Unidos permitiendo que estados, actuando independientemente, como Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hidalgo y Oaxaca vendan legalmente esas licencias en el país sin la aprobación del gobierno mexicano y/o americano. Licencias Mexicanas tampoco menciona si están autorizados a recibir información vital referente a sus clientes que solo se otorga a las agencias gubernamentales de México. No se aplican exámenes escritos ni de manejo para obtener este tipo de licencias mexicanas en los Estados Unidos. Una licencia de Veracruz es válida por tres años y por dos años las licencias de Aguascalientes, Hidalgo y Oaxaca, de acuerdo con la página de internet
Este tipo de licencias mexicanas no son válidas para manejar o para identificarse en los Estados Unidos si las personas que las portan no se encuentran en el país legalmente, ésto de acuerdo con el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional e Inmigración.
Casa de Esperanza Amenaza con Demanda Legal en Contra de Voces de la Frontera
Por H. Nelson Goodson
El períodico Conquistador
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215 U.S.A.
2 de octubre del 2008
Waukesha- La semana pasada Anselmo Villarreal, el director ejecutivo de La Casa de Esperanza, decidió cancelar la iniciativa Global Search de vender licencias de manejar de cuatro estados mexicanos en el edificio de la agencia no lucrativa. El miércoles Villarreal dijo que su desición de cancelar el evento poco después de que comenzó fue para evitar cualquier tipo de controversia y posibles problemas legales que pudieran surgir debido al evento. El admitió que la agencia recibió un comunicado de prensa de Voces de la Frontera alegando que el administrativo del negocio Credenciales USA estaba involucrado en el evento junto con Jorge Carrasco Delgado de Global Search de México, S.A. de C.V. la cual opera Licencias Mexicanas en California.
Global Search había vendido seis licencias en las instalaciones cuando Villarreal intervino y le pidió a Carrasco Delgado de Licencias Mexicanas que les devolviera el dinero a sus clientes y detuviera las operaciones de la venta de licencias. Villarreal también dijo que Credenciales USA y Hugo Loyo Cobos (miembro del Instituto Mexicano de el Extranjero 2006-2008), quien actualmente se encuentra bajo investigación por vender identificaciones y licencias de manejar internacionales sin validez, no estaba involucrado con la venta de licencias mexicanas.
Global Search ha gastado al menos $2,500 en publicidad en Telemundo TV63 y en La GranD 104.7 FM, de acuerdo con Villarreal. La compañía recibió parte del dinero invertido de la Casa de Esperanza, de acuerdo con Villarreal.
Villarreal admitió que Carrasco Delgado le demostró con copias del acuerdo legal establecido entre los cuatro estados mexicanos y Global Search. Las licencias son sólo válidas en México, dijo Villarreal. Cuando se le preguntó a Villarreal bajo ¿cuál ley de los Estados Unidos y tratado de Gobierno se le permitía a los estados individuales mexicanos el contratar empresas privadas para vender sus licencias en los Estados Unidos y excluir al gobierno mexicano de su aprobación y monitoreo?, él contestó que le pediría al abogado de la agencia que investigara.
Villarreal ahora está demandando a Voces de la Frontera que se retracte de sus alegaciones de que se estaba promoviendo fraude en La Casa de Esperanza por Loyo y Carrasco Delgado. También Villarreal amenazó de una demanda legal en contra de Voces de la Frontera si éstos se negaran a hacerlo.
El pasado viernes Voces de la Frontera de Milwaukee envió un comunicado de prensa alegando que Loyo de Credenciales USA estaba involucrado en un nuevo fraude de licencias mexicanas en La Casa de Esperanza en Waukesha. Loyo está actualmente bajo investigación por la oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Milwaukee y el Departamento de Agricultura de Wisconsin, Protección al Consumidor por la venta de identificaciones y permisos de conducir internacionales sin validez a inmigrantes indocumentados. Credenciales USA fue expuesto por los esfuerzos de organizaciones del sur de Milwaukee, incluyendo Voces de la Frontera, Southside Organizing Committee, Mitchell Bank, US Bank, Lincoln State Bank, Landmark Credit Union, y el periódico El Conquistador. Lincoln State Bank fue adquirido recientemente por Harris Bank.
Los ciudadanos mexicanos fueron invitados mediante publicidad en Telemundo TV 63 y La GranD para atender el evento de tres días de duración en La Casa de Esperanza, en el 410 Arcadia Ave., organizado por Carrasco Delgado, el cual ofrecía licencias de los estados de Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hidalgo, y Oaxaca por el precio de entre $160 y $180, de acuerdo con Voces de la Frontera.
En el comunicado de prensa Voces de la Frontera alegaba que se le dijo a un miembro de Voces por un representante de Licencias Mexicanas de que Loyo si estaba involucrado con Carrasco Delgado. Durante una junta de la comunidad el pasado 25 de septiembre en Whitewater, Mike Contreras socio del Banco Amex y Credenciales USA admitió publicamente que él y Hugo Loyo Cobos estaban asociados con el evento de vender licencias Mexicanas en la Casa de Esperanza, dijo Jorge Islas Martínez. Los participantes en la junta, fueron el jefe de polícia de Whitewater James Coan, la oficial Zena Virrueta, Christina Neumann-Ortiz, Contreras, y Martinez. El grupo descubrió que los permisos internacional para manejar de Credenciales USA y las licencias Mexicanas de Carassco Delgado no son válidas para conducir en Wisconsin. Martínez el presidente de la organización Sigma America de fines no lucrativos aclaró su participación de llamarle personalmente a la Casa de Esperanza para avisarles del posible fraude de Loyo y licencias Mexicanas.
Voces de la Frontera explica que esos documentos no son válidos para manejar en los Estados Unidos y claramente son un intento para estafar a los inmigrantes que se quedaron sin licencias de manejar después de que el Departamento de Motores y Vehículos de Wisconsin (DMV) cambiara sus reglas en abril del 2007 impidiendo que se les otorgara identificaciones a inmigrantes indocumentados. Licencias Mexicanas es una compañía de California la cual cuenta con dos oficinas, la primera oficina localizada en frente de Plaza México, 3100 E. Imperial Highway en Lynwood, California; y la segunda en el 2661 Florence #F, en Huntington Park, California, de acuerdo con en la internet. La información en la página de internet explica que una combinación de más de 40,000 licencias de los estados antes mencionados han sido vendidas en los Estados Unidos de América dando un promedio de ganancias brutas de más de 6 millones de dólares en ganancias desde que se establecieron. Las licencias mexicanas han sido vendidas en los siguientes estados: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Nuevo México, Nevada, Nueva Jersey y Texas, de acuerdo con Licencias Mexicanas.
Licencias Mexicanas opera sin la ayuda del Gobierno Mexicano o sus Consulados los cuales operan en el país bajo tratados de acuerdos con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Licencias Mexicanas dice que la compañía tiene un acuerdo con Gobernadores Mexicanos y autoridades de los cuatro estados mexicanos para vender licencias sólo a ciudadanos mexicanos de sus estados. Sin embargo, no mencionan ningún acuerdo entre México y Estados Unidos permitiendo que estados, actuando independientemente, como Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hidalgo y Oaxaca vendan legalmente esas licencias en el país sin la aprobación del gobierno mexicano y/o americano. Licencias Mexicanas tampoco menciona si están autorizados a recibir información vital referente a sus clientes que solo se otorga a las agencias gubernamentales de México. No se aplican exámenes escritos ni de manejo para obtener este tipo de licencias mexicanas en los Estados Unidos. Una licencia de Veracruz es válida por tres años y por dos años las licencias de Aguascalientes, Hidalgo y Oaxaca, de acuerdo con la página de internet
Este tipo de licencias mexicanas no son válidas para manejar o para identificarse en los Estados Unidos si las personas que las portan no se encuentran en el país legalmente, ésto de acuerdo con el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional e Inmigración.
Sale Of Licenses From Four Mexican States Cancelled
Sale Of Licenses From Four Mexican States Cancelled
Casa de Esperanza threatens legal action against Voces de la Frontera
By H. Nelson Goodson
El Conquistador Newspaper
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
October 2, 2008
Waukesha- Last weekend, Anselmo Villareal, the Executive Director of La Casa de Esperanza decided to cancel the Global Search initiative to sell driver licenses from four Mexican states in the non-profit facility. On Wednesday, Villareal said his decision to cancel the event shortly after it began was to avoid any controversy and any legal problems that would arise from the event. He admitted the agency received a press release from Voces de la Frontera alleging that the business operator of Credenciales USA was involved in the event along with Jorge Carassco Delgado from Global Search de México, S.A. de C.V. which operates Licencias Mexicanas (Mexican Licenses) in California.
Global Search had just sold six licenses in the facilities when Villareal intervene and requested Carassco Delgado of Licencias Mexicanas to refund the clients and stop the operation of selling licenses. Villareal also said that Credenciales USA and Hugo Loyo Cobos (member of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad 2006-2008) who is currently under investigation for selling worthless identification cards and international driving permits was not involved in last weekend sale of Mexican licenses.
Global Search had spent at least $2,500 in advertising in both Telemundo TV 63 and La GranD 104.7 FM radio, according to Villareal. The company was reimbursed part of the money by Casa de Esperanza, according to Villareal.
Villareal admitted that Carassco Delgado had provided him copies of the legal agreements entered between the four Mexican states and Global Search. The licenses are only good in Mexico, says Villareal. When Villareal was asked, Under which U.S. law and government treaty agreement would allow individual Mexican states to contract a private business to sell their licenses in the U.S. and exclude any Mexican government approval and oversight? Villareal responded that he would get the agency lawyers to look into it.
Villareal is now demanding for Voces de la Frontera to retract their allegations that a scam was being conducted at La Casa de Esperanza by Loyo, and Carassco Delgado. He has also threaten legal action against Voces de la Frontera, if they fail to do a retraction, according to Villareal.
Last Friday, Voces de la Frontera from Milwaukee sent out a press release claiming Loyo of Credenciales USA was involved in a new Mexican license scam in Waukesha at La Casa de Esperanza. Loyo is currently under investigation by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for selling worthless identification cards and international driving permits to undocumented immigrants. Credenciales USA was exposed by a coalition of south side Milwaukee organizations, including Voces de la Frontera, Southside Organizing Committee, Mitchell Bank, US Bank, Lincoln State Bank, Landmark Credit Union, and El Conquistador newspaper. Lincoln State Bank was recently bought by Harris Bank.
Mexican citizens were invited through advertising ads in Telemundo TV 63 and La GranD radio to attend the Waukesha three day event at the Casa de Esperanza, 410 Arcadian Ave., organized by Carrasco Delgado, which offered licenses from the states of Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hildago and Oaxaca for a price between $160.00 and $180.00, according to Voces de la Frontera.
In the press release Voces de la Frontera alleged that a member of Voces was told by a representative of Licencias Mexicanas that Loyo was indeed connected with Carrasco Delgado. During a community meeting on September 25 in Whitewater, Wisconsin, Mike Contreras from Banco Amex and Credenciales USA publicly admitted that he was at the meeting representing Hugo Loyo and that indeed they were both connected with the weekend event that offered driver licenses from four Mexican states at La Casa de Esperanza in Waukesha, says Jorge Islas Martinez. The following people were present during the meeting, Whitewater Police Chief James Coan, Officer Zena Virrueta, Christina Neumann-Ortiz, Contreras, and Martinez. The group discovered the international driving permits by Credenciales USA and the licenses being offered by Carassco Delgado were invalid. Martinez the President of Sigma America a non-profit organization says that he called La Casa de Esperanza to warn them of the alleged driver license scam Contreras, Loyo and Carassaco Delgado were involved with.
Voces de la Frontera claims these documents do not provide any entitlement to drive in the United States, and are clearly an attempt to cash in on immigrants left without a license to drive after the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) regulations changed in April 2007 barring the DMV from issuing driver licenses and ID’s to undocumented immigrants.
Licencias Mexicanas is a California based company which has two offices, the first office is located in front of Plaza Mexico, 3100 E. Imperial Highway in Lynwood, California, and the second office is at 2661 Florence, # F, Huntington Park, California, according to on the internet. Information on the web page states a combine of more than 40,000 licenses from the previously mentioned Mexican states have been sold in the United States of America averaging a gross total of more than 6 million dollars in taxable earnings so far since it was established. The Mexican licenses have been sold in the following states Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New Mexico, Nevada, New Jersey, and Texas, according to Licencias Mexicanas.
Licencias Mexicanas operates without the aid of the Mexican Government or its Mexican Consulates operating in the country under treaty agreements with the U.S. government. Licencias Mexicanas states the company has an agreement with Mexican governors and authorities from the four Mexican states to sell licenses only to Mexican citizens from their states. However, it fails to mention any Mexico and U.S.A. treaty agreement allowing individual states like Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hildago and Oaxaca to legally sell those licenses in the country without the Mexican government and U.S. government approval. Also, Licencias Mexicanas failed to mention, if they are authorized to receive vital information concerning its clients regarding information only afforded to Mexican government agencies. No road or written tests are required to get these type of Mexican licenses in the U.S. A license from Veracruz is valid for three years, and two years for Aguascalientes, Hildago and Oaxaca, according to
These type of Mexican licenses are invalid for driving or for identification in the U.S., if the person carrying the license is in the country illegally, according to the United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Casa de Esperanza threatens legal action against Voces de la Frontera
By H. Nelson Goodson
El Conquistador Newspaper
3206 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
October 2, 2008
Waukesha- Last weekend, Anselmo Villareal, the Executive Director of La Casa de Esperanza decided to cancel the Global Search initiative to sell driver licenses from four Mexican states in the non-profit facility. On Wednesday, Villareal said his decision to cancel the event shortly after it began was to avoid any controversy and any legal problems that would arise from the event. He admitted the agency received a press release from Voces de la Frontera alleging that the business operator of Credenciales USA was involved in the event along with Jorge Carassco Delgado from Global Search de México, S.A. de C.V. which operates Licencias Mexicanas (Mexican Licenses) in California.
Global Search had just sold six licenses in the facilities when Villareal intervene and requested Carassco Delgado of Licencias Mexicanas to refund the clients and stop the operation of selling licenses. Villareal also said that Credenciales USA and Hugo Loyo Cobos (member of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad 2006-2008) who is currently under investigation for selling worthless identification cards and international driving permits was not involved in last weekend sale of Mexican licenses.
Global Search had spent at least $2,500 in advertising in both Telemundo TV 63 and La GranD 104.7 FM radio, according to Villareal. The company was reimbursed part of the money by Casa de Esperanza, according to Villareal.
Villareal admitted that Carassco Delgado had provided him copies of the legal agreements entered between the four Mexican states and Global Search. The licenses are only good in Mexico, says Villareal. When Villareal was asked, Under which U.S. law and government treaty agreement would allow individual Mexican states to contract a private business to sell their licenses in the U.S. and exclude any Mexican government approval and oversight? Villareal responded that he would get the agency lawyers to look into it.
Villareal is now demanding for Voces de la Frontera to retract their allegations that a scam was being conducted at La Casa de Esperanza by Loyo, and Carassco Delgado. He has also threaten legal action against Voces de la Frontera, if they fail to do a retraction, according to Villareal.
Last Friday, Voces de la Frontera from Milwaukee sent out a press release claiming Loyo of Credenciales USA was involved in a new Mexican license scam in Waukesha at La Casa de Esperanza. Loyo is currently under investigation by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for selling worthless identification cards and international driving permits to undocumented immigrants. Credenciales USA was exposed by a coalition of south side Milwaukee organizations, including Voces de la Frontera, Southside Organizing Committee, Mitchell Bank, US Bank, Lincoln State Bank, Landmark Credit Union, and El Conquistador newspaper. Lincoln State Bank was recently bought by Harris Bank.
Mexican citizens were invited through advertising ads in Telemundo TV 63 and La GranD radio to attend the Waukesha three day event at the Casa de Esperanza, 410 Arcadian Ave., organized by Carrasco Delgado, which offered licenses from the states of Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hildago and Oaxaca for a price between $160.00 and $180.00, according to Voces de la Frontera.
In the press release Voces de la Frontera alleged that a member of Voces was told by a representative of Licencias Mexicanas that Loyo was indeed connected with Carrasco Delgado. During a community meeting on September 25 in Whitewater, Wisconsin, Mike Contreras from Banco Amex and Credenciales USA publicly admitted that he was at the meeting representing Hugo Loyo and that indeed they were both connected with the weekend event that offered driver licenses from four Mexican states at La Casa de Esperanza in Waukesha, says Jorge Islas Martinez. The following people were present during the meeting, Whitewater Police Chief James Coan, Officer Zena Virrueta, Christina Neumann-Ortiz, Contreras, and Martinez. The group discovered the international driving permits by Credenciales USA and the licenses being offered by Carassco Delgado were invalid. Martinez the President of Sigma America a non-profit organization says that he called La Casa de Esperanza to warn them of the alleged driver license scam Contreras, Loyo and Carassaco Delgado were involved with.
Voces de la Frontera claims these documents do not provide any entitlement to drive in the United States, and are clearly an attempt to cash in on immigrants left without a license to drive after the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) regulations changed in April 2007 barring the DMV from issuing driver licenses and ID’s to undocumented immigrants.
Licencias Mexicanas is a California based company which has two offices, the first office is located in front of Plaza Mexico, 3100 E. Imperial Highway in Lynwood, California, and the second office is at 2661 Florence, # F, Huntington Park, California, according to on the internet. Information on the web page states a combine of more than 40,000 licenses from the previously mentioned Mexican states have been sold in the United States of America averaging a gross total of more than 6 million dollars in taxable earnings so far since it was established. The Mexican licenses have been sold in the following states Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New Mexico, Nevada, New Jersey, and Texas, according to Licencias Mexicanas.
Licencias Mexicanas operates without the aid of the Mexican Government or its Mexican Consulates operating in the country under treaty agreements with the U.S. government. Licencias Mexicanas states the company has an agreement with Mexican governors and authorities from the four Mexican states to sell licenses only to Mexican citizens from their states. However, it fails to mention any Mexico and U.S.A. treaty agreement allowing individual states like Veracruz, Aguascalientes, Hildago and Oaxaca to legally sell those licenses in the country without the Mexican government and U.S. government approval. Also, Licencias Mexicanas failed to mention, if they are authorized to receive vital information concerning its clients regarding information only afforded to Mexican government agencies. No road or written tests are required to get these type of Mexican licenses in the U.S. A license from Veracruz is valid for three years, and two years for Aguascalientes, Hildago and Oaxaca, according to
These type of Mexican licenses are invalid for driving or for identification in the U.S., if the person carrying the license is in the country illegally, according to the United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.